
Imperial family of ship-Karano

'31 Of Ōjin.
autumn. August.
Homutawake told his subjects.
"Imperial family of ship-ship name Karano is the ship that I got from the Izu countries.
Karano no longer be used in decayed.
However long, Karano was working as the Imperial Family of the ship.
Achievement of Karano must not forget.
Not likes to promote itself as the place where the name of the Karano, wonder no way to convey to future generations? "
Vassal received a command.
Vassal will instruct the bureaucracy, it was to Maki the ship material Karano.
Vassal made a salt.
500 basket of salt was able.
Vassal gave salt to countries.
Countries made a ship in it.
Countries gave the ship all at once.
All of the ship was gathered in Muko Port.
Ship a total of 500 boats gathered.
In this case, the messenger of the Silla of tribute was staying in Muko.
From where the Silla of the ship had been anchored, was a misfire.
Fire was fire spread to the collected ship.
Many of the ship was destroyed.
Vassal blamed the Silla people.
Silla king was surprised afraid to hear it.
Silla king gave the immediately superior shipwright.
This is the ancestor of Inabe.
Vassal when he made the first to bake Karano and salt, there were many burned the rest.
Vassal thought suspicious no longer fit burning.
Vassal presented him to Homutawake.
Homutawake am suspicious, made a harp.
The sound rang, I heard far.
At this time, Homutawake's poem a song.

Karanuwo, Shihoniyaki, Shigaamari, Kotonitsukuri, Kakihikuya, Yuranotono, reindeer Lee Clinic, Furetatsu, Nazunokino, Sayasaya.

Meaning: Karano baked in order to make the salt, make a koto in the remainder, it was played.
Sound in the harbor of the sea of stone of Yura has touched. It is astir even trees that are immersed in the sea.


Tyranny of Mokumanchi.

'25 Of Ōjin.
He died Tokiou of Baekje.
Knyszyn of the child has become the king immediately.
Knyszyn was young.
Mokumanchi had done the political affairs of the country.
Mokumanchi was in love with the king's mother.
Mokumanchi was very rude is often.
Homutawake was summoned to hear it.

------Baekje Symbol tell.
Mokumanchi is a person such as the following.
Mokurakonshi was subdue the Silla.
The child was born and married Silla of a woman at that time.
Mokumanchi was dedicated to Mimana thanks to the achievements of his father.
Mokumanchi came to Baekje, came back to go to Japan.
Mokumanchi was given the rank of the Yamato court.
Mokumanchi was carried out with state affairs of Baekje.
Mokumanchi has a monopoly on power.
But Homutawake heard the tyranny, was summoned Mokumanchi.

'28 Of Ōjin. autumn. September.
The king of Goryeo is sent a messenger, and tribute.
Messenger conveyed the personal letter.
"Koryo of the king teach in Japan."
Ujiwakiiratsuko of Prince read a personal letter, was angry.
Ujiwakiiratsuko accused messengers of Goryeo.
Ujiwakiiratsuko because the contents of the personal letter is rude, broke a personal letter.


Homutawake gives millet country to relatives of Mitomowake.

autumn. September 6.
Homutawake was hunting in Awaji Island.
This island lying on the sea.
It is in the west of Namba.
Mingled contains the Takeshi and shore, is followed by the hills and valleys.
Trees grow well fragrant grass, water is swiftly flowing.
Elk and duck and geese there were a lot.
So Homutawake Take Kosi, often I went on the hunt.
Homutawake went to Kibi from Awaji, hunted in Azukishima.

10 days.
Homutawake was moved to Ashimori palace grouper.
At that time, Mitomowake came.
Mitomowake was serving a brother descendants of Mitomowake as cook.
Homutawake saw how the Mitomowake to serve carefully, rejoiced.
Homutawake is by dividing the Kibinokuni, was ruled by children of Mitomowake.秋。9月6日。
Homutawake gave to Inahayawake the eldest son of the Kawashima Agata.
Inahayawake is the ancestor of Shimotsumichiomi.
Then I gave Kamitsumichiagata to Nakatsuhiko of second son.
Nakatsuhiko is the ancestor of Kamitsumichiomi and Kayaomi.
Then we gave Minoagata to Otohiko.
Otohiko is the ancestor of Minoomi.
Also, it gave Hakuginogata to Kamowake.
Kamowake is the younger brother of Mitomowake.
Kamowake is the ancestor of Kasaomi.
The Sonoagata it gave to Urakoriwake.
Urakoriwake is the brother of Mitomowake.
Urakoriwake is the ancestor of Sonoomi.
The Hatoribe gave Ehime.
Their descendants are now millet countries.
This is the beginning.

Poem that I think Ehime

summer. April.
Ehime had departed from Otsu (port number).
Homutawake the emperor in residence in Takadono, he saw off the Ehime ship.
Homutawake made a poem.

Awadjishima, Iyafutanarabi, Azukishima, Iyafutanarabi, you sure key Shimashima, Takata Saleh Ara lethal, Kibinaruimowo, Ahimitsurumono.

Awaji Island Metropolitan Shodoshima are arranged two.
I island are lined up two you want drop.
My opponent was who leave?
The left gone to was in love with the dear people of millet.


Nostalgia in Ehime

'22 Of Ōjin. spring. March 5.
Homutawake went to Namba, remained in Osumi palace.
14 days.
Homutawake climbed on a hill, saw the far away.
Beside the Homutawake is look around, Princess Ehime had snuggled.
Ehime is look towards the west, it was very grief.
Ehime is the sister of Mitomowake.
Mitomowake is the ancestor of the clan millet.
Homutawake asked Ehime.
"What are you lamenting?"
Ehime replied.
"In recent years, I think miss the parents.
If you look towards the west, it will lament with nature.
I have a request.
For a while and returned to home, please let me visit the parent. "
Homutawake was happy that feeling in Ehime is strong.
And he said.
Do not look at the "parents, it has passed already many years.
Heart I think I want to go home is the course. "
  Homutawake was granted immediately wish.
Homutawake I called 80 people the fishermen of Mihara of Awaji.
Homutawake sent a fisherman as a sailor in the millet.

Atinoomi is returned.

'20 Of Ōjin. autumn. September.
Achinoomi has brought his family of Tsukanoomi and 17 prefectures, they came back to the Yamato.
Achinoomi is the ancestor of the YamatoAya clan.
Tsukanoomi is the son of Achinoomi.


Gift of Kuzuhito

'19 Of Ōjin. winter. October 1.
Homutawake went to Yoshino Palace.
At that time, Kuzuhito came.
Kuzuhito was gift Kozake the Emperor.
Kuzuhito the poem a poem.

Kashinofuni, Yokusuwotsukuri, Yokusuni, Kameruohomiki, Umarani, Kikoshimochiwose, Marogachi.

Meaning: oak tree is growing. Let's create a mortar. Let's drink delicious wine made with the mortar, my father.

Kuzuhito the poem is finished, it becomes on his back, he laughed hits the mouth.
On the day that now Kuzuhito is sending a souvenir, they read the poem, it is an old relic laugh banging immediately mouth.
Personality of Kuzuhito is naive.
And eat always take the nuts of the mountain, ate delicious boiled frog.
The thing you have boiled frog said that Momi.
The land is located in the southeast of Yamato.
And separated by a mountain, it is located on top of the Yoshino River.
Peak is steep valley deep.
The road is narrow in high places.
So it is not far from the Yamato, but that Kuzuhito come to court was rare.
But after this, Kuzuhito often came to court.
Kuzuhito is sent a souvenir.
Souvenir of Kuzuhito was the chestnuts and mushrooms and Ayu like.