
Empress Jingu worship three gods.

Mikami Sumiyoshi was served in the Empress Army (Uwatsutsunoo and Nakatsutsunoo and Sokotsutsunoo) told Empress.
"Please worshiped our Aratama Yamada village of Anat."
Tamomi Sukune told Empress.
"Let's decide the land you want to stay God."
Empress was built a shrine in the Homutachi to Shinto priest Yamada village of Anat.
Tamomi Sukune is an ancestor of Mr. Nagato, is the ancestor of Homutachi clan, is the ancestor of Tsumori clan.

To subdue the Silla. Another tradition.

Japanese soldiers captured the Silla king.
Japanese soldiers were hauled Silla king to sea.
Japanese soldiers unplug the bones of the knee of the Silla king, the Silla king was on his belly on top of the stone.
Then, Japanese soldiers were cut neck of Silla king.
And it was buried in the sand.
The one man he was appointed administrative officer of Shilla resident.
Leaving the government officials, and the rest returned.
Then, Silla king's wife was trying to regain the corpse of her husband.
However, Silla king's wife does not know the location.
Silla king's wife was tempted administrative officer.
"When you tell where you buried the king of the dead, I will you a thick thanks. I will be your wife."
Administrative officer was trust the lie of the wife of the Silla king.
Administrative officer taught the location where buried wife of Silla king.
Silla people and the wife of Silla the king was killed government officials.
It was further buried in other places to dig the Silla king's corpse.
At that time, it laid the corpses of government officials under the king's coffin.
Silla king's wife said.
"Precious person and lowly persons of the order is something like this."
Emperor to hear this story, was furious.
Emperor tried to destroy Silla dispatched a large corps.
Warship was full of Silla sea.
Silla people was fear at the sight.
Silla people apologized killed the wife of the king.

Empress Jingu was conquest Silla. Other lore.

According to one theory, when Tarashinakatuhiko (Chuuai Emperor) came to Kashii palace, God has possessed in UtsuhikoKunihikoMatsuyatane.
UtsuhikoKunihikoMatsuyatane is the ancestor Saba Agata.
God taught to Tarashinakatuhiko (Chuuai emperor).
"If, So if you want to get the country's treasure, I will bestow."
God said to continue.
"You can bring a koto, please present this to the Empress."
In accordance with the word of God, Empress was playing the harp.
When the Empress is to play the harp, God was spirit possession to the Empress.
God said.
"Now, the country you want is something like a deer in the corner.
There is no content in the country.
Now, please dedicate a ship that you ride, paddy Ana store arrest Hitachi has gift to you (Ohta).
If Matsure me carefully, such as the beauty of the eyebrow, a lot of gold and silver, the eyes shining country, it will bestow on you. "
Tarashinakatuhiko (Chuuai Emperor) said to God.
"Even God, please do not deceive me.
Where there is a country?
In addition, if you provide a boat that I ride, it eliminates the ship that I ride.
And I do not know what may God you.
Please tell me whether your name. "
God answered.
"We are Uwatsutsunoo and Nakatsutsunoo and Sokotsutsunoo."
And it continued.
"I am suck Gay Omo Oso Hof Germany flea Tama Haya support Novoli."
Tarashinakatuhiko (Chuuai Emperor) said the Empress.
"I say that hard you listen.
Why I say Sanobori. "
God told Tarashinakatuhiko (Chuuai emperor).
"So if you do not believe, the country can not be obtained.
However now, Empress is pregnant.
Prince would get the country. "
That night, Tarashinakatuhiko (Chuuai emperor) was sudden death.
Empress was enshrined as God has taught.
Empress was subdue the Silla was dressed as a man.
God led the Empress.
Waves carrying the fleet, penetrated to within the Silla country.
Urusohorichika of Silla king greeted the empress by rubbing his head on the ground.
And Urusohorichika told Empress as it is attitude.
"I will be dependent territory of emperor future, which in Japan.
I make the tribute without extinct. "


Empress Jingu triumphal.

Jingu feedback Empress to Tsukushi.

A vassal said to kill Silla king.
Empress said to this person.
"The teachings of God, be gifted the country of gold and silver.
Killing those who are offered to surrender should not be. "
Okinagatarashihime will solve the rope of Silla the king, it was to tame horses.
Okinagatarashihime entered the Silla country.
Okinagatarashihime, it sealed treasure of containing elephants, was confiscated maps and family register.
Okinagatarashihime was piercing the pike that had to Silla the king's gate.
Okinagatarashihime was it to sign to posterity.
The pike are now also stuck to the Silla king's gate.
Hasamukin of Silla the king was sent to Japan Mishikochihatorikanki as hostage.
Hasamukin together with the Mishikochihatorikanki, the ship was fill with gold, silver, colored-twill-La (silk) Khatri silk (solid-woven silk fabric).
Eighty ship ship loaded with treasure.
Ship loaded with treasure, was carried out according to the warship to Japan.
Thus, thereafter, Silla king put the gift to eighty ship, which send it to Japan.
King of Goryeo Metropolitan Baekje heard the state of Silla.
King of Goryeo Metropolitan Baekje knew that Silla has been confiscated maps and family register.
The enlightenment and Koryo Metropolitan king of Baekje can not win, it was lowered a head to get out of the camp.
And it said.
"In the future many years to come, it is not scarecrow gifts as west of vassal state."
Okinagatarashihime opened a government office in Korea Metropolitan Baekje.
Koryo Metropolitan Baekje and Silla is the three Han.
Okinagatarashihime returned from Silla.
December 14.
Okinagatarashihime gave birth in Tsukushi.
Child is Homutawake.
At the time of the person named Yeah's location as Umi.


Silla king to surrender.

Empress Jingu landed in Korea.

9 years of Chuuai. Winter. October 3.
Empress army was starting the Minato of Wani.
At that time, the god of the wind can cause a tailwind, the wave of God Press the ship in waves, the sea of ​​big fish helped the ship.
The wind blows favorable wind, sailing ship was sent to the waves.
The ship arrived in Silla without a rudder or paddle.
When the ship arrives, waves carrying the ship, went up in the Silla country.
This is because gods of heaven and earth has been helping to Empress army.
Silla king was horror.
Silla king did not do anything.
Silla king said to his servants.
"Since Silla founding, it is not you heard that the sea water has been up to in the country.
Luck has run out.
Country might become the sea. "
While the word does not end, warship of Empress army full of sea, flag won the day.
The sound of the Japanese army of drum and fife was sounded in the mountains and rivers.
Silla king was watching the situation.
Kyohei is I lost fear and are trying to destroy the Silla.
Silla king remained was stunned as fainted.
Silla king was barely noticed.
And it said.
There is the kingdom of God in the "east.
Its name seems to say Japan.
King Seong is cages, it says the emperor.
I'm sure it would be God soldiers of the country.
You can not fight by maintenance troops. "
Silla king surrendered by raising the white flag.
Silla king tied with white string, it was caught.
ShinRa-o was sealed map or family register.
ShinRa-o was taken down in front of the Empress of the ship.
And Silla king said.
"I will forever obedience future.
I will be to tame the horse.
Send not Tayasa the tribute by boat.
In spring and autumn you gift a brush and whip made with the horse.
Even if there is no request from the Empress, I will gift the men and women of slavery every year. "
Silla the king was said to swear.
"East of the Sun was not able to come out to the west.
The water of the river Arinare backflow, as long as the river of stone does not become the star climbing to heaven, it is not Tayashi the spring and autumn of tribute.
It does not neglect the tribute of brush and whip.
If I fail, I will be punitive to the gods of heaven and earth.


Sending troops to Silla. Inspirational of Okinagatarashihime.

9 years of Chuuai. Autumn. September 10.
Okinagatarashihime was instructed to collect the ship to countries.
Okinagatarashihime were trained soldiers.
At this time, the infantry was difficult to gather.
Okinagatarashihime said.
"This would be the will of God."
Okinagatarashihime is erected Oomiwa shrine, it was dedicated the sword and pike.
Then infantry gathered in nature.
Okinagatarashihime were dispatched to the west of the sea in Ahenoamaomaro.
Okinagatarashihime was investigating the presence of the country in Ahenoamaomaro.
Ahenoamaomaro to return, it reported.
"Country is not visible."
Okinagatarashihime dispatched Uminchu (Ninja) of Shika Island.
And it came back after a few days.
"There is a mountain in the northwest of direction, you lying clouds.
I'm sure you'll be there is a country. "
Okinagatarashihime is to listen to the report, was divined a lucky day.
Fortune-telling of the result, Empress of the military there was a number of days until the departure.
Okinagatarashihime is in the hands of their own ax ax, was word of command in the army.
"Encourage the morale disturbed sound of requiem, when the army of the flag is disturbed, the military is not Seiwa, and devour the goods, and I think that it want things, there is regret in private affairs.
In such a case, it will be captured by the enemy.
Do not underestimate be less enemy.
The enemy should not be more or crushed.
It does not allow you to perpetrate sexual violence.
Do not kill a person to own surrender.
If you win the fight, there is always reward.
I will punish those who run to escape. "
In addition, there is the teaching of God, Okinagatarashihime said.
"Ikimitama is to protect the life of the king, Aramitama will lead the warship as a spearhead."
Okinagatarashihime it received the teachings of God, to worship, I made a bowed.
Okinagatarashihime was the Yosaminoabikootarumi to Shinto priest of the festival.
Chance this time, it became a full-term of Okinagatarashihime.
Okinagatarashihime is picked up the stone, scissors to the waist, prayed.
"To be changed the day after the end of the war, I want you born here."
Now, the stone is on the banks of Tsukushi Province Ito District of the road.
Okinagatarashihime was the spearhead of the warship Asked invited Aramitama.
Okinagatarashihime was the Ikimitama the patron of the warship.


Jingu Empress of determination.

Okinagatarashihime knew that the revelation of God is correct.
Okinagatarashihime was further dedicated to the gods.
Okinagatarashihime was going to try to subdue the west on their own.
Okinagatarashihime decided God of fields.
The water of Nakagawa and I think that it tries to put on God's field, to make a waterway.
Okinagatarashihime made until the hill of Todoroki, but I was blocked by a large rock.
Okinagatarashihime no longer passed, the waterway.
Okinagatarashihime have called Takenouchi Sukune.
Okinagatarashihime devoted the heavens and the mirror to the gods in Takenouchi Sukune, is prayer, was instructed to pass the waterway.
When the Takenouchi Sukune is prayer to the gods, suddenly it began violently thunder.
Lightning can hit the big rock, I was shattered.
Waterway has passed.
At the time of the people, said the waterway and the groove of Sakuta.

Okinagatarashihime went back to Kashii palace.
Okinagatarashihime will unwind the hair, face-to-face to the sea.
"I received the teachings of the gods, relying the spirits of the Imperial Family, cross the blue waters, I will try to subdue their own west of the country.
For that purpose, it will pour water on his head.
If as long as there is a miracle, so my hair will by itself divided into two. "
Okinagatarashihime enters the sea, it poured seawater on the head.
Hair was divided into two.
Okinagatarashihime was comb-out the hair divided respectively.
Okinagatarashihime was a hair in Mizura (hairstyle of men).
Okinagatarashihime told vassal.
"Caused the army, it is a country of big deal to move the people.
Or safety or danger.
Success or failure.
Everything depends on here.
Now, there are countries which have to subdue.
We leave this country to civilian.
If you fail sin if is in the civilian.
This thing exceedingly painful.
I am a woman, it is immature.
However, for a while, it will be the appearance of a man.
It makes a valiant plan by force.

Above the top of the spirit of the gods, below with the help of servants, and cause troops, over the high waves, and established a fleet, challenge to the country's treasure.
If if this fight is successful, achievement lies with the vassal.
If it fails, it is the sin of their own.
I have already prepared for this.
Please consult with everyone. "
Cassin said everyone.
"Empress is planning to be the stable condition the foundation for the nation.
Empress is broken, do not sin comes to the vassal.
Respectfully heard the instruction. "

Fishing fortune-telling.

Summer. April 3.
Okinagatarashihime arrived in Matsuura Prefecture of Hizen Province.
We had dinner at the banks of the creek of Tamashima village.
Okinagatarashihime made a hook by bending the needle.
Okinagatarashihime was put your rice grains to hook.
Okinagatarashihime is in the fishing line the thread of their clothes, were tied to the needle.
Okinagatarashihime climbed to stone creek, hung a fishing line in the river.
Okinagatarashihime was divined the divine.
"I want a country of treasure in the west of direction.
If if is to succeed, the fish of the river would eat the hook. "
Okinagatarashihime was pulling up the fishing line from the river.
Ayu was hanging on the hook.
Okinagatarashihime said.
"It's rare fish"
At that time people listen to it, it was named the land and Mezura countries.
Now, call it Matsuura, it is because dull.
Since then, when the country of woman will be in early April, and hanging a fishing line into the river, take the ayu.
The customs is also constant stream now.
However, man is not able to obtain even fished ayu.

Jingu Empress(Okinagatarashihime) of Kumaso subdue.

After that, there was a revolt of Kumaso.
Okinagatarashihime dispatched Kamonowake.
Kamonowake is the ancestor of the clan millet.
Rebellion of Kumaso was settled naturally.

Hashirokumawashi was there to Notorita village.
Hashirokumawashi was tough.
Hashirokumawashi has wings, it flew in the sky.
Hashirokumawashi without submission to the court, always it stole the people.

The 17th
Okinagatarashihime was moved from Kashii Palace in order to subdue the Kumawashi to Matsuo Palace.
At that time, suddenly fierce wind blew.
Shade of Okinagatarashihime was blown away.
At the time of the person the sight, it was named the land and Mikasa.

The 20th.
Okinagatarashihime was marched to Sosokino.
Okinagatarashihime troops killed Hashirokumawashi.
Okinagatarashihime told people who were on the side.
"I became a restful mind killing Kumawashi."
The land it was named Anne that reason.

Okinagatarashihime went to Yamato Prefecture.
Okinagatarashihime killed Taburatsuhime of Tsuchigumo.
Taburatsuhime brother (Natsuha) had to prepare for the interception.
But Natsuha fled know that my sister was killed.


Empress Jingu is enshrined God.

Okinagatarashihime is the daughter of Okinaga Sukune.
Okinaga Sukune is the great-grandson of Emperor Kaika.
Mother of Okinagatarashihime is Katsuragi Takanuka-hime.
Okinagatarashihime became Empress two years of Chuuai emperor.
Okinagatarashihime was a bright, intelligence from the infant.
Okinagatarashihime the appearance also was beautiful.
Father of this for Okinagatarashihime is that there was many to wonder.

9 years of Chuuai emperor. Spring. February.
Okinagatarashihime husband Tatashinakatsuhiko (Chuuai) emperor died in Kashii temple of Tsukushi.
Okinagatarashihime it regretted that the husband died young in order that did not believe in the revelation of God.
Okinagatarashihime is looking for a God who cursed her husband, she tried to find a country with a treasure.
Okinagatarashihime is commanded vassal and officials, and atonement for sins, was revised mistakes.
Furthermore, Okinagatarashihime was made Oyamada village the Saiku.

March 1.
Okinagatarashihime enters the Itsukinomiya to choose a lucky day, it became a Shinto priest.
Okinagatarashihime was playing the harp in Takenouchi Sukune.
Okinagatarashihime is (to hear the oracle, the person to solve the meaning) is Saniwa the Nakatomi Ikatsuomi was in.
Okinagatarashihime is stacked numerous high Heihaku the (Heihaku) to koto head and koto of the tail, was petition.
"The other day, who is the God that was revealed to the Emperor?
Please tell me the name. "
It has passed the 7th celebration of a child's seventh day.
At that time God answered.
"I'm in the house of Isuzu of Watarai Prefecture of Ise country.
My name is Tsukisakaki itsuno Mitama Amasakaru Mukatsu Hime. "
Okinagatarashihime were also questions.
"Do you stay in your other still God?"
God answered.
"I am a God who is millet County Akatafushi of Oda."
Okinagatarashihime were also questions.
"Do you stay in your other still God?"
God answered.
"Ameni is Kotoshiro Sorani Kotoshiro Tamakushi Iribiko Itunokotoshiro."
Okinagatarashihime were also questions.
"Do you still stay"
Previous God answered.
The "do not know whether or not there"
Finally I did not still say that there is a God.
Okinagatarashihime can hear the voice of God, it was enshrined remains of revelation.


Death of Tarashinakatsuhiko.

9 years of Chuuai. Spring. February 5.
Tarashinakatsuhiko fell ill suddenly.
And it was the next day died.
It was a 52-year-old.
Tarashinakatsuhiko because did not adopt the revelation of God, he died early.
Empress and Takenouchi Sukune hid the emperor's death.
It did not announced to the public.
Empress told Takenouchi Sukune and Nakatomi Ikatsu and Oomiwao otomonushi and Monobe ikui and Otomo Takemotsu.
"Now, public of people do not know that the dead Tarashinakatsuhiko emperor.
If I people are aware of the death of Tarashinakatsuhiko emperor, might be mind loose. "
Empress was commanded to protect the court to four ministers.
Four ministers defended the royal court in the Man Mo all the officials.
Empress was placed in the coffin confidential to Tarashinakatsuhiko emperor of bodies.
Empress was allowed the bodies to Takenouchi Sukune.
Takenouchi Sukune were transferred to Anat bodies by ship.
Takenouchi Sukune was carried out tentative funeral without a light in the torch in Toyoura Palace.

Takenouchi Sukune Minister returns from Anat, was reported to the empress.
This year there was a Silla military campaigns.
Funeral Tarashinakatsuhiko was not carried out.

God is revelation to Tarashinakatsuhiko.

Autumn. September 5.
Tarashinakatsuhiko consulted the Kumaso subdue the vassal.
Just around that time, there God descended to the Empress, he said the oracle.
"Why, Tarashinakatsuhiko emperor or does the worry that kumaso is not submission.
Kumaso of land are thin and rough.
There is no value to subdue in the fight.
Fertile country with a treasure than kumaso of land.
For example, there is a country that looks to the sea like the eyebrow of the virgin.
There are a lot of dazzling gold and silver and color.
This is the is the Takubusuma Silla.
If I worshiped me enough, without wetting the sword with blood, Shilla would obedience.
In addition, Kumaso also will obedience.
When prayer is, please to the offerings of the emperor of the ship and the rice paddies.
Name of rice paddies is Ota.
(rice paddies, Homutachi is held out to the emperor.)
(Homutachi is the Secretary of Anat.)"

Tarashinakatsuhiko heard the voice of God.
But Tarashinakatsuhiko doubted.
Therefore, Tarashinakatsuhiko climbed a high mountain.
And Tarashinakatsuhiko looked a distant ocean.
Sea and spacious, the country did not appear.
Tarashinakatsuhiko said to God.
"I've been looking around.
But the country does not have, it is only the sea.
Why is there is a country in the void.
Where God do you deceive me with mischief?
The former emperor of my ancestors have worshiped a number of gods.
Should there is no remaining God that is not enshrined. "
God also said through the Empress.
"Like a shadow reflected in the water, the countries that look down, What is that there is no country.
You to slander my words.
So if you do not run to say in this way, you will not keep the country.
However, Empress is harboring a child.
Its children and will be able to obtain the country. "
Tarashinakatsuhiko I did not believe.
Tarashinakatsuhiko was the Kumaso subdue.
However, Tarashinakatsuhiko did not win.

Gift from Itote.

Itote heard that Tarashinakatsuhiko emperor comes.
Itote is the ancestor of the Most Prefecture Secretary of Tsukushi.
Itote was pulled uprooted Kenki (evergreen, tree sanctuary).
Itote stood the Kenki the prow of a ship.
Itote is multiplied by the jewels of Yasakani the branches above, is multiplied by the white bronze mirror on a branch in the middle, multiplied by ten handful of sword in the branches below.
Itote greeted Tarashinakatsuhiko emperor in Hikishima of Anat.
And Itote told Tarashinakatsuhiko emperor.
There is a reason that "I want to present them.
As jewels of Yasakani is bent, we want you well ruled the world in Tarashinakatsuhiko emperor.
Also I want you to go to clearly see the mountains and rivers and the ocean as white bronze mirror.
I want to pacified the world hung ten handful of sword.
We've put these wishes. "
Tarashinakatsuhiko was praised Itote.
Tarashinakatsuhiko said.
At the time of the people was called iso country the home country of Itote.
I intended to say now because iso was dull.

Tarashinakatsuhiko arrived in Kashihi Palace of Naga Prefecture.


The Emperor and Empress will go the way of the sea.

Eight years of Chuuai. Spring. January 4.
Tarashinakatsuhiko arrived in Tsukushi.
Wani was to prepare for the welcome.
Wani is the ancestor of the Secretary of Oka Agata.
Wani began digging uprooted a large Sakaki.
Wani was fitted with Sakaki to the bow of the big ship.
Wani is the branch of the above, it was attached Masumi mirror (white bronze mirror).
Wani in the middle branch, was attached ten grip sword.
Wani is the branch of the lower, it gave a Yasakani (large jewels).
Wani was welcomed at the port of Saba of Suo the Tarashinakatsuhiko.
Wani held out the region to take the fish and salt to Tarashinakatsuhiko emperor.
Tarashinakatsuhiko told Wani.
"Shun Minato up Mukatsu Roh giant wading east of Anat, Shun Nagoya giant wading west Minato, is in a box, separated the line of Yuan Li Island and Aheno Island, taking the Kunijima, to the area on the ground to take the fish .
We want to the region to take the salt sea of ​​Sakami. "
Wani is to guide the way of the sea Tarashinakatsuhiko, the Tour of the Yamaka cape, arrived in Okuura.
However, the ship was stuck at the entrance of Minato.
Tarashinakatsuhiko asked Wani.
"Wani has a pure heart.
Why ship will not proceed? "
Wani replied.
"The ship does not proceed is not my sin.
Men and women of God will stay at the entrance of the bay.
Wolf is Ookuranushi.
Goddess is Tsuburahime.
I'm sure it will be the impact of this Futagami of mind. "
Tarashinakatsuhiko was prayer.
Tarashinakatsuhiko was enshrined by the Igahiko to Shinto priest.
Igahiko is a person of Uda of Yamato.
Igahiko is the helmsman of this ship.
Then the ship was moving.
Empress was riding on another ship.
Empress came from Kuki sea, the tide is pulling ship was stuck.
Wani was about to enter the Empress and once back.
However, Wani saw does not move Empress of the ship.
Wani was afraid to figure angry Empress.
Wani made a fish pond and bird pond in a hurry.
Wani was shown to the Empress by collecting fish and birds.
Empress saw the fish and birds, Empress of anger subsided.
Tide is full, Empress of the ship was moving.
Empress of the ship was anchored in Okatsu.

Empress Jingu was starting.

Two years of Chuuai. March 15.
Tarashinakatsuhiko was traveling Nankaido.
At this time, the vassals was the Lord and Empress were not accompanied.
Was to be according to the Tarashinakatsuhiko, 2 ~ 3 people vassals and officials were only several hundred.
Tarashinakatsuhiko stayed in Tokorotsu Palace of Kii Province.
This time Kumaso was a rebellion.
Kumaso did not pay the goods of tax.
Tarashinakatsuhiko ordered the Kumaso subdue.
Tarashinakatsuhiko will depart Tokorotsuno temple, I went to Anat by boat.
Tarashinakatsuhiko was issued a messenger before starting Tsuruga.
Tarashinakatsuhiko told the Empress.
"Please, starting from right there in the harbor.
Let's meet in the Anat. "

Summer. June 10.
Tarashinakatsuhiko Been to Toyuratsu.
Empress is starting Tsuruga, it came to Nuta Minato.
Empress was a meal on board.
At this time, the red sea bream were gathered around a lot of ships.
Empress is poured down the liquor to red sea bream.
Red sea bream floated drunk on sake.
Fisherman's willing to give a lot of fish.
Fisherman said.
"King Seong (Empress) is it's the fish that gave me."
The fish is, when it comes to June, so drunk lifted.
It this is the origin.

Autumn. July 5.
Empress stayed arrived in Toyuratsu.
On this day, the Empress was picked up a ball of Ruyi from the sea.
Jade Ruyi was has been said that whatever wishes come true.

Taranakatsuhiko lived and built a Palace to Anat.
This it called the Anatotoyoura Palace.


Tarashinakatsuhiko is remember the Yamato Takeru.

Leap year, November 4.
Swan has been gift four birds from Koshi Province.
Officials carrying the swans stayed on the banks of the Uji River.
Sea lion Mika Mami Wake (abbreviation: Kamamiwake) found the swan.
Kamamiwake I heard officials.
"Do bring the swan to where to?"
Officials answered.
"Emperor has yearning to his father.
So I am going to try to breed swans.
Therefore to me you gift this swan. "
Kamamiwake said.
"Swan also will turn black if burnt."
And Kamamiwake took away a swan.
Officials reported the incident to Tarashinakatsuhiko emperor.
Tarashinakatsuhiko hated Kamamiwake.
Because Kamamiwake is was that rude to my father.
Tarashinakatsuhiko dispatched soldiers to Kamamiwake.
Soldiers killed Kamamiwake.
Kamamiwake is the half brother of Tarashinakatsuhiko.
At the time of the people said.
"My father is a heavenly people, older brother's emperor.
Kamamiwake is despised the heavens, rebelled against the emperor.
Sin can not be escaped. "
This year, Otoshi Mizunoesaru.

Two years of Chuuai. Spring. January 11.
Tarashinakatsuhiko was the Okinagatarashihime to Empress.
Tarashinakatsuhiko had to wife Oonakatsuhime before to marry Okinagatarashihime.
Oonakatsuhime is the daughter of Hikohitoooe.
Hikohitoooe is the uncle of Tarashinakatsuhiko.
Oonakatsuhime gave birth to Kagosaka and Oshikuma.
Then Tarashinakatsuhiko was married Otohime.
Otohime is the daughter of Oosakanushi.
Oosakanushi is the ancestor of Kukumata.
Otohime gave birth to Homuyawake.
February 6.
Tarashinakatsuhiko went to Tsuruga.
Tarashinakatsuhiko lived and built a temporary shrine.
This it called the Kehi Miya.
Tarashinakatsuhiko in the month was established under the direct control of the land in Awaji.

Tarashinakatsuhiko to enthroned.

Tarashinakatsuhiko is the second child of Yamato Takeru.
Mother of Tarashinakatsuhiko is Futajiirihime.
Futajiirihime is the daughter of Suinin emperor.
Tarashinakatsuhiko a good-looking, height is 10 feet.
Tarashinakatsuhiko became Crown Prince in '48 of Seimu emperor.
At that time, Tarashinakatsuhiko was 31 years old.
Because the boys did not stay in the children's Wakatarashihiko, Tarashinakatsuhiko became successor.
'60 Of Seimu. Wakatarashihiko (Seimu) dead emperor.
The following year, autumn. September 6.
Tarashinakatsuhiko was buried Wakatarashihiko to Sakinotatanami Tomb.

First year of Chuuai. Spring. January 11.
Tarashinakatsuhiko was enthroned.
Autumn. September 1.
Tarashinakatsuhiko was called Queen Mother Do Takashin the empress mother.
Winter. November 1.
Tarashinakatsuhiko told vassal.
"Before I become a 20-year-old father died.
Father of soul rose to heaven Become a swan.
I have thought that yearning father every day.
So I want to buy a swan to make a pond around the Tomb.
And, I want to comfort the thought that remembering his father while watching the swans. "
Tarashihakatsuhiko ordered to countries so as to send a swan.
Countries of the governor held out his swan to Tarashinakatsuhiko.


The death of Wakatarashihiko.

5 years of Seimu. Autumn. September.
Wakatarashihiko was issued to countries.
Wakatarashihiko sets a Kuni no miyatsuko (governor), was placed Inaki (the Secretary) to the provinces and villages.
Wakatarashihiko gave the shield and spear.
This it was to mark the inauguration.
Wakatarashihiko made the boundaries of the country or province in the mountains and rivers.
Also we made a border village in the vertical and horizontal road.
Wakatarashihiko was defined as the vertical side, the north and south day of the east and west day.
The south side of the mountain shadow surface, the north side of the mountain it was called back.
This people is a peace, it was peaceful and tranquil on the surface.

'48 Of Seimu. March 1.
Wakatarashihiko was the cod Sina Katsuhiko nephew to Prince.
Tara Sina Katsuhiko's son Yamato Takeru.

'60 Of Seimu. Summer. June 11.
Wakatarashihiko died.
It was 107 years old.

Enthronement of Wakatarashihiko.

Wakatarashihiko is the fourth child of Keikou emperor.
Mother of Wakatarashihiko is Yasakairihime.
Yasakairihime is Empress.
Yasakairihime is the daughter of Yasakairihiko.
Wakatarashihiko was appointed crown prince in '46 of keikou.
At that time, Wakatarashihiko was 24 years old.

'60 Of Keikou. Winter. November.
Ootarashihiko (Keikou) emperor died.

First year of Seimu. Spring. January 5.
Wakatarashihiko was enthroned the Emperor.
This year, Tai Sui Kanotohitsuji.

Two years of Seimu. Winter. November 10.
Wakatarashihiko was buried Ootarashihiko the tomb of Yamanohenomichinoue.
Wakatarashihiko was called Empress Dowager honor the former Empress.

Three years of Seimu. Spring. January 7.
Wakatarashihiko appointed Takeshiuchi Sukune to the Minister.
Wakatarashihiko and Takeshiuchi Sukune is born the same day.
Wakatarashihiko was favor the Takeshiuchi Sukune.

Four years of Seimu. Spring. February 1.
Wakatarashihiko said.
"Late emperor was excellent in bright, heroism.
Late emperor went to the imperial throne in heaven of instruction.
Late emperor was followed in heaven will.
Late emperor in accordance with the people.
The late Emperor was subdue the rebels and armed groups.
Late emperor showed correctness.
Virtue of the late emperor covers the people, the way was open naturally.
For this reason, there is no person who does not comply with the late emperor, it was peaceful all persons.
Now, I took over the throne.
I day and night, has been commandments themselves.
But there are those who are wriggling like the insects in the people.
There are those who do not calm.
This is because the Secretary is not settled in the country and county.
Future places the governor in the country and county, to place the Secretary prefecture and villages.
Adopt appointed worthy to each.
These will be a fence to protect the royal castle. "