
divine will fortune-telling of Iwarebiko.

When Shiinetsuhiko and Otoukashi was going to Kaguyama, enemy soldiers were not able to pass through covers the road.
Shiinetsuhiko was divined the divine will.
"My master is the way it is if it is possible to govern this country is opened.
If you can not than would road is closed. "
The end said, two people were starting.
Enemy soldiers laughed a lot by looking at the two.
"It's what a dirty old man married couple."
Enemy soldiers opened the way to say so.
The two men arrived safely Kaguyama.
And it brought back soil.
Iwarebiko rejoiced greatly.
To make a tile-Takujiri (bowl) Itsuhe (sacred sake bottle) in and brought back soil.
Iwarebiko was worshiped gods of heaven and earth to go to Kawakami of Nihu.
Just there was a place where blisters arrive masses to Asahara of Uda River.
Iwarebiko was divined the divine.
"I am now, I will make the candy without water in a lot of flat tiles.
If if it is candy, it will be pacified the world without a weapon. "
Iwarebiko began to build the candy.
It was easily candy is possible.
Iwarebiko also we have divined the divine.
"I am now, I will Shizumeyo the sacred sake bottle in the river of Niu.
If it from flowing fish drunk all without magnitude relation, if flowing floating leaves of Maki, I would surely be pacified the country.
If not, it will not be pacified this country. "
And it sank a bottle.
Then the mouth of the bottle is facing downward.
After a while, it opens a lot of fish lift opening.
Shiinetsuhiko reported the situation to Iwarebiko.
Iwarebiko rejoiced greatly.
Iwarebiko is uprooted digging a lot of Sakaki growing in Kawakami of Niu, it was dedicated to various of God.
From this time, during the rituals, began to sacred sake bottle is placed.
Iwarebiko told Michiomi.
"I myself now, trying to Utsushiiwai the Takamimusubi.
You me to the main ritual.
The main ritual's usually women.
It termed feminine Itsuhime.
Let the bowl of soil that was placed there to Itsuhe.
Itsunokagutsuchi the name of the fire, the name of the water Itsunomitsuhanome, the name of the food Itsunoukanome, Itsunoyamatsuchi the name of the firewood, the name of the grass to the Itsunonodzuchi. "

The Utsushiiwai, that worship to look like a God that can not be seen normally.


Revelation of Amaterasu

September 5.
Iwarebiko looked through the country climbed to Takakurayama of Uda.
Yasotakeru was there to Kunimi hill.
Yasotakeru is placing the woman military Mesaka, place a man army in Osaka, placed the coal burned in Sumisaka.
Place name of Mesaka-Osaka-Sumisaka was named at this time.
The military Eshiki was full to Iware eup.
Bases of the enemy was all stronghold.
This road is closed is easy to pass by road was not.
Iwarebiko hated this state.
That night, Iwarebiko went to bed praying to God.
Amaterasu appeared in a dream.
Amaterasu taught to Iwarebiko.
Please have taken the soil in the shrine of "Amanokaguyama.
Make 80 sheets of flat tiles in the soil.
Please make a bottle the same way put the sacred sake.
Please worshiped the gods of heaven and earth.
Also Do your curse to cleanse themselves.
The enemy will surrender this way. "
Iwarebiko was heard modesty the teachings of dream.
Iwarebiko tried to implement the teachings.
At that time, we were advised Otoukashi.
Yasotakeru of Shiki will stay in the "Yamato country Shiki eup.
Yasotakeru of red steel will stay in Katsuragi-eup.
Now, to make a flat roof tiles taking red clay of Amanokaguyama, let worshiped the gods of heaven and earth.
Then, if you attack the enemy, it would be easy to destroy. "
Iwarebiko I thought the dream is auspicious.
Iwarebiko rejoiced the advised of Otoukashi.
So Iwarebiko was run.
Iwarebiko was in like the old man with the shabby clothes and Minokasa to Shiinetsuhiko.
Iwarebiko was in like the old woman dressed Ki to Otoukashi.
Iwarebiko said.
"You're to go to Kaguyama, please have taken secretly to the top of the soil.
Success or failure of the business, which govern the world is divine in you guys.
Please do firmly.. "

Iwarebiko Yoshino Junko.

After receiving the feast of Otoukashi, Iwarebiko wanted to look at the Yoshino.
Iwarebiko was starting it by pulling the soldiers of loosed from Ukachi eup of Uda.
Iwarebiko got to Yoshino.
Person was there to point with Yoshino.
The man came out of the well.
The man's body is light, tail grew.
Iwarebiko said.
"What are you?"
The person said.
"I country God. The name Ihika."
Ihika the ancestors of Obitora of Yoshino.
Iwarebiko party has advanced further ahead.
People to push aside the rock from the interval of rock came out.
That person also tail grew.
Iwarebiko said.
What are you
The person said.
"I am a child of Iwaoshiwaku."
Iwaoshiwaku the ancestors of Kuzu of Yoshino.
Iwarebiko party proceeded to the west along the river.
A person with a fishing with fish trap was there.
Iwarebiko said.
What are you
The person said.
"I am a child of Niemotsu."
Niemotsu is Ata ancestors of cormorant fishing.
Iwarebiko party has advanced further ahead.
People to push aside the rock from the interval of rock came out.
That person also tail grew.
Iwarebiko said.
What are you
The person said.
"I am a child of Iwaoshiwaku."
Iwaoshiwaku the ancestors of Kuzu of Yoshino.
Iwarebiko party proceeded to the west along the river.
A person with a fishing with fish trap was there.
Iwarebiko said.
What are you
The person said.
"I am a child of Niemotsu."
Niemotsu the ancestors of cormorant fishing of OmoneFutoshi.


Eukashi and Otoukashi.

Autumn. August 2.
Iwarebiko have called Eukashi and Otoukashi.
Eukashi and Otoukashi is a chieftain of the people of Uda.
Otoukashi in accordance with the call.
But Eukashi did not come.
Otoukashi told Iwarebiko.
"Eukashi brother has made a bad plan.
Eukashi is heard Iwarebiko comes, trying to attack led soldiers.
Eukashi it was considered difficult to confrontation to see Iwarebiko army.
Eukashi hide army, to make a temporary palace, we have a trap in.
Eukashi is pretending to hospitality Iwarebiko, You are kill him.
Iwarebiko knew this plan, please do not neglect the preparation. "
Iwarebiko dispatched Michinoomi.
Michinoomi were examined in detail the plan of Eukashi.
Michinoomi was discovered that there was a will of murder in Eukashi.
Michinoomi was furious.
And, Michinoomi was rebuked Eukashi.
"Cowards! Put yourself in a room where you had made!"
Michinoomi is holding a sword, let pulled the bow to the army, was cornered Eukashi.
Eukashi it can not excuse because deceived.
Eukashi is falling into the trap that he had made, was crushed to death.
Michinoomi was salvaged a corpse.
Michinoomi the blood reaches the ankle when kill a corpse.

Therefore, it is referred to the region as Tijara of Uda.
Otoukashi was prepared a lot of meat and liquor.
Otoukashi was entertained Iwarebiko army.
Iwarebiko was imparted to soldiers meat and liquor.
Iwarebiko the poem a song.

"Utanotakakini, Shigiwanaharu, Wagamatsuya, Shigihasayarazu, Isukuhashi, Kudjirasayari, Konamiga, Nakohasaba, Tachisobanomino, Nakekuwo, Kokishihiene, Uhanariga, Nakohasaba, Ichisakakimino, Ohokekuwo, Kokitahiene"

I stretched a trap to take snipes to Takagi of Uda.
When I'm waiting snipes does not take, hawk took.
This is Dairyo.
When you say a full wife Wu prey, and give a lot of places without the buckwheat that lean.
When you say young wife Wu prey, and give a lot of places a lot of the fruit of Sakaki.

This Kumeuta.
Sing this song at the time in a comfortable office, the hand of the spread of how large and small, there is another thickness thinness of voice.
This is a method heritage of old.







Iwarebiko army was about to enter the center of Ashihara Nakatsu country.
However, rugged is in the mountains, there was no way.
Iwarebiko army also can not also be retreat to proceed, it was lost in the mountains.
When you have camp in the mountains, Iwarebiko had a dream.
Amaterasu is told Iwarebiko.
"I send the Yatagarasu from now.
Go in the direction of go of Yatagarasu. "
Iwarebiko woke up.
At that time, Yatagarasu came down from the sky.
Iwarebiko said.
that "this bird come is the same as a dream of revelation.
It's that great.
The thing thriving.
Amaterasu is trying to help our work. "
Yatagarasu was taking off.
Hinoomi and Ookume is chasing Yatagarasu, and over the mountains, was marched by divided down the road.
Hinoomi's military supervisor.
Then the Iwarebiko army was followed.
Finally Iwarebiko army arrived in Shimotsukoori of Uda.
Iwarebiko is a eup arrived named Ukachi eup.
Iwarebiko was praised Hinoomi.
"You're of loyalty and courage.
You led the army.
This is a credit.
I give a new name to you.
This is the new your name. "

Iwarebiko guided to Yatagarasu. Wikimedia Commons


Sword of the Futsunomitama

Iwarebiko was led the army along with the son of Tagishimimi.
Iwarebiko army arrived and marched to the port of Arasaka of Kumano.
Iwarebiko army was annihilated the Tashikitobe (woman of pirates) in Arasaka.
In this case, Kunitsu God (God who was from the original) is spitting miasma, people have withered.
Because of miasma, Iwarebiko army did not rise is achievement.
Iwarebiko army everyone got sick.

People that Takakurasshita lived in Kumano.
Amaterasu and Takemikazuchi had told in a dream Takakurasshita.
Amaterasu said.
"Is also the noisy disturbed Ashihara Nakatsu country.
Takemikazuchi to go, please pacified. "
Takemikazuchi answered.
"Let's send a sword that I have pacified the country without I go.
If you send the sword country would be pacified. "
Amaterasu said.
That's right
Takemikazuchi told Takakurasshita.
"My sword name Futsunomitama.
Now I put in your elephant.
Please pass the Futsunomitama to Iwarebiko. "
Takakurasshita said.
"I was aware of."
Takakurasshita After you told Takemikazuchi, woke up.
The next morning, Takakurasshita in accordance with the dream of revelation.
Takakurasshita opened the inside of the elephant.
Single sword had been stuck in the floor plate of the elephant.
Sheath which has been subjected to a luxurious decoration beside the sword had fallen.
Takakurasshita takes it, was delivered to Iwarebiko.
At that time, Iwarebiko had sound sleep.
But Iwarebiko woke up suddenly when the sword has arrived.
Iwarebiko said.
"I would Why was sleeping so long time."
Soldiers who had been hit in the miasma also woke up.


Death of Itsuse

May 8.
Iwarebiko army arrived in Yamashiro floodgate (Yamashiro Port) of sea of Chinu (Osaka Bay).
When it comes to that time, arrow wounds of Itsuse has deteriorated.
Itsuse wanted terribly painful.
Itsuse it drew his sword, was the cry.
And Itsuse said.
"Unfortunately. Warriors die without retaliation was wounded thief."
People of time, listen to the story, called Yamashiro sluice the (Yamashiro Port) and male floodgates (male port).
Iwarebiko army marched.
Itsuse in Kameyama of Kinokuni died.
Iwarebiko was buried Itsuse in Kameyama.
June 23.
Iwarebiko army arrived in Nakusa eup.
Iwarebiko army was annihilated a woman thief called Nakusatobe.
Iwarebiko army beyond the Sano, arrived in Kumano of Kami eup.
Iwarebiko climbed to heaven Iwatate.
Iwarebiko was marched led the army.
Iwarebiko army was in the storm when crossing the sea.
Warship can not move it at the mercy of the waves.
Inai (brother of Iwarebiko) has lamented.
"My ancestors heaven of God, Mother of God of the sea.
Why give us the difficulties in land and sea. "
Saying that, the stomach went into the sea drew his sword.
Mikeirino (brother of Iwarebiko) was also said that a grudge against.
"My mother and aunt God of the sea.
Nevertheless Why make a wave, and whether drown. "
Mikeirino went to Tokoyonokuni stepping on crest of a wave.

Tokoyonokuni: Soku-no-Kumi and the country of another dead. Also I is said to Taoyuan and immortality of the country. It is said to be in the other side of the sea.

Itsusenomikoto. by Kikuchi Yōsai-Zenken-Kojitsu


Iwarebiko withdrawal.

Summer of the lunar calendar. April 9.
Iwarebiko Army trimmed the soldiers.
Iwarebiko troops headed to Tatsuta on foot.
Road towards the Tatsuta is steep, it was narrow.
The road was about not walk alongside people.
Iwarebiko was thought.
And turned back the army, and was about to enter the destination beyond Mount Ikoma there further to the east.
Patriarch of this fact was centered on Mount Ikoma clan heard.
Chieftain is Nagasunehiko.
And Nagasunehiko told military family.
"Because come the children of the God of heaven to steal our country.
Let blocked by the whole army. "
Nagasunehiko it led the whole army, fought with Iwarebiko army.
Location Kusae slope.
Nagasunehiko military arrow hits the brother of Iwarebiko Itsuse.
Due to hit the arrow to elbow addressed Itsuse, Iwarebiko military morale is I fell of.
Iwarebiko army did not proceed.
Iwarebiko was melancholy thought.
Iwarebiko said.
"I'm Amaterasu of descendants of God of the sun.
However, their now are attacking the enemy toward the sun.
This is against the heaven of the road.
Once you withdraw and it will look better as a weak likely.
The God of heaven, and to worship the God of this country, and burdened the sun on his back, and borrowed the majesty of God of the sun, and trying to attack the enemy.
If in this manner, that without the blade of the sword is stained with blood, the enemy will lose. "
Executives told everyone.
"That is right."
Iwarebiko was notified to the whole army.
"Once stopped, Na proceed from here.
One o'clock I withdraw. "
Iwarebiko army withdrew.
Nagasunehiko army does not chase.
Iwarebiko army turned back in the harbor of Kusaka.
And make a shield to the ground in Kukasa, and sounded out, was to inspire the roar morale.


Eastern conquest departure.

year of winter Iware-biko has declared, October 5th.
Iware-biko yourself standing in vanguard, was kick - off to follow a person of prince and family.
Iware-biko chose sea.
Iware-biko has led the ship army.
It's the beginning of the east conquest.
When the ship army arrives to Hayasuinato (Hōyo Strait), boat has been approached.
Fisherman was riding in the boat.
Iware-biko asked to fishermen.
"Who are you?"
Fisherman replied.
"I am the God of indigenous. Whom Uzuhiko.
It had come to fishing on the coast of Wada.
To hear and come Son of the God of heaven, and came to pick.
Iware-biko asked.
"Are you doing a directions?"
Uzuhiko answered.
"I make the directions."
Iware-biko ordered the crew.
"Use the rod of the vertebral, please help the boarding."
Iware-biko was drawn the Uzuhiko in the ship.
And Hikohohodemi was to Pilotage the Uzuhiko.
Iware-biko gave a name to the Uzuhiko.
New name, Shinetsuhiko.
Ship troops arrived in Tsukushi country Usa.
In other Is the shaking rubra U-satsu princess was there to Usa.
2 people's nation-building of Usa.
2 people to make a "Ashihitotsu rise Palace" on the banks of the river of Usa, was entertained Iware-biko.
Iware-biko was meet the U-satsu princess to Amano Taneko.
U-satsu princess and Amano Taneko was married.

November 9th. Iware-biko arrived in Tsukushi countries of Oka floodgate (OkaMinato).
December 27. Iware-biko is arrived in the country of Aki, stayed in Eno palace.
Following year spring. March 6. Iware-biko arrived at the country of millet.
Stayed to make a temporary palace.
This palace called Takashima.
Iware-biko decided to remain in the temple Takashima three years.
Iware-biko was in preparation period of ships, soldiers, arms and food.
Iware-biko was thought to try pacified the world in one fell swoop.
Spring after three years. February 11th.
Iware-biko Army was starting to east.
Many of the warship had been continuous.
Iware-biko army had been in front of the Namba Saki.
Here there is a fast tide, Iware-biko Army arrived ahead of schedule.
Iware-biko was named this country and Namihaya countries.
It is in the current Namba.
March 10. Iware-biko army runup the river.
Iware-biko Army arrived in the harbor of Shiro-kata in Sean of Kusaka village of Kawauchi countries.


Declaration of Jinmu

Real name of Kamuyamatoiwarebiko I said Hikohohodemi.
It is the same name as his grandfather.
My father Ugayafukiaezu, mother Tamayori-hime.
Mother's daughter of the sea god.
Kamuyamatoiwarebiko smarter from childhood of age, temper had been firmly.
Kamuyamatoiwarebiko became Crown Prince at the age of 15.
Thereafter Ahiratsuhime was his wife.
Ahiratsuhime is Hyuga countries Ata village born.
Child was there for two people.
Name is Tagishimimi.
Kamuyamatoiwarebiko told when 45-year-old.
Kamuyamatoiwarebiko told clan.
"Once upon a time, Takamimusubi and Amaterasu gave this land (Toyoashihara Mizuho countries) to our ancestors Ninigi.
Ninigi pushes open the door of heaven, and walked the trackless road, and run a scout, came to this land.
At this time, the world was a time immemorial.
Still light of God was not enough.
Still in the dark that light is not prudent, Ninigi came to this country go the right way.
And Ninigi was ruled the ends of the earth of this west.
Generations fathers' gods performs good government, has been given the grace to people.
Ninigi becomes too much to 1,752,470 years since descended.
However distant region is not yet over to go is the grace of God.
Patriarch is cages villages, it is fighting to create a border.
Also Shiotsutsunooji are saying.
There is a good land to the east.
It is surrounded by blue mountains.
A person who draw the blood of God came riding in heaven of a ship in there.
Listen to this story, I thought.
The land spread Dae-up, would be good to govern the world.
I'm sure it would be the center of Ashihara Nakatsu country.
Came in heaven ship it's Nigihayahi.
We also try to make the capital to go to the east. "
Various prince said.
And "That is right. We think so, too. Let's run immediately"