
Another theory Amanohihoko came to Japan.

Amanohihoko arrived in Harima of the country by ship.
Amanohihoko was sojourn in the village Shisawa.
Ikume was interrogated Amanohihoko dispatched the Ootomonushi and Nagaoichi.
Ootomonushi is the ancestor of Miwanokimi.
Nagaoichi is the ancestor of the Yamato Noatai.
What are you?
What country are you from? "
Amanohihoko answered.
"I am a child of the Silla king.
I have heard that King Seong was in Japan.
My country has given to the brother of Chico. "
Amanohihoko held out the things that you bring.
Balls of Hahoso, Tama of Ashitaka, Tama testimony of Ukaka, knife of Izushi, Izushi of the spear, a mirror of the Sun, bear Himorogi, Isasa of sword.
A total of eight.
Ikume told Amanohihoko.
Shisawa Village and Awaji Island Idesano village of "Harima country.
Please live to leave your heart in these two villages. "
Amanohihoko said.
"If if than willing to allow my hope, my place to live, I walk around the countries, I want to choose a location that is appropriate to their own mind."
Ikume was permitted.
Amanohihoko aimed at the upstream of the Uji River.
Amanohihoko arrived to Ana village of Omi countries.
Amanohihoko was sojourn to Ana village.
Amanohihoko arrived in Tajima country via the Wakasa country from Omi.
Amanohihoko decided place to live in Tajima Province.
Hazamasuehito living in Kagamimura of Omi country was a servant of Amanohihoko.
Amanohihoko married Izushi village women of Tajima Province.
The name of the woman is Matao.
Matao is the daughter of Futomimi.
Matao gave birth to Tajima Morosuku.
Child of Morosuku is Hinaragi.
Child of Hiranagi is Kiyohiko.
Child of Kiyohiko is Tajimamori.

Silla prince came to Yamato.

Three years of Suinin. Spring. March.
Amanohihoko came to Yamato.
Amanohihoko is a child of the Shilla king.
Amanohihoko Ball one of Hafuto, ball one of Ashitaka, Ball one of the testimony of Ukaka, knife one of Izushi, spear one of Izushi, Sun mirror one, Himorogi a set of bear, seven in total.
Himorogi is a spirit-dwelling object of God down to the extraordinary.
We paid it to the country of Tajima.
It was the Sacred Treasures in the country of Tajima.


Mimana-Silla dispute. Another biography. 2.

Further, in another biography we have reported in the following manner.
Tsunugaarashito when plate in the country, went to the country was saddled with farming tools to fine cattle.
But cattle is gone suddenly.
Tsunugaarashito was followed in the footsteps of cattle.
Footprints of cattle had been stopped at the village.
An old man said.
"Cattle you are you looking for went into this village.
Village officials had to say.
Given from what was carrying a cow, and probably trying to eat killing.
When if comes the owner of the cattle, and try to compensate in other things.
Village officials ate killing cattle.
When you are told what do you look for in a price of cattle, you do not want the property.
I want God you have enshrined in the village.
You say this. "
After a while, the village officials came.
And it said.
"What do you look for in a cow of the price?"
Arashito answered as taught in the old man.
God you have enshrined in the village was a white stone.
Arashito received a white stone as the price of cattle.
Arashito was put it to take away the bedroom.
Stone changed to beautiful women.
Arashito tried very joy, immediately sexual union.
However, when the Arashito was a little distant, beautiful woman fled.
Arashito was surprised.
Arashito asked his wife.
His wife answered.
"I went to the east of direction."
Arashito went to look for.
Arashito went to Japan across the sea.
Beautiful woman who sought got to Namba.
The woman became the God of Himegosono shrine.
That God is enshrined in two places.
The often rape in South Korea is a tradition from around this time.
Woman has fled to Japan in order to escape from rape.


Mimana-Silla dispute. Another biography. 1.

In another biography and it has been reported in the following manner.
Sujin Emperor's reign of events.
Who horns grew on the forehead has been doing a boat.
Who horns grew on the forehead was washed ashore on the beach of Kehi of Koshi Province.
People of the time called Tsunuga in the sense to say that the person who horns grew the land.
Local people asked who grows horns.
"What of you anywhere in the country people?"
Moldy people of horn answered.
"Ka la country of king of the child, the name is Tsunugaarashito.
Aka is Arashito.
Alias ​​is Ushikiarishichikannki.
I came to hear that there are King Seong in Yamato country.
※ Kara is South Korea one region of the current.
When I arrived in Anato (old designation of Nagato country), Itsutsuhiko of the country told me.
"Itsutsuhiko is the king of this country.
It is not the king in his other.
You shall not go to my without permission other regions. "
But I have observed him carefully.
I was determined not to be the king look at his personality.
So I ran away from there.
But I do not know the way.
We were following the island and beach.
I came to this place via the Izumo from the North Sea. "
This time Sujin Emperor has demise.
Therefore it remains there, three years has elapsed serve the Ikume.
Ikume asked Arashito.
"I Do want to go back to your own country?"
Tsunugaarashito answered.
"I want very much return."
Ikume told him.
"If you had come earlier, it would have met the previous emperor.
So please changed the name of your country.
And the top part of the previous emperor's name, please the Mimaki to the name of the country. "
And it bestowed a red silk cloth to Arashito.
And Ikume returned the Arashito to home country.
So he called his country is referred to as a Mimana.
Mimana was changed Mimaki is dull.
The ka la has changed the country because there is your edge.
Arashito was met with red silk that bestowed to hold their own country.
Silla people have heard the story.
Silla people have been doing with soldiers.
Silla people took all of the silk.
Two countries dispute began from here.

Mimana-Silla dispute.

Two years of Shidejin.
This year, of Mimana countries Sonakashichi is, he said want to go back to the country.
To come to Yamato in the reign of Sujin, it had not yet returned.
Ikume was hospitality cordially him.
Ikume was him 100 pieces of red silk cloth to have.
Ikume said.
"Cloth is a gift to the king of Mimana."
Way Sonakashichi the return to the country, Silla people has robbed a gift.
Mimana and Silla dispute began at this time.

Suinin Emperor the reign. Ikume coronation.

Suinin emperor is Ikume-Iribiko-Isachi-no-Sumeramikoto.
Suinin is posthumous name.
Ikume-Iribiko-Isachi-no-Sumeramikoto was called Ikume.
Ikume is the third child of Emperor Sujin.
My mother is Mimakihime.
Mimakihime is the daughter of Oohiko.
Sujin January 1 of the 29 years of the Emperor.
Ikume was born in Mizukaki palace.
Ikume had a firm figure from when you were born.
Prime of life of Ikume is magnanimity was extremely large.
Hereditary disposition is honest, it is without having to decorate, did not have to cry.
Sujin Emperor loved the Ikume.
Sujin emperor was put to always side the Ikume.
When Ikume is 24 years old, it became crown prince in a dream divination.
'68 Of Sujin Emperor. Winter. December.
Sujin Emperor has demise.
First year of Suinin. Spring. January 2.
Ikume was coronation.
Winter. October 11.
Ikume was buried Sujin Emperor tomb of Yamanohenomichinoue.
November 2.
Ikume will honor the former Empress, called the Queen Mother.
This year Mizunoetatsu.
Two years of Suinin. February 9.
Ikume was the Sahohime to Empress.
Sahohime gave birth to Homutsuwake.
Ikume was placed near always love Homutsuwake.
Homutsuwake had issued a word is also increased.
Winter. October.
Ikume made the Imperial Palace in Makimuku.
It was called this Tamaki of the house.


Sujin demise.

62 Of Sujin. Autumn. July 2.
Inie issued a royal command.
"Agriculture's the essence of the country.
It's where you live as fun of people.
Now, in the rice fields of Sayama in Kawachi is less water.
Farmers of each country work has stalled.
Therefore, to spread the livelihood of the people dug a pond and groove. "
Winter. October.
Inie made a Yosami pond.
Inie made a Karisaka pond, Sakaori pond.
'65 Of Sujin. Autumn. July.
Mimana countries been dispatched Sonakashichi, it was tribute.
Mimana is farther away 2000 Sato (8000 kilometers) or more from Chikushi.
Mimana lies in the southwest of Guilin (Shilla) to be separated to the north of the sea.
Inie winter after '68 from the throne, was passed away on December 5.
Age 120 years old.
Following year August 11.
Inie was buried in the tomb of Yamanohenomichinoue.

Sacred Treasures of Izumo.

'60 Of Sujin. Autumn. July 14.
Inie was the decree.
Sacred Treasures that "Takehinateru was brought from heaven are housed in a mansion of Okami Izumo.
I want to see this. "
We were dispatched Takemorosumi.
Takemorosumi is the ancestor of Yatabe.
This era, Sacred Treasures is Izumofurune had managed.
Izumofurune is the ancestor of the Izumo clan.
But Izumofurune was out.
Izumofurune had to go to the country of Tsukushi.
Iiirine has received a royal command instead of Izumofurune.
Iiirine is the younger brother of Izumofurune.
Iiirine is made to have the Sacred Treasures to Umashikarahisa and Ukazukune, sent to Inie.
Umashikarahisa is the younger brother of Takemorosumi.
Ukazukune is a child of Iiirine.
Izumofurune has come from Tsukushi.
Izumofurune heard the circumstances from Iiirine.
Izumofurune was angry to hear that it has held out the Sacred Treasures in court.
Izumofurune blamed Iiirine.
"I should you wait for a few days.
What was afraid?
Why it was easily passing the Sacred Treasures? "
Even after the lapse of a few years from this incident, it did not fit the resentment and anger of Izumofurune.
Izumofurune was going to kill Iiirine.
Izumofurune told deceived his brother.
"Around this time, water plants have overgrown to the edge of the hut.
I want you to look to go together. "
Brother was carried out on the brother.
Izumofurune was making a wooden sword before you lure a younger brother.
The shape of the wooden sword was like a real sword.
Izumofurune is wearing a wooden sword, Iiirine wore a real sword.
To go near the edge, brother told his brother.
"Edge of the water is beautiful.
Let's bathe together. "
Brother according to the brother.
Remove the sword that had been worn, placed on the edge of the abyss, and went into the abyss become naked.
After bathing, brother went up to the land ahead.
older brother is wearing a real sword of Younger brother, he pulled the sword.
Brother went up to the land at a later time, was wearing a sword of older brother in a hurry surprise.
It was decided that to each other sword to each other.
However, Younger brother was not able to pull out the sword.
Sword of older brother was a copy sword made to elaborate on wooden sword.
older brother killed Younger brother.
The people of the time poem.

Yakumotatsu, Izumotakeruga, Hakerutachi, Tsudzurasahamaki, Saminashini, Ahare.
Meaning: Izumo Takeru sword that had been wearing is, had been wrapped in debris. But there is no content. Pathetic.

Umashikarahisa and Ukazukune came to court.
Izumo events I reported to Inie.
Inie dispatched Kibitsuhiko and Takenunakawawake to Izumo.
Kibitsuhiko and Takenunakawawake killed Izumofurune.
Izumo clan fear this incident, while did not enshrined the Ogami of Izumo.
Hikatobe reported in Prince Ikume.
Hikatobe is a person of Hikami Tamba.
"A small child of my place has singing alone.

Stone, such as a ball that is sunk into the water plant.
Genuine stunning mirror worshiping prayer Izumo of people.
Strong, the mirror of good God wield vitality.
Bottom of the treasure.
Lord's treasure.

This is not a child's words.
Or God is you might say to have possessed. "

So Ikume reported to Inie.
Inie did not enshrined the mirror issued a royal command.


Title of Hatsukunishirasusumeramikoto.

'12 Of Sujin. Spring. March 11.
Inie issued a royal command.
"I was able to keep the ancestral mausoleum of the Imperial Family and in the footsteps of the first emperor of the position.
However, there are places that do not reach yet light.
Virtue is there is beyond office.
For this reason, Yin is crazy, is disturbed is cold heat.
Plague occurs, farmers have suffered a disaster.
Them now, and exorcism sin, and changed its mistakes, was honored the God of all excited heaven.
It can also spread the teachings, and soften the rough people, to people who do not surrender was subdue by dispatching soldiers.
So we go out of fashion it is not, also not recluse in those of common people.
Edification is spreads, people are enjoying life.
People of different customs also came.
People around that are also reverence.
From now on, by examining the number of houses and population, it should inform orderly between the elders and the juvenile, the order of division officers, these. "
Autumn. September 16.
Inie for the first time examined the population.
And, Inie was decreed mosquitoes auditors.
This is a man "Yuhazunomitsugi", the woman "Tanaesunomitsugi".
Yuhazunomitsugi is that you pay the wildlife that Shitome in such as bow and arrow as a tax.
Tanaesunomitsugi is that you pay a woven cloth as a tax.
This makes the gods of heaven and earth together peacefully, wind and rain is also just good, all grain was ripe well.
People and goods is satisfied the houses.
Country became peaceful.
People praised the emperor.
People called "Hatsukunishirasusumeramikoto" the Inie.
The Hatsukunishirasu refers that it was the first time governing the country.
The first time of Emperor Sujin tax has been levied.
Sujin Emperor trimmed to first the appearance of as a nation.
'17 Of Sujin. Autumn. July 1.
Inie issued a royal command.
"The ship is one important of world.
Now, it's struggling to carry the tax because the sea of people there is no ship.
And let make a ship commanded the countries of the Secretary. "
Winter. October.
The first time a full-fledged ship was built.
'48 Of Sujin. Spring. January 10.
Inie was encyclicals to Toyoki and Ikume.
"You're two people is cute as the same for both.
Which I'm worried about whether to heir.
Look at the dream respectively.
Let decided to divine a dream. "
Two sons received the instruction.
The two men went to bed praying with bathing.
The two men had a dream.
older brother of Toyoki reported to Inie at dawn.
"I climbed to Mimoroyama.
It was stuck out eight times spear to the east direction.
It shook eight times sword to the sky. "
Little brother of Ikume reported.
"I climbed to the top of the Mimoroyama.
I pull the rope in four directions.
We were driving away the sparrow to eat millet. "
Inie was a dream divination.
Inie told two sons.
"Toyoki was using a weapon toward the east.
It would be good to govern the Dongguk.
Ikume is paying attention to all sides, believes the fruitful.
It would be good to take over my mark. "
April 19.
Inie was the Crown Prince of the Ikume.
Inie ordered the domination of Dongguk to Toyoki.
Toyoki is the ancestor of Kamitsukenonokimi and Shimotukenonokimi.


Unhappy marriage of Yamatototobi-Momosohime.

After Takehani Yasuhiko of rebellion, Momosohime became the wife of Oomononushi.
Oomononushi the daytime is not coming home, it came only during the night.
Momosohime told Oomononushi.
"You always come at night.
I will not be able to see your face.
Please remain long time.
Once in the morning, because I can see your beautiful figure. "
Oomononushi answered.
"It's the most.
I have come into your comb box tomorrow morning.
There is hope.
Please do not be surprised to my form. "
The words of Oomononushi Momosohime thought strange.
Momosohime open the comb box from dawned.
In the comb box it had entered a beautiful small Orochi.
Length and thickness of the Orochi was about just clothes of string.
Momosohime exclaimed in surprise.
Then Oomononushi was ashamed greatly.
Oomononushi became just the human form.
Oomononushi said.
"You could not stand.
I suffered a shame.
Now, I will give the embarrassing appearance to you. "
Oomononushi say so and to fly in the sky, I went back home to Mimoroyama.
Momosohime was regret Allegiance at the sky.
Momosohime sat in place.
However, chopsticks had been erected under the Momosohime.
Momosohime was penetrated the genital to chopsticks.
Momosohime died.
Momosohime was buried in Ooichi.
People of the time, was called chopsticks tomb to see the tomb.
Hashihaka during the day people made, God had made the evening.
The tomb was built to carry the stone of Osakayama.
Continuous with the people from the mountains to the grave, it carried the stone by hand.
People sang.

Oosakani, Tsuginoboreru, Ishimurawo, Tagoshinikosaba, Koshigatemukamo.
Meaning: climbing continuous with people in Osakayama. If Yuke pass a herd of stone by hand, I will able to pass.

Winter. October 1.
Inie issued a royal command.
"Today, we were entirely surrender have been those who have disobeyed.
No problem nothing to Kinki area.
However, Kinki outside the rampage who does not stop the commotion.
Four road Generals please starting right now. "
October 22
Generals was starting.
'11 Of Sujin. Summer. April 28.
Four road Generals reported a state in which pacified the local enemy Inie.
This year, a lot of different folks of people came to Yamato.
Country became restful.


Rebellion of Hanitakeyasuhiko.

'10 Of Sujin. Autumn. September 9.
Inie dispatched Oohiko in Hokuriku.
Inie dispatched Takenunakawawake in Tokai.
Inie dispatched Kibitsuhiko in the West Sea.
Inie is Taniwanomichinushi was dispatched to Tamba.
Inie was edict.
And "If you do not follow the teachings, and kill with the soldiers."
Inie pass a Inju to each.
4 people became generals.
September 27.
Oohiko arrived at the slope of Wani.
One of the girls was in slope of Wani.
The girl was singing.

Mimakiiribikohaya, Onogawowo, Shisemuto, Nusumakushirani, Himenasobisumo.
Meaning: Mimakiiribiko-san, and tried to kill you, without knowing that you are going to take the general, I am playing with a young girl.

Oohiko asked the girl wondering.
"Did you mean what is that you are saying?"
The girl replied.
And "she said the the no is. Only have just singing."
Girl singing once again, suddenly disappeared.
Oohiko was a bad feeling.
Oohiko reported in a hurry turned back Inie.
It was Yamatototobimomosohime purchase aunt of Inie.
Commonly called is Momosohime.
Momosohime was bright, well things prediction.
Momosohime felt ominous omen to the song.
Momosohime told Inie.
"This would be a sign that Takehaniyasuhiko are plotting rebellion.
In I heard talk, Ata princess wife of Takeyasuhiko had come to take the soil of secretly Kogu mountain.
Atahime wrapped soil to Hire (cloth hung on the shoulder from the collar), she went back and muttered.
This is the soil in place of Yamato country.
This is the soil in place of Yamato country.
The word's language of curse.
Rebellion of Takehaniyasuhiko was found.
Inie will take the delay is to be provided as soon as possible. "
Inie was a meeting to collect the generals.
During the meeting, Haniyasuhiko and Ata princess came led the army.
It came in a different route each.
Takehaniyasuhiko from Fortress, Atahime from Oosaka, was trying both to attack the capital.
Inie dispatched Isaserihiko to Ata princess army.
Isaserihiko was subdue the Ata princess forces in Oosaka.
Isaserihiko kills Atahime, was a soldier in the massacre.
Inie dispatched Oohiko and Hikokunibuku to Yamashiro.
Takehaniyasuhiko's ancestors of Wani clan.
Oohiko and Hikokunibuku was subdue Takehaniyasuhiko.
At this time, the Imperial Army fought by placing Iwabe (the bottle to use at the time of the Shinsai) on the of Takesuki slope of Wani.
Imperial Army fought climb to Nara mountain led the elite.
At this time, Imperial Army was stamping a large number gathered plants.
Therefore it called the mountain and Nara mountains.
(Stamping in Japanese Narasu.
It was changed to Nara from Narasu. )
Takehaniyasuhiko troops arrived in Wakara river left the Nara Mountain.
Imperial Army was chasing after.
Across the river Imperial Army and Takehaniyasuhiko troops confronted, and scramble the gin, was committed challenge.
People of the time so it was called "Idomi river" to look at the situation.
(The challenge in the Japanese became Idomi Idomu.Idomu is changed.)
Then Idomi river called accent Izumi river.
Takehaniyasuhiko asked Hikokunibuku.
"For what you have led the army?"
Hikokunibuku answered.
"You were against the heaven.
You were out of the way of people.
You are trying to overturn the throne.
So to subdue you by raising the Gihei.
This is a royal command. "
Ryogun fought that you are a bow to each destination.
First but Takehaniyasuhiko is aimed at Hikokunibuku it did not hit.
Then Hikokunibuku is aimed at the Takehaniyasuhiko.
Arrow Hikokunibuku was hit in the chest of Takehaniyasuhiko.
Takehaniyasuhiko died.
Subordinates of Takehaniyasuhiko had seen the state ran away scared.
Imperial Army was chasing the soldiers fled.
Imperial Army was cornered soldiers fled to the north side of the river.
Imperial Army was cut off more than half of the neck of the soldiers fled.
Corpse was overflowing into the river.
Was called Hafuri its been named the land.
(Hafuri the meaning of the place that was discarded corpse.
Current Housono is the land. )
feces leaking from the hakama with fear when Takehaniyasuhiko soldiers to escape.
So the soldiers fled to throw off the armor.
Soldiers told to put his head on the ground when it sees and not fully escape.
"My lord, please forgive me."
The human when he called tile where took off the armor.
Location that Kusohakama that feces fell from hakama.
(feces is called Kuso in Japanese.
Current Kuzuha is the land. )
In addition, with the head to the earth my lord, such as location of "Agi".


Sujin is enshrine Oomononushi.

5 years of Sujin. August 7.
3 people I reported to Inie saw the same dream.
Members Yamato-tohaya-kamu-asajiharamakuwashi-hime, Oomikuchinosukune, Isenoominokimi.
Oomikuchinosukune is the ancestor of the clan Hozumi.
a dream that three people saw was exactly the same content.
"I had a dream last night.
One of the nobles told me.
Try to main enshrined Oomononushi the Ootataneko.
Try to main enshrined Yamatoookunimitama the Ichishinonagaoshi.
Will always country is stabilized if so.
Nobles told in this manner. "
Inie was pleased more and more to give a word of three people.
Inie looked for Ootataneko told at home and abroad.
I found a Ootataneko in Chinu Prefecture of Sue eup.
Ootataneko was stopped in the middle Kamuasajihara coming to Miyako.
Inie the Kamuasajihara, it had attracted the chiefs of many of the main Lord and today.
Inie asked Ootataneko in front of a large.
"Do you Whose child?"
Ootataneko answered.
"My father Oomononushi, mother Ikutamayorihime.
Suetsumimi is the daughter of. "
Inie said.
"Oh. I will prosper."
Inie was divined or may in the Ikagashikoo to "person to separate those dedicated to God."
Ikagashikoo's ancestral clan Monobe.
Fortune-telling was "good".
Inie was divined that the worship of other gods.
The result it became a "bad".
November 13.
Inie ordered to Ikagashikoo.
Ikagashikoo was the offerings of God festival a lot of flat tiles.
Inie was the main worship Oomononushi the Ootataneko.
Inie was the main worship Ookunimitama the Nagaochi.
Inie was divined or other God worship.
The result was good.
Inie was enshrined separately 800 000 group of God.
Inie decided the people to serve home worshiping the God of heaven, worship the God of the country house, the god of the earth, to God.
Plague by performing these subsided.
Japan has finally subsided.
Five grains is fruitful well, farmers have bustling.
Eight years of Sujin. Summer. April 16.
Inie was appointed to the person to make a drink that dedication to Oomononushi the Ikuhi living in Takahashi eup.
Winter. December 20.
Inie was enshrined the Oomononushi to Ootataneko.
The same day, Ikuhi was delivered sacred sake to Inie.
And Ikuhi the poem.

Konomikiha, Wagamikinarazu, Yamatonasu, Oomononushino, Kamishimiki, Ikuhisa, Ikuhisa.
Meaning: This drink is not a drink I had made. Yamato country is built, it is a drink that Oomononushi was brew. Forever. Forever.

Ikuhi the poem in this manner. And it was carried out banquet in the house of God.
Poem is people with end banquet.

Umazake, Miwanotonono, Asatonimo, Ideteyukana, Miwanotonodowo.
Meaning: I drank a delicious drink. Let's go out to open the door to open the morning of Miwa of the house. The door of the three-wheeled home.

Inie also poem.

Umazake, Miwanotonono, Asatonimo, Oshihirakanete, Miwanotonodowo.
Meaning: I drank a delicious drink. Let's go out and pushes open the door to open the morning of the three-wheeled home. The door of the three-wheeled home.

And I went out to open the house door of God.
Ootataneko is the ancestor of Miwa clan.
9 years of Sujin. Spring. March 15.
God said appeared to dream of Inie.
"Inie, please worshiped the God of Sumisaka in eight and eight red of inconsistencies of red.
Please worshiped the God of Oosaka at eight and black pike eight shield of black. "
April 16.
Inie in accordance with the dream of revelation.
Inie was dedicated to the god of Sumisaka and Oosaka.
'10 Of Sujin. Autumn. July 24.
Inie was a decree to many aristocrats.
Root leading to the "people's edification.
Now, disaster by festival gods have subsided.
However, other countries of the people, people of distant countries, these are not imperial influence.
Therefore, I want to spread my indoctrination by dispatching you reach the square. "