
Death of Izanami

When the fire of God "Kagu-tsuchi" was born, mother Izanami-no-mikoto died wrapped the body in flames. 

Izanagi-no-mikoto is love Izanami-no-mikoto is death, grief, was enraged. 
And, Izanagi-no-mikoto, said the resentment to Kagu-tsuchi. 
"Only for Kagu-tsuchi, I had to sacrifice his beloved wife!" 
Izanagi-no-mikoto is crawling around the corpse of Izanami-no-mikoto, cry, shed tears sadness. 

Tears of the grief has become God. 
Is Nakisawa-no-me-no-mikoto.


Kagu-tsuchi killing.

Izanagi-no-mikoto was enraged. 
Izanagi-no-mikoto was killed off the sword "in Kagu-tsuchi that was hung on the waist. 
Sword of the name ten grip of the sword "Amanoohabari". 

Izanagi-no-mikoto is too much of the anger, the Kagu-tsuchi was divided into three parts. 
Three parts of Kagu-tsuchi became God, respectively. 

Fallen blood from the sword is on the banks of "Amanoyasukawa", a lot of rock was born. 

God was born from the blood that fall from the collar of the sword 
mikahayahi-no-kami was born. Next hihayahi-no-kami was born. 

God was born from the blood that fall from the sword of earlier 
Iwasaku -no-kami, Nesaku -no-kami, is Iwatsutsunoo -no-kami was born. 

God was born from the blood that fall from the sword pommel. 
Kuraokami was born. Next Kurayamatsumi was born. Finally Kuramitsuha was born. 


Susanoo birth.

Next Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth to "Susanoonomikoto".
Susanoonomikoto is, bravely, violently, was brutal.
However, Susanoonomikoto had always barking.
The fear in the voice of Susanoonomikoto, many people died young.
Also the voice, was wither the green mountains.
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto told Susanoonomikoto.
"You're outrageous.
We believe that you will governing the world.
It was a mistake.
We will not allow that you are here.
You go to the country of the dead. "

Susanoonomikoto was expelled.

Susanoo From Wikimedia Commons



Next Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth to "Hiruko".
Hiruko was not able to stand even after the lapse of three years.
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto was consulted.
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto, you can put the Hiruko to "Amano Iwa Kusu Fune", was poured into the river.
Amano Iwa Kusu Fune is boat that was made with sturdy camphor tree.


Tsukuyomi birth.

Next Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto gave birth to the moon god.
When you were born, Beautiful of light next to Amaterasu.
The name Tsukuyomi-no-mikoto.
The attempt to the work of "Takaamahara" with God of the sun Amaterasu.
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto was escorted to heaven "Tsukuyomi-no-mikoto" using the "heavenly pillar".


Amaterasu birth.

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto talked.
"We, gave birth to" Ooyashima of the country "and mountains, rivers, grass-tree. Soon, it must lay persons who govern them "
Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth to the god of the sun.
The name "Amaterasu - Oomikami".

"Amaterasu - Oomikami" is, in the birth, it is a gorgeous, had been wrapped in light.
"Ooyashima of the country" was over shine.
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto talked.
"Our children are a lot. But, so strange child's first time.
It is not good to keep this child between here long.
Ask them to work of Takamagahara.

This time still, the heavens and the earth it was not far off.
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto, use the "heavenly pillar" "Amaterasu - Oomikami" a was escorted to the heavens.



The birth of the gods.

After that gave birth to a land of Ooyashima (Japan), I said.
"Our gave birth land, is covered with fog. But it's a good country."
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto is looking at the country in which they had made​​, was indulged in deep emotion.
After rested a little, Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth to nature.

Izanagi-no-mikoto was exhales in order to remove the fog.
Breath Izanagi-no-mikoto blew became God.
God of the wind was born.
The name is "Shinatobe-no-mikoto".
This God had the alias name. It was also called "Shinatsuhiko-no-mikoto".

Izanagi-no-mikoto Izanagi-no-mikoto is hungry, there was a time when there is no energy.
God was born at that time.
Name is "Ukanomitama-no-mikoto".

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto is, gave birth to the sea gods.
Name is "Wadatsumi-no-mikoto".

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto is, gave birth to the gods of the Strait.
Name is "Hayaakitsuhi-no-mikoto".

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto is, gave birth to a mountain god people.
Name is "Yamatsumi".

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto is, gave birth to gods of wood.
Name is "kukunochi".

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto is, gave birth to the gods of grass.
Name is "Kaya-no-hime".
"Kaya-no-hime" was also referred to as the Elemental of the field.

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto is, gave birth to the gods of the soil.
Name is "Haniyasu-no-kami".

And then, all things were born.

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto was consulted. 
"We, gave birth to Ooyashima (Japan), gave birth to mountains, rivers, grass, trees. 
I want to give birth to those who govern Japan. "


The birth of Japan's Land

Awaji Island was born first.
Awaji was unsatisfactory can.
Izanami-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto was ashamed.

Next, Ooyamato-toyoakitsu island was born. It is an island called Yamato later.

Next Futana Island was born. It is an island called Shikoku later.

Then Tsukushi Island was born. It is an island called Kyushu later.

Next twins of Sado Island and Oki was born.

Next Koshi Island was born.  It is said to Hokuriku later.

Next Oshima was born.

Next Kibi-no-koshima was born.  It is said to Kashima peninsula later.

This country of Ooyashima was able. Shape of Japan finished.

Tsushima Island, of Ikishima, other, could tide has solidified. 

Or I was able water is solidified.


Ritual to create a national land. Second time.

In the center of the country "onokoro" island, Izanami-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto began around. 
2 God met. 
This time, Izanagi-no-mikoto of God of man as he calls ahead. 
"Oh, what's cute woman. Glad." 
And, Izanagi-no-mikoto heard to Izanami-no-mikoto of God of woman. 
"Is there a part Features specific to your body?" 

Izanami-no-mikoto said. 
"In my body, there is a hole leading to the inside of the body" 

Izanagi-no-mikoto said. 
"In my body, there is a projection. And trying to coalesce, and projection of me, a hole in you." 

Izanami-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto coalesced. 
Became husband and wife.


Ritual to create a national land

"Izanagino-mikoto", "Izanamino-mikoto" has landed in the "Onokoro" island. 
"Izanagino-mikoto", "Izanamino-mikoto" is, decided to become a couple, to produce the country. 
The couple at the center to make the country a "Onokoro" island. 
I made ​​a pillar on the island. And, 2 God was marriage bed. 
"Izanagino-mikoto" was around from the left, the pillars. 
"Izanamino-mikoto" was around from the right, the pillar. 
2 God met. 

2 God said it met. 
"Izanamino-mikoto" said. "I'm glad, you're a fine young man" 

"Izanagino-mikoto" said. "I am a man. Man should say earlier. Why what you said earlier. This is not good. Let us once again."


Onokoro-jima  Creation of the country.

Creation of the country.
The "Izanagino-mikoto", "Izanamino-mikoto" had been consulted on the bridge across the heavens.

"Under the bridge of heaven, the bottom most, there will be a land."
"Izanagino-mikoto" was saying.
A long spear that was decorated with jade, and the mixture was stirred under a bridge.
The name of the spear is "Amano-nuhoko".
"Izanagino-mikoto" is stir, big big, blue blue sea is found.
The name of the sea is "Aounabara".
Since the sea was agitated, seawater was attached to the spear.
Sea water drips, and solidified, the island was able to.
The name of the island is "Onokoro".

Izanami and izanagi From Wikimedia Common


The birth of the gods."Kamiyo 7's"

Heaven and earth began to form.
It seemed the earth float, even to as drifting.
Like, fish are swimming, was similar to the figure which is floating on the water.
Still, it was the state that the heavens and the earth is not separated enough.
Under such circumstances, "things there" was born in the heavens and the earth.
At first glance, the form was like "Bud of the reed." 
Soon, "something like the bud of reeds" became God.
It's the birth of "Kunino-tokotachino-mikoto".
"Kunino-tokotachino-mikoto" is born, God was born one after another.
Was born next, "Kunino-satsuchino-mikoto", "Toyokumununo-mikoto".
3 God was born into the world.

After 3 God, through the years, God 2 "Uijinino-mikoto" and "Suijinino-mikoto" was born. 
Through the years of after a while also, of God 2, 4 God "Ootonojino-mikoto", "Ootomabeno-mikoto", "Omodaruno-mikoto" and "Kashikoneno-mikoto" was born. 
After 4 God, and over the years more, 2 God "Izanagino-mikoto" and "Izanamino-mikoto" was born. 
After 3 God, a total of 8 God was born. 
This 8 God, there were features of a man and a woman. Was androgynous.
From "Kunitokotachino-mikoto" era "Izanagino-mikoto" to "Izanamino-mikoto" is "Kamiyo 7's".


The beginning of the world.

Once upon a time, long ago. 
Time the Earth was born, the heavens and the earth, had not been clearly distinguished. 
If you compare, it was not hardened to like yolk and white of raw egg. 
There, there was "something like the heaven" and "something like the earth". 
Still, it's the Earth that is not born anything. 
"Things like heaven" is rough, "also like earth" had repeatedly ringing. 
The state has passed many years, "something like the earth" and "things like heaven" began to calm. 
Those with heavy color became earth. 
It is clear, having no color, became heaven. 
Those colored heavy, it took time to harden up. 
So, heaven can be earlier, the earth was able to later. 

And, God was born.




In Japan, there are "Chronicles" and "Kojiki". 
"Chronicles" is history books. 
"Kojiki" is works of literature. 

How Japan or was born. 
Also, what kind of historical perspective. 
I think through the "Chronicles", would like to know. 

As much as possible, and translated into English. 
Proper noun is still Japanese. 
Representation of the Japanese unique, has been simplified as much as possible. 

This story is a "super-translation Chronicles".