
"Yamata no Orochi" appearance!

When the Susanoo is waiting, serpent came from beyond.
serpent was greater.
Head and tail had eight each.
As the eye red Chinese lantern plant, had a cloudy red.
The body of the serpent grew pine and oak.
serpent, the spread between eight mountains and eight of the valley, had been overwhelmed around.
To because serpent look horribly, seemed paralyzed is seen.


Orochi measures.

Susanoo heard the story of the old man.
And Susanoo was proposed in the elderly.
"I kill the Yamata no Orochi. I want Kushinadahime."
The old man replied.
"I will give you a Kushinadahime."

Susanoo has changed the Kushinadahime to comb.
And Susanoo was pointing to the hair.

Susanoo was prepared in order to kill the Yamata no Orochi.
Susanoo was prepared sake of good scent to Ashinadzuchi and Tenadzuchi.
Susanoo made a shelf eight.
And Susanoo put the Tubs containing the liquor to each shelf.
Susanoo waited for Yamata no Orochi is ready.


Yamata no Orochi.

Yamata no Orochi.

Old man and the old woman told the reason crying in Susanoo.
The previously old man and the old woman had eight children.
Eight children were all lovely girl.
However, the girls had gone home.
Kushinadahime will not stay this year.
Kushinadahime is can not be changed that will not stay.
We are of it is crying sad.

Susanoo I heard.
Why Kushinadahime will not stay?
Why eight girls is no longer stay?

Old man and the old woman answered.
This is because every year was swallowed by the Yamata no Orochi.
Kushinadahime is swallowed in Yamata no Orochi this year.
There is no way to escape us.

Yamata no Orochi is legendary that appeared in Japanese mythology organisms.
Serpent that has eight head.



Susanoo was kicked out Takaamahara.
Susanoo was towards the country of the original governance countries dead.
Susanoo was stopped on the way to the country of the dead in Izumo country Hikawa.
Hikawa was the river of a gentle flow.
Susanoo found the old man and the old woman and the girl on the banks of the river.
Three people had been absent.
Susanoo heard the circumstances in three people will care.
"You guys Who?
Crying why here? "
Old man replied.
"I am a resident of this country.
I am Ashinazuchi. Wife is Tenazuchi. This girl is our child. Name is Kushinadahime


Susanoo expelled.

The gods were angry with Susanoo.
Originally Susanoo was supposed to govern the country of the dead.
Susanoo is the way to go to the country of the dead, came to greet Takamagahara.
Susanoo was long sojourn.
And Susanoo was annoy Amaterasu by a number of mischief.
Amaterasu has been allowed for was younger brother think.
But, Susanoo is was not allowed at this time.
Gods punished the sins of Susanoo.
Susanoo was dedicator a number of goods.
Punishment of the gods was harsh.
Susanoo was pulled out hair.
Susanoo is stripped nails of hands and feet.
And in the rain, Susanoo was expelled from Takaamahara..


Amaterasu revival.

Amaterasu is listen to the outside of the commotion of the cave, and wondered.
"In order that I have hidden, outside should of darkness. But he this commotion What? Amanouzume Why are clamoring so?
I wonder if clamoring what gods also? "
Amaterasu is how the outside is worrisome.
Amaterasu is to solve the spell of rock door, open the door of the rock a little, was heard outside the state.
In this case, Techikaraonokami is I pulled out from the cave takes the hand of Amaterasu.
God and Inbe God of Nakaomi has stretched the straw festoon at the entrance of the cave.
And gods were pleading.
"Please do not return in another"

Techikarao to break open the heavens of Iwato.



Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto, it has a spear wound with Kaya, was standing in front of the door of the rock.
Around the door of the rock was placed a bonfires.
Appearance of Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto, the hair ornaments the Sakaki of "Koguyama" to the head, decorated with Lycopodium clavatum to clothes.
And, Turn the tub made of wood, were on the stage.
Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto sang vigorously dancing violently.


Plan of Omoikane

Omoikane is attracting long songbirds, was a long squeal.
Omoikane was to stand in front of the rock door of the cave the Techikarao.
Omoikane was ordered to Amanokoyane and Futotama.
Amanokoyane and Futotama went to kagu mountain, I was taken a lot of Sakaki.
Amanokoyane and Futotama decorated the decoration that was passed through a lot of jewels and tube ball and thread on a branch on the Sakaki.
Amanokoyane and Futotama the branches of the middle, multiplied by the large mirror.
Amanokoyane and Futotama adorned gohei branches below.
Gohei were made in blue and white of hemp.
Gods was a prayer.


God of the knowledge, Omoikane.

Amaterasu is hidden in a cave, the light of the sun has disappeared in Takaamahara.
Gods consulted gathered Yas river.
Omoikane of God of knowledge, deep thought, scrupulously, carefully, told a plan to draw the Amaterasu.