
Allegiance of Kamunatsusohime.

kamunatsusohime by Utagawa Kuniyoshi
'12 Of Keikou. Autumn. July.
Kumaso has rebelled against the Imperial Court.
Kumaso was not awarded a tribute to the imperial court.
August 15.
Ootarashihiko went to Tsukushi.
September 5.
Ootarashihiko arrived in Saba of Suo.
Ootarashihiko told various Lord is facing the south.
"There it look to stand a lot of smoke in the direction of the south.
Surely thief would that have. "
Ootarashihiko was to scout the Takemoroki and monkey bars and Natsuhana.
Takemoroki is the ancestor of Ooomi clan.
Monkey bars is the ancestor of Kunisakiomi clan.
Natsuhana is the ancestor of Mononobenokimi clan.
Woman was there in the smoke of the location.
The name of the woman is Kamunatsusohime.
Minions of Kamunatsusohime were very many.
Kamunatsusohime was the chief of the country.
Kamunatsusohime knew that came your emperor.
Kamunatsusohime was drawn Sakaki tree Shitsu mountain.
Kamunatsusohime multiplied by the sword of Hachinigi branches on the Sakaki tree.
Kamunatsusohime multiplied by Yatano mirror to the branches of the middle.
Kamunatsusohime multiplied by Yasakani on the branches of the lower.
Kamunatsusohime came make a white flag on the prow of a ship.
And Kamunatsusohime said.
Please do not send troops.
I do not have those who disobey the court to the fellow.
I will immediately allegiance.
However, you stay it is other bad thief.
One of them is Hanatari.
Without due cause to use the name of the emperor, it has attracted people to peaks and troughs.
We have to hang out in the upstream of the Usa.
2nd of bad thief is Mimitari.
Mimitari can kill a person, will not eat people.
Mimitari we are stealing people.
Mimitari stay upstream of Mike.
Third person of bad thief is Aihagi.
Aihagi has attracted fellow secretly.
Aihagi you stay upstream of Takaha.
4th of bad thief is Tsuchioriiori.
Tsuchioriiori is hidden upstream of Midorino.
Tsuchioriiori takes advantage of the terrain is steep.
Tsuchioriiori has enslaved stealing people.
Where this 4 people there is a natural stronghold.
The four are each pulling in fellow.
The four people has become the head of pirates in each place.
It does not follow the emperor of instruction.
This four says as this.
Ootarashihiko emperor should subdue quickly.
Do not miss this four. "
Scout group in accordance with the advice of Kamunatsusohime.
Scout group was first invited Aihagi.
Scout group gave red jacket and skirt and a number of unusual things to Aihagi.
And we were able to draw even three people are saying that it is not other follow.
Each of the thief was brought fellow.
Scout group killed captures all.
Ootarashihiko made landfall finally in Tsukushi.
We arrived at the Nagaono of Buzen.
Ootarashihiko built a temporary palace in Nagaono.
Ootarashihiko was resting there.
The place I call the Miyako.
Current Fukuoka Prefecture Miyako-gun Miyako, Fukuoka is this place.


Concubines of Ootarashihiko.

Four years of Keikou. Spring. February 11.
Ootarashihiko went to Mino.
Ootarashihiko aides said.
"Beautiful woman will stay in this country.
Name is Otohime.
Otohime the appearance is elegance.
Otohime is the daughter of Yasaka Iribiko.
Ootarashihiko I wanted to wife the Otohime.
Ootarashihiko went to the house of the Otohime.
Otohime was surprised to know and came Emperor.
Otohime was hiding in the hut of bamboo forest.
Ootarashihiko was thought to be trying to pull out the Otohime from the hut.
Ootarashihiko built a temporary shrine near the bamboo forest.
The name of the temporary shrine is Kukuri Palace.
Ootarashihiko was shot the carp into the lake of enclosed temple.
Ootarashihiko took care of carp us in the morning and evening.
When there, Otohime was going to see the carp play.
Otohime came to secretly pond.
Otohime is enjoyed watching the carp pond.
Ootarashihiko was summoned stop pulling the Otohime.
Otohime had a belief in marriage.
Couple of road is now also a long time ago also the same.
But Otohime was in trouble to not be able to interrogate the Emperor.
Otohime told only their own thinking to Ootarashihiko.
"I hate sex.
Now I was having sex with the Emperor of instruction.
My mind is not kindly.
Also my face is not beautiful.
I will not receive the long favor.
As a result, I will not be able to serve longer in the seraglio.
But the Emperor will not satisfied with it.
I recommend my older sister.
The name of the older sister is Yasaka Irihime.
My sister heart face is clean is chaste.
Please be somehow put in a seraglio. "
Ootarashihiko it was approved the proposal.
Ootarashihiko was the concubine of the Yasaka Irihime.
Yasaka Irihime gave birth to boys of seven and six girls.
First is Wakatarashihiko, second is Iokiirihiko, third is Oshinowake, fourth is Wakayamatoneko, fifth is Oosuwake, sixth is Nunoshihime, seventh is Nunakihime, eighth is Iokiirihime, ninth is Kagoyorihime, tenth is Isakiirihiko, eleventh is Kibinoehiko, twelfth is Takakiirihime, thirteenth is Otohime.
Ootarashihiko the concubine was there are other.
First of concubine is Mizuhanoiratsume.
Mizuhanoiratsume gave birth to Ionohime.
Mizuhanoiratsume is the sister of Iwakiwake.
Iwakiwake is Mio clan.
Second of concubine is Ikawahime.
Ikawahime gave birth to Kamikushi and Inaseirihiko.
Kamikushi is the ancestor of Minister of Sanuki.
Inaseirihiko is the ancestor of Harima clan.
Third of the concubine is Takatahime.
Takatahime gave birth to Takekunikoriwake.
Takatahime is the daughter of Abe Kogoto clan.
Takekunikoriwake is the ancestor of Mimurawake countries of Iyo.
Fourth of concubine is Himukakaminagaootane.
Himukakaminagaootane gave birth to Himukasotsuhiko.
Himukasotsuhiko is the ancestor of am clan.
Fifth of the concubine is Sonotakehime.
Sonotakehime gave birth to Kunichiwake and Kunisowake and Toyotowake.
Kunichiwake is the ancestor of the clan Mizunuma.
Toyotowake is the ancestor of Hinokuniwake clan.
Ootarashihiko emperor of the children are more than 80 people in total.

Man of the children except the Yamato Takeru and Wakatarashihiko and Iokiiribiko was appointed to the countries and the county-village of Minister.
Prince went to various places.
Wake in the now countries are remnants of prince who was sent to the local.
Once upon a time, people of the court was called Wake things branch family in Japanese.

Ootarashihiko dispatched Oousu to Mino of the country in the same April.
Ootarashihiko daughter of Minister of Mino country heard rumors that beautiful woman sister.
The name of the sisters Etooko and Ototooko.
Oousu was sex and beautiful woman sister.
Oousu was not the result report.
Oousu was placed in a beautiful woman sister to his concubines.
For this reason, Ootarashihiko's grudge against Oousu.

Winter. November 1.
Ootarashihiko came back from Mino.
Ootarashihiko built a palace in Makimuku.
This palace was said Hishiro palace.


Keikou Emperor of the era. Ootarashihiko enthronement.

Ootarashihiko Oshirowake Sumeramikoto is the third child of Suinin emperor.
Aka is Ootarashihiko.
Mother of Ootarashihiko is Hibasuhime.
Hibasuhime is the daughter of Tanbachinushi.
Ootarashihiko became crown prince in '37 of Suinin emperor.
At that time 21 years old.
'99 Of Suinin. Spring. February.
Ikume (Suinin) dead emperor.
First year of the Keikou. Autumn. July 11.
Ootarashihiko was appointed to the throne.
For this reason we have changed the year.
This year spicy sheep. Kanotohitsuji.

2 years of Keikou. Spring. March 3.
Ootarashihiko Harima - Inabi - Ooiratsume the was to Empress.
Inabi gave birth to two boys.
First is Oousu, second is Ousu.
Oousu and Ousu was twins.
Ootarashihiko was walking around the palace is carrying a mortar during childbirth.
It is an age-old curse of childbirth.
After Oousu was born trying to Oroso the mortar, children that have been found are to be in the still.
Therefore, Ootarashihiko was not able to unload the mortar.
Ootarashihiko gave a loud voice toward the mortar.
Derived from two of the name comes from the mortar.
It says Usu the mortar things in Japanese.
Alias of Ousu is Yamato Takeru.
Ousu (Yamato Takeru) was a heroic character from childhood.
Appearance when it comes to the prime of life is beautiful, it became strong.
Height Ichitake, the force was enough to lift the Ding.
Three years of Keikou. Spring. February 1.
Ootarashihiko went to Kii.
Ootarashihiko tried Matsuro the various gods.
But it was not out with good fortune-telling.
Ootarashihiko was discontinued go out on the spot.
Ootarashihiko is dispatched Yanushioshiotakeogokoro, was enshrined.
Aka of Yanushioshiotakeogokoro is Takeogokoro.
Takeogokoro was dedicated to the gods in Kashiwabara of Abi.
Takeogokoro lived in Kashiwabara nine years.
Takeogokoro married Kagehime.
Kagehime is the daughter of Ujihiko.
Ujihiko is the ancestor of key clan.
Kagehime gave birth to a child.
This name is Takenouchi Sukune (Takeshiuchi Sukune).

Death of Ikume. Grief of Tajimamori.

Tajimamori and Tachibana.

'90 Of Suinin. Spring. February 1.
Ikume was an instruction to look for "Tokijikunokagunomi" to Tajimamori.
Ikume dispatched Tajimamori to distant country.
Tokijikunokagunomi is the fruit of Tachibana.
'99 Of Suinin. Autumn. July 1.
Ikume died in Makimuku palace.
Ikume was 140 years old.
Winter. December 10.
I was buried Ikume to Fushimi tomb of Sugawara.
Following year. Spring. March 12.
Tajimamori came back from distant country.
Tajimamori brought back eight 8 branches the Tokijikunokagunomi.
Tajimamori lamented crying.
"I have received instructions.
I went to the far distant country.
I came back over the crest of a wave of thousands of miles.
distant country was the secret of the country in Shenzhen.
It is not a place laity can go.
Therefore, I took 10 years before returning to go.
I did not expect to be a return to the mainland.
However, I was able to come back finally by divine protection of the Holy Spirit of high virtue emperor.
Now, Ikume emperor already died.
I can not report the results and circumstances.
I think I will be for what is also alive. "
Tajimamori was worship to the tomb of Ikume.
Tajimamori died and crying in there.
Princes, various Sir cried listening to this.
Tajimamori is the ancestor of Miyake clan.


Sacred Treasures of Amenohiboko

'88 Of Suinin. Autumn. July 10.
Ikume told vassals.
"Once upon a time, Silla prince of Amenohiboko came.
Amanohihoko is I had a treasure when came for the first time.
The treasure, now, in the Tajima.
The treasure is in the Sacred Treasures is revered in people of the region of Tajima.
I want to see the treasure now. "
Ikume dispatched messengers on that day.
Messenger told the instruction to Kiyohiko grandson of Amenohiboko.
Kiyohiko has received instructions.
Kiyohiko went to court, was conceded the treasure on your own.
Treasure's as follows.
One ball of Haft, one ball of Ashidaka, one ball of the testimony of Ukaka, day mirror one, one spirit-dwelling object of bear.
Knife also had one.
Noted sword is Izushi.
But Kiyohiko hesitated a conceded of Izushi.
Kiyohiko was decided not to conceded the Izushi.
Kiyohiko wore to hide the Izushi in the clothing.
Ikume did not notice it.
Ikume was healed Kiyohiko.
Ikume gave sake to Kiyohiko in the Imperial Palace.
But at that time, Izushi appeared from the clothing of Kiyohiko.
Ikume saw it, asked Kiyohiko.
"What of the knife are you of the knife?"
Kiyohiko is determined that it is not hide.
Kiyohiko confessed.
"It is one of the conceded to Sacred Treasures."
Ikume said.
"Do the Sacred Treasures there is no harm in parting with the other Sacred Treasures?"
Kiyohiko held out Izushi.
Sacred Treasures it was accommodated to all God's warehouse.
Then, when we open the God of the warehouse, knife was gone.
Ikume dispatched messengers to Kiyohiko.
Messenger heard Kiyohiko.
"Knife you've conceded disappeared.
Do not come back to you? "
Kiyohiko answered.
"Last night, Izushi of the knife came to my house alone.
But it does not stay longer this morning. "
Ikume can hear it, it was fear.
And it's refrain.
Ikume did not try to find the other Izushi.
After this, Izushi came to Awaji Island alone.
Awaji Island people thought that God came.
Awaji Island people built a shrine for the Izushi.
Izushi are sitting in there even now.
Once upon a time, one person came to Tajima aboard the boat.
When asked where and if people,
"I am a prince of Silla.
Name is Amenohiboko. "
The person said.
The man remained in Tajima.
The man was married Matanoo.
Matanoo is the daughter of Maetsumimi.
Matanoo gave birth to Tajimamorosuku.
Tajimamorosuku is the grandfather of Kiyohiko.

Isonokami treasure of the shrine.

'39 Of Suinin. Winter. October.
Inishiki went to Kawakami temple in the Uto of Chinu (Izumi of the sea).
Inishiki made 1000 a sword there.
The sword that Kawakami part.
Aka say Akahadakatomo.
Inishiki was dedicated their swords to the shrine Isonokami.
After this, Ikume was in charge of Sacred Treasures of Isonokami shrine to Inishiki.

Other theory.
Inishiki went to the Kawakami of the sparse Chinu.
Master craftsman of the blacksmith was there in there.
Name Kawakami.
Inishiki was sword to 1000 made Kawakami.
In this case, Ikume bestowed the 10 departments in Inishiki.
Department name as follows.
Tatebe (vertical production department), Shitoribe (woven section), kamuyugebe (bow manufacturing part), kamuyahagibe (arrow Production Department), Ooanashibe, Hatsukashibe, Tamatsukuribe (jewel manufacturing part), Kamuokikabe (judiciary of God), Hiokibe (family register management section), Tachihakibe (swordsmith part).
Inishiki was dedicated to Oshisaka village a sword of 1000.
Then it was transferred from Oshisaka the shrine Isonokami.
At this time, God said.
"The name of Ichikawa in Kasuga clan.
And let be dedicated to that person. "
Ikume commands the Ichikawa, was dedicated.
Ichikawa's ancestral clan Monobe.

'87 Of Ikume. Spring. February 5.
Inishiki told Oonakatsu princess.
Oonakatsu princess's younger sister Inishiki.
"I took the old.
I can not manage the Sacred Treasures.
Let you manage in the future. "
Oonakatsu princess said.
"I am a weak woman.
You do not climb in the warehouse that stores the Sacred Treasures.
Warehouse is located in the high places. "
Inishiki said.
"Warehouse is high.
But I make a ladder.
It is not difficult to climb to the warehouse. "
It is the saying goes.
"God of warehouse left ladder." Is this is the beginning.
Oonakatsuhime is Mononobetoochine - bestowed to Oomuraji.
Mononobetoochine - Oomuraji has to manage the warehouse.
Mononobe family is the origin to manage the Sacred Treasures of the shrine Isonokami.

Once upon a time, people who Mikaso was there.
It is a person of Tamba Kuwata village.
Mikaso had a dog.
The dog's name is Ayuki.
Ayuki killed eat a badger.
Ayuki found a foreign object in the badger.
Ayuki have called Mikaso.
Mikaso found the Magatama of Yasakani from the badger.
Mikaso and Ayuki was conceded the Magatama.
Now, this treasure is in the shrine Isonokami.


Agriculture business of Suinin.

'34 Of Suinin. Spring. March 2.
Ikume went to the fortress.
Servant told at that time.
"There is beauty in this country.
Name is Kanihatatobe.
Kanihatatobe is filled with beautiful.
Kanihatatobe is the daughter of Yamashiro Ookuni Fuchi. "
Ikume was prayer takes a pike.
"If I meet its beauty, as there is always auspicious mark on the road."
Before Ikume arrives at the temporary shrine, a large turtle came out in the river.
Ikume stabbed a turtle in the pike.
Turtle has changed in just the stone.
Ikume told his servant.
"It Judging from this thing, there will be a miracle."
Ikume is summoned Kanihatatobe, was placed in a seraglio.
Kanihatatobe gave birth to Iwatsukuwake.
Iwatsukuwake is the ancestor of Mio clan.
Ikume had put Karihatatobe to concubines before Kanihatatobe.
Karihatatobe is a woman of Yamashiro.
Karihatatobe gave birth to boys of three people.
First is Oojiwake.
Second is Ikatarashihiko.
Third is Itakeruwake.
Ikatarashihiko is the ancestor of Ishida clan.

'35 Of Suinin. Autumn. September.
Ikume dispatched Inishiki to Kawachi.
Inishiki made a Takaishi pond and Chinu pond.
Winter. October.
Ikume made a Saki pond and Tomi pond in Yamato.
This year, Ikume was made the Ikeja waterway to countries.
The number's more than 800.
Ikume was thinking with the important work of the agriculture.
This life of the farmer became rich.
Japan was peace.

'37 Of Suinin. Spring. January 1.
Ikume was the Crown Prince the Ootarashihiko.

Origin of clay image.

'30 Of Suinin. Autumn. July 6.
Empress of Hibasuhime died.
Still there was a date in bury.
Ikume said against various today.
"Martyrdom is not good.
It was found last time.
Could you how this time of Mourning? "
Nomisukune is we were advised to come forward.
"The people who live, it is not good to fill the Lord's Royal Tombs.
How can I convey to posterity.
It advised to think the appropriate method. "
Nomisukune is out messengers to Izumo, was summoned 100 people a Hashibe.
Nomisukune was presented to Ikume by creating various things and people and horses in the clay to Hashibe.
Nomisukune said.
"After the future, let's built in Royal Tombs in place of people who lived this clay doll.
This Let's say determined to posterity. "
Ikume rejoiced greatly.
Ikume said.
"This method is something along to my mind."
It stood the soil doll for the first time in the tomb of Hibasuhime.
That of this soil doll is called a clay image.
Or it called both standing products.
Ikume issued a royal command.
"In the future, Royal Tombs sets a clay image.
Do not fill in the person. "
Ikume has praised the achievements of Nomisukune.
Ikume gave the land for making pottery in Nomisukune.
Ikume appointed Nomisukune to Haji.
Nomisukune was changed the last name to Haji.
Haji clan was responsible for the Emperor's funeral from here.
Nomisukune's ancestral clan Haji.

Suinin emperor prohibits martyrdom.

'28 Of Suinin. Winter. October 5.
Yamatohiko died.
Yamatohiko's brother of the mother of Ikume.
November 2.
Ikume was buried Yamatohiko to Tsukisaka of Musa.
In this case, it was buried around the Royal Tombs alive by collecting servant.
Servants did not die even after a few days.
Servants was always crying moaned.
Servants even after several days were debilitating.
Beast such as a dog and birds gathered, they were clutter the servants.
Servants went dead.
Ikume was heartache to hear the crying groan voice.
Ikume said against bureaucracy.
And "the people who causative when alive, be martyrdom to the undead is not good.
It is not good even in the law of old dont have to change.
Please plan to stop the martyrdom at all from now on. "
'30 Of Suinin. Spring. January 6.
Ikume said Inishiki, to Ootarashihiko.
"What are you guys Wish.
Say respectively. "
Inishiki said.
"Bow and arrow I want."
Ootarashihiko said.
"Emperor of the position I want."
Ikume said.
"Let's give the remains of each of hope.
It gives a bow and arrow to Inishiki.
Ootarashihiko please become emperor after me. "


Enshrined Amaterasu in Ise.


'25 Of Suinin. Spring. February 8th.
Ikume issued an edict to five people.
Takenunakawawake, Hikokunifuku, Ookashima, Toochine, Takehi, this five people were received.
Takenukakawake is the ancestor of Abe clan.
Hikokunifuku is the ancestor of Wani clan.
Ookashima is the ancestor of the Nakatomi clan.
Tochine is the ancestor of Mononobe clan.
Takehi is the ancestor of Otomo clan.
"Late emperor was wise and holy.
Late emperor is caliber was large and intelligent.
Late emperor had been the office to try look at the politics.
Late emperor was honored the gods.
Late emperor was not refrain the body.
For this reason, people became rich.
World was peace.
My age must also be enshrined the gods. "
March 10.
Ikume release the Amaterasu from Toyosukiirihime.
Ikume was committed Amaterasu to Yamatohime.
Yamatohime was looking for a place that enshrined the Amaterasu.
Yamatohime went to Sasahata of Uda.
Yamatohime arrived in Ise and via the Mino and Omi is turned back from Sasahata.
When I arrived in Ise, Amaterasu told Yamatohime.
"Ise is frequently the waves lapping.
Although not in the center of the country is a beautiful country.
I think I want to stay in this country. "
Yamatohime will hear the words of Amaterasu, made a shrine in Ise.
And we built a Yamatohime of the house on the banks of the Isuzu River.
This is called IsoMiya.
This place is where Amaterasu was down from the first heaven.

In the other theory.
Ikume was presented to Amaterasu the Yamatohime as a spirit-dwelling object.
Yamatohime was dedicated to Amaterasu the sacred tree of Shiki.
October 26 of Suinin.
It moved to Watarai temple of Ise by revelation of Amaterasu.
At this time, the Yamato Ookuni Tama told boarded in Oomikuchisukune.
"There was a promise the first time beginning.
Amaterasu Please reigned over all of Takamagahara.
Generations of Emperor please reigned over various God of Ashihara Nakatsu country.
Yamato multilateral Tama Please ruled the landlord of God.
This promise was there.
Late emperor was dedicated to the gods.
But late emperor did not know that detailed.
Late emperor had been enshrined to see the foliage is not explored the roots.
So late emperor is life was short.
Now you will regret a place where late emperor did not reach, and consoled the Holy Spirit well prepared ritual, if prayer, your life is long, world would be peace. "
Oomikuchisukune is the ancestor of Hozumi clan.
Ikume will hear this word, it was ordered to divine in Kukanushi.
Kukanushi is the ancestor of the Nakatomi clan.
Who do to enshrined Yamato Ookuni Tama sphere.
Kukanushi was divined.
Nunakiwakahime came to divination.
Ikume was ordered to worship in Nunakiwakahime.
Nunakiwakahime decided the land of God in the village Anashiro.

It was enshrined in Nagaoka of the cape of thick city.
But the problem has occurred.
Nunakiwakahime have already body is dwindling.
Nunakiwakahime had run out of all the energy so far.
Nunakiwakahime was not able to worship.
Ikume was ordered to worship in Nagaoichi.
Nagaoichi is the ancestor of the Yamato clan.

'26 Of Suinin. Autumn. August 3.
Ikume ordered to Mononobetoochine.
"I have many times sent messengers to Izumo.
It was allowed to inspect the Sacred Treasures to messenger.
But it is not clear.
You went to Izumo, please examine the Sacred Treasures. "
Toochine were examined throughout the Sacred Treasures.
Toochine reported to Ikume.
Ikume was seized Sacred Treasures.
'27 Of Suinin. Autumn. August 7.
Ikume ordered the divination to priests.
The contents of fortune-telling is the propriety of having to offerings weapons to the gods.
Result of divination it came out good.
Ikume was offering a bow and arrow and sword to the various shrines.
Furthermore Ikume was determined and the land for God, the people for God.
Ikume was the festival is to decide the time to Kanbe (people for God).
That worship the gods using the weapon began at this time.
This year, Ikume were made under the direct control of the land court to Kume eup.

Untold story of Tottori's last name.

'23 Of Suinin. Autumn. September 2.
Ikume were asked to vassal.
"Homutsuwake became 30 years old.
Beard grew long.
However, it is just crying like a baby.
And, he does not say things aloud.
I want you to think of everyone. "
Winter. October 8.
Ikume was standing in front of the court.
The side had a Homutsuwake.
At that time, the swan flew the sky.
Homutsuwake saw ye gazing up at the sky.
Homutsuwake told to find a swan.
"What is it?"
Ikume was pleased to know that Homutsuwake is speak to see the swans.
Ikume ordered the vassal who was near.
"Take and conceded to catch someone that bird."
Ameno Yukawatana said.
"I will have caught without fail."
Ikume said.
"If you have been caught that bird, I will bestow you a sufficient reward."
Yukawatana chased the swan.
Yukawatana caught the swan go to Izumo.
November 2.
Yukawatana has conceded the swan.
Homutsuwake played in the swan.
Homutsuwake was able to finally speak it.
Ikume bestowed a reward and last name to Yukawatana.
Surname Tottori.
Ikume made a Tottori part (catch the bird department) ToriYo-bu (department feed birds) Homutsu part.


Sumo of origin.

Sumo wrestler of origin. Nomi Sukune.

7 years of Ikume. Autumn. July 7.
Aide told Ikume.
"There are brave people in Tagima village.
Name Tagimakuehaya.
Kuehaya force is strong.
Kuehaya is or folded horns, extend the hook.
Kuehaya says to people.
"I also asked in four directions, it is not who span of my forces.
And somehow I met a person strong force to, regardless of life and death, I want to than force. "
I liked in this manner. "
Ikume was the edict attracted princes and vassal.
Ikume said.
"Tagima Kuehaya's seems powerful person in the world.
Do you have those who win Kuehaya? "
One of the vassal said.
"Nomi Sukune will stay in Izumo country.
I have heard to be a warrior.
I want to fight and Kuehaya the Sukune.
Ikume was summoned Nomi Sukune by dispatching Nagaoichi on that day.
Nagaoichi is the ancestor of the Yamato clan.
Sukune came from Izumo.
It was the force compared to Kuehaya and Sukune.
The two men were facing.
Was committed kick it up a foot to each other.
Sukune was crushed tread the rib of Kuehaya.
Sukune has broken the bones of the hip of Kuehaya.
Sukune killed Kuehaya.
As a result, Ikume was confiscated land of Kuehaya.
Ikume gave the confiscated land to Sukune.
This is why there is a rice field that broke a hip in the village.
Sukune settled as it is.
Sukune was served Ikume.
'15 Of Ikume. Spring. February 10.
Ikume was placed in a seraglio the five women of Tamba.
Eldest daughter is Hibasuhime.
Second daughter is Nuhatairihime.
Three woman Matonohime.
Four woman Azaminiirihime.
Five woman Takenohime.
'15 Of Ikume. Autumn. August 1st.
Ikume was the Hibasuhime to Empress.
Three people Empress of sister I have to concubine.
Takenohime was clumsy.
Ikume returned the Takenohime to the parent.
Takenohime is the frog and was ashamed.
Takenohime died fell from his own sedan chair.
The location was Kazuno.
So it changed the punch line countries the land from Kazuno.
Ochi is to fall.
Now we call a sound country.
Ochi is what has changed.
Hihasuhime of Empress gave birth to third son two daughters.
First it gave birth to Inishikiirihiko.
Then it gave birth to Ootarashihiko.
Then it gave birth to Oonakatsuhime.
Then it gave birth to Yamatohime.
Then it gave birth to Wakakiniirihiko.
Nubataniirihime of concubine gave birth to Nuteshiwake and Ikatarashihime.
Azaminiirihime of concubine gave birth to Ikehayawake and Wakaasatsuhime.


Sahohiko subdue.

Burning Sahohime.
Ikume have called close to are soldiers.
Ikume ordered to subdue the Sahohiko to Yatsunata.
Soldiers ran immediately to the house of Yatsunata.
Yatsunata is the ancestor of topcoat field clan.
Yatsunata was sortie.
Sahohiko was prevented by causing the army.
Sahohiko made a Citadel piled rice straw in a hurry.
Yatatsuna did not break the Citadel.
The Citadel, which was stacked rice straw say "Inagi".
Sahohiko did not surrender even in the November.
Sahohime mourned.
"I though I Empress, there is no face to match the people of the world to lose a brother in such a thing.
In the future, what kind of dignity can you will be able to govern the country. "
Sahohime entered the older brother of the Citadel and hugging Homutsuwake of prince.
Ikume surrounded the citadel by increasing the number of soldiers.
Ikume ordered to Sahohiko.
"Please pass promptly empress and the prince."
But two people did not come out.
Yatsunata set fire to rice straw.
Rice straw was vigorously burning.
Sahohime is hugging the prince, it came out beyond the walls of the rice straw that is not burning.
Sahohime said.
"What I went into the castle of the brother, and maybe, it is because I thought for me and the child might be his brother's sins are forgiven.
If the are not allowed brother, I know that there is a sin to me also.
I will commit suicide if caught.
I will not forget the Emperor of turned on even dead.
My of concubines had work, please let the favorite woman.
Women will stay of five people in Tamba country.
It is a chaste woman.
The woman is the daughter of Tanihamichinushi.
Michinushi is civilized emperor of descendants.
Alias ​​of Michinushi is Hikoimasu.
Emperor also know well.
Please use as a replenishment taking into the Seraglio. "
Ikume was approved.
Fire kindling, walls had collapsed.
Sahohiko soldiers fled all.
Sahohiko and Sahohime's burnt to death.
Ikume has praised the achievements of Yatsunata.
Ikume was bestowed the name to Yatsunata.
Name is Yamatohimukatakehimukahikoyatunata.

Confessions of Sahohime.

Five years of Ikume. Winter. October 1.
Ikume came to the mansion of Kume.
In this case, Ikume had a nap in the pillow the knee of Sahohime of Empress.
Chance came to Sahohime.
But Sahohime did not run the kill.
Sahohime I thought.
"Can not run Even though chance of brother of rebellion."
Tears of Sahohime is I fell in the face of Ikume flow.
Ikume woke up in surprise.
Ikume told Sahohime.
"I had a dream now.
Beautiful little snake such as Nishiki was wrapped around my neck.
Heavy rain is down to Saho, it seemed to be wet the face.
What of the wonder signs. "
Sahohime knew it and not hide a plan of rebellion.
Sahohime was lie down on the ground in fear.
And Sahohime talked in detail the plan of older brother of rebellion.
"I was not able to oppose the plan of older brother.
I also can not disobey the Emperor of benefit.
If confession to Emperor it will kill a older brother.
If you have to say, and it will destroy the country.
So in fear and sadness, and facing up will clog the breath, emotions Kiwamari, I have shed tears of blood.
I noon was also clogging chest for even anguish night.
I did not can also appeal to the emperor.
Today, the Emperor was taking a nap with my knee in pillow.
If I have crazy, it is going to get this chance for his brother, I would have succeeded without the hassle.
I have a this I think half.
There feelings half yearns the emperor.
It fell from the sleeve my tears overflow was wet the emperor's face.
The emperor saw in the dream would had to predict these.
Beautiful snake such as Nishiki is a dagger which I was entrusted.
The rain is my tears.
Ikume heard still the story.
And Ikume said.
"This is not the you of sin."


Rebellion of Sahohiko.

Four years of Ikume. Autumn. September 23.
Sahohiko of Empress brother was conspired against.
Sahohiko tried to incline the nation.
Sahohiko visited when the Empress has been resting at home.
Sahohiko told Empress.
"You're important to either of the older brother or husband?"
Empress is the meaning of the question did not know.
Empress said.
"My brother is important."
Because there was a brother in front of the Empress of the eye.
Sahohiko said.
That serve the people in the "appearance, the favor if familiar little sex appeal ends.
Now, there are many beautiful woman in court.
Each is seeking the favor.
We can not only rely on the other sex appeal.
If I be appointed to the throne, it is possible to govern the country with you.
It is pleasant that we're in court forever in peace.
Whether you want to kill the Ikume emperor for me. "
Sahohiko pass a dagger to the Empress.
Sahohiko said.
"You Make hidden clothes dagger.
You Kill to refer to neck when Ikume Emperor is asleep. "
Empress was trembling with tension and fear.
Empress did not know what to do.
However, the Empress was not able to remonstrate with easy to think of the aspirations of the older brother.
Empress was wearing it is not possible to hide a dagger.