
Oomononushi appearing.

5 years of Sujin.
Plague occurs frequently in the country.
People of death is death, the population is equal to or less than half.
Six years of Sujin.
Aimlessly wandering peasant, the peasant to rebel occur.
Farmer of momentum was difficult even trying to calm in virtue.
Still Inie was dedicated to gods of heaven and earth in the morning and evening.
Inie was dedicated to Amaterasu and Yamatoookunitama in the Imperial Palace.
But Inie had anxiety to live in fear of both the momentum of this 2 God.
Inie was committed Amaterasu to Toyosukiirihime.
Inie was dedicated to Amaterasu in Yamato Kasanui eup.
And Inie made a Himorogi of solid stone.
Himorogi is a place where God is descended.
Also Inie is committed Yamatoookunitama to Nunakiirihime, it was enshrined.
But the incident has occurred.
Nunakiirihime was not able to worship with skinny missing hair.
7 years of Sujin. Spring, February 15.
Inie announced the imperial edict.
"Once upon a time, our ancestors began a great job. Chronicles of Emperor virtue high king wind was thriving.
But unexpectedly, it is often disaster happening in my generation.
Because there is no good government in court, I am afraid that God has given the punishment.
Let's track down the cause of the disaster caused by the occupation. "
Inie went to Kamuasajigahara.
Inie was the divination inviting God of eight hundred thousand.
This time, God came down to Yamatototbimomosohime.
And it said.
"Inie is why Ureu that the country is not fit.
If you would subside in nature if honor enshrined the things of me. "
Inie asked.
"Who are you?"
God answered.
"I will stay in the Yamato country. Name is Oomononushi."
Inie was enshrined to give the revelation of this God.
But nothing happened.
Inie was fasting bathing, to cleanse the inside of the Imperial Palace, said praying.
"I would be insufficient that honor God?
You will not me why accept?
Please tell me whether in a dream.
Please give the benefits of God. "
This evening, one of the nobles appeared in a dream of Inie.
Nobles was toward the facility in the Imperial Palace.
And it said.
"I'm Oomononushi.
Inie, you may not have to worry so much.
The country does not fit it's the influence of my mind.
If I let enshrined me in my child's Ootataneko, the country will subside soon.
Also outside of the country would also surrender. "


Mimakiiribikoinieno-Sumeramikoto (Sujin Emperor) Enthronement

Sujin Emperor
Abbreviation of Mimakiirihikoinieno-Sumeramikoto is Inie.
Sujin is the posthumous name.
Inie is the second child of Emperor Kaika.
Mother of Inie is Ikagashikome.
Ikagashikome is the daughter of Oohesoki.
Oohesoki is the ancestor of Mononobe clan.
Inie became crown prince at the time of the 19-year-old.
Inie had excellent ability to distinguish right and wrong.
In addition, Inie from the time of youth, it was like a big counsel.
Inie of time of manhood was mind widely modesty deep.
Inie was dedicated to gods of heaven and earth.
Always had the heart of trying to work as king in Inie.
'60 Of Kaika. Summer, in April.
Kaika dead emperor (Oohihi).
First year of Sujin. Spring, January 13.
Inie was coronation.
Inie will honor the former Empress, called the Queen Mother.
February 16.
Inie was the Mimakihime to Empress.
Mimakihime Before becoming the Empress, had gave birth to a child.
Child's name, Ikumeirihikoisachi, Hikoisachi, Kunikatahime father poke Yamato Hime, Yamatohiko, Ikatsuruhiko.
More than one wife was there to Inie.
A concubine.
Tootuayumemakuwashihime is the daughter of Arakawatobe of Kii Province.
Tootuayumemakuwashihime gave birth to two children.
The name, Toyokiirihiko, Toyosukiirihime.
Owariooshiamahime gave birth to three children.
The name, Yasakairihiko, Nunakiirihime, Toochiniirihime.
This year Kinoesaru.
Three years of Sujin. Autumn, in September.
Inie was transferred to the Imperial Palace in Shiki.
This is called Mizukaki Palace.
Four years of Sujin. Winter. October 23.
Inie announced the imperial edict.
"Various emperor who my ancestors, it is not for myself became emperor.
The reason for ancestors has become the Emperor's order to govern the world established a God and people.
So, ancestors from generation to generation make good politics, it was spread widely virtue.
Now I available upon a big business, became citizens and grace-cultivate it.
I have how to the next traces of ancestors, or try to keep the endless position.
Those who serve the Emperor.
And with all you guys of loyalty and moderation of mind, I along with be in peace the world.
This is a good thing. "


Wakayamato - Nekohiko - Oohihino - Sumeramikoto (Kaika emperor)

Kaika emperor
Wakayamato - Nekohiko - Oohihino - Sumeramikoto was called Oohihi.
Kaika is the posthumous name.
Oohihi is the second child of Kougen emperor.
Mother of Oohihi is Utsushikome.
Utsushikome is the sister of Utsushikoo.
Utsushikoo is the ancestor of the clan Hozumi.
'22 Of Kougen. Spring, January 14.
Oohihi became crown prince.
In this case, Oohihi is 16 years old.
'57 Of Kougen. Autumn, September 2.
Kunikuru (Kougen Emperor) died.
'57 Of Kougen. Winter, November 12.
Oohihi was enthronement.
First year of Kaika. Spring, January 4.
Oohihi was called the Empress Dowager honor the former Empress.
First year of Kaika. Winter, October 13.
Oohihi it was transferred the capital to Kasuga.
This is called Izakawa Palace.
This year, Kinoesaru.
5 years of Kaika. Spring, February 6th.
Oohihi was buried Kougen emperor in the tomb of Tsuruginoikenoshimanoue.
Six years of Kaika. January 14.
Oohihi was the Ikagashikome to Empress.
Ikagashikome was the concubine of Kunikuru.
Ikagashikome gave birth to Mimakiiribikoinie.
Kunikuru had to wife the Taniwanotakanohime before Ikagashikome.
Takanohime gave birth to Hikoyumusumi.
Oohihi had a wife in addition.
Name is Hahatsuhime.
Hahatsuhime gave birth to Hikoimasu.
Hahatsuhime is the little sister of Hahatsu.
Hahatsu is the ancestor of Wani clan.
'28 Of Kaika. Spring, January 5th.
Oohihi was the Crown Prince the Mimakiiribiko.
In this case, the Crown Prince was 19 years old.
'60 Of Kaika. Summer, April 9.
Oohihi died.
'60 Of Kaika. Winter, October 3.
Mimakiiribiko was buried Oohihi in the tomb of Kasugaizakawasakamoto.

Ooyamatonekohiko-kunikuruno-Sumeramikoto (Kougen emperor)

Kougen emperor
Ooyamatonekohiko-kunikuruno-Sumeramikoto had been commonly called Kunikuru.
Kougen is posthumous name.
Kunikuru is the son of Kourei emperor.
Mother's Hosohime.
Hosohime is the daughter of Oome of governor of Shiki.
'36 Of Kourei. Spring, in January.
Kunikuru became crown prince.
In this case, Kunikuru is 19 years old.
'76 Of Kourei. Spring, in February.
Futoni (Kourei Emperor) died.
First year of Kougen. Spring, January 14.
Kunikuru was coronation.
Kunikuru was called the Empress Dowager honor the former Empress.
This year, Hinotoi.
Four years of Kougen. Spring, March 11.
Kunikuru was transferred the capital to karu. This is called Sakaihara Palace.
Six years of Kougen. Autumn, September 6.
Kunikuru was buried Kourei emperor in the tomb of Kataokaumasaka.
7 years of Kougen. Spring, February 2nd.
Kunikuru was the Utsushikome to Empress.
Utsushikome gave birth to three children.
Three persons names, Oohiko, Wakayamato - Nekohiko - Oohihi, Yamatototohime.
Kunikuru had a wife in addition to the Utsushikome.
The name of the second wife is Ikagashikome.
Ikagashikome gave birth to a child.
Name is Hikofutsuoshinomakoto.
The name of the third wife is Haniyasuhime.
Haniyasuhime is the daughter of Aotamakake of Kawachi.
Haniyasuhime gave birth to Takehaniyasuhiko.
Big brother Oohiko of Kunikuru is the ancestor of 7 clan.
7 family is "Abe", "Kashiwade" "Ahe" "Sasakinoyama", "Tsukushi" "Etsu," "Iga".
Hikofutsuoshinomakoto is the grandfather of TakeshiuchiSukune.
'22 Of Kougen. Spring, January 14.
Kunikuru is Wakayamato - Nekohiko - Oohihi was to the Crown Prince.
Oohihi was 16 years old.
'57 Of Kougen. Autumn, September 2.
Kunikuru died.


Ooyamato-nekohiko-futonino-Sumeramikoto (Kourei emperor)

Kourei emperor
Ooyamato-nekohiko-Futoni is the son of Kouan emperor.
Mother is Oshihime.
Oshihime is the daughter of "Amenotarashihiko Kunioshihito".
Ooyamato-nekohiko-hutoni was called Futoni.
Kourei is posthumous name.
'76 Of Kouan. Spring, in January.
Futoni became crown prince.
102 years of Kouan. Spring, in January.
Kunioshihito (Kouan) died.
Autumn. September 13.
Futoni was buried Kouan in the tomb of Tamatenookanoue.
Winter. December 4.
Futoni was transferred the capital to Kuroda.
This is called Palace of Ioto.
First year of Kourei. Spring, January 12.
Futoni was enthronement.
It called the Queen Mother honor the former Empress.
This year, Kanotohitsuji.
2 years of Kourei. Spring, February 11.
Futoni was the wife of the Hosohime.
Hosohime gave birth to "Ooyamatoneko Hikokunikuru".
Second Mrs. Yamatonokunikahime.
Yamatonokunikahime gave birth Yamatototobimomosohime, Hikoisaserihiko, the Yamatototowakayahime.
Third Mrs. Haeirodo.
Haeirodo gave birth Hikosashima, the Wakatakeshiko.
Wakatakehiko is the ancestor of the clan Kibi.
'36 Of Kourei. Spring. January 1.
Futoni was the Crown Prince the Hikokunikuru.
'76 Of Kourei. Spring. February 8th.
Futoni died.

大日本根子彦太瓊天皇(オオヤマトネコヒコフトニノスメラミコト) 孝霊天皇

押媛は天足彦国押人(アメノタラシヒコ クニオシヒト)の娘です。
細媛は大日本根子彦国牽(オオヤマトネコ ヒコクニクル)を産んだ。

Yamatotarashihiko-Kunioshihitono-Sumeramikoto (Koan emperor)

Koan emperor
Yamatotarashihiko-kunioshihitono-Sumeramikoto is an alias Kunioshihito. Kouan is the posthumous name
Kunioshihito is the second child of Koushou emperor.
My mother is Yosotarashihime.
Yosotarashihime is the sister of Okitsuyoso.
Okitsuyoso is the ancestor of the clan Owari.
'68 Of Koushou. Spring, in January.
Kunioshihito became crown prince.
'83 Of Koushou. Autumn, in August.
Kaeshine (Koushou) died.
First year of Kouan. Spring, January 27.
Kunioshihito was enthronement.
First year of Kouan. Autumn.
Kunioshihito was called the Empress Dowager honor the former Empress.
This year, Tsuchinotoushi.
Two years of Kouan. Winter, in October.
Kunioshihito was transferred the capital to Muro.
This is called Palace of Akitsushima.
'26 Of Kouan. Spring, February 14.
Kunioshihito was the wife of the Oshihime.
Oshihime is the niece of Kunioshihito.
Oshihime gave birth to Ooyamatonekohikofutoni.
'38 Of Kouan. Autumn, August 14.
Kunioshihito was buried Koushou emperor to Wakinokaminohakatanomaenoe.
'76 Of Kouan. Spring, January 5th.
Kunioshihito was the Crown Prince the Ooyamatonekohikofutoni.
At this time, the Prince 26 years old.
102 years of Kouan. Spring, January 9.
Kunioshihito died.

日本足彦国押人天皇(ヤマトタラシヒコ クニオシヒトノ スメラミコト)は別名国押人(クニオシヒト)です。孝安は諡号です

Mimatsuhiko - Kaeshineno - Sumeramikoto (Koushou emperor)

Koushou emperor
Mimatsuhiko - Kaeshineno - Sumeramikoto (Koushou emperor) is the son of Itoku emperor.
My mother is Amatoyotsuhime.
Amatoyotsuhime is the daughter of Okisomimi.
"Mimatsuhiko - Kaeshineno - Sumeramikoto" commonly called of is Kaeshine.
Koushou is posthumous name.
'22 Of Itoku, spring. February 22.
Kaeshine became crown prince.
'34 Of  Itoku, autumn. September.  Itoku emperor died.
First year of Koushou. Winter, October 13.
Kaeshine was buried in the tomb of the "Matagonotaninoe" in the outstanding virtue emperor in the south of Unebiyama.
First year of Koushou. Spring, January 9.
Kaeshine was coronation.
First year of Koushou. Summer, April 5.
To honor the former Empress, it was called "Queen Mother".
First year of Koushou. Autumn, in July.
It was transferred to capital to Wakinokami.
This we called the Palace of Ikekokoro.
This year Heitora.
'29 Of Koushou. Spring, January 14.
Kaeshine was the wife of the Yosotarashihime.
Yosotarashihime gave birth to two sons.
Names are "Amanotarashihiko kunioshihito" "Yamatotarashihito kunioshihito".
'68 Of Koushou. Spring. January 14.
Kaeshine was the Crown Prince to "Yamatotarashihiko Kunioshihito".
In this case, Yamatotarashihiko is 20 years old.
"Amanotarashihiko Kunioshihito" is a ancestor of Wani clan.
'83 Of Koushou. Autumn, August 5.
Kaeshine died.



Oyamatohiko - Sukitomono - Sumeramikoto. Itoku emperor.

Itoku emperor

Oyamatohiko - Sukitomono - Sumeramikoto is Sukitomo aka.
Itoku is the posthumous name.
Sukitomo is the second child of Annei emperor.
My mother Nunasokonakatu princess.
Mother is the grandson of Kotoshironushi.
Father of the mother is Kamonokimi.
Father of Kamonokimi is Kotoshironushi.
'11 Of Annei. Spring, January 1.
Sukitomo became crown prince.
In this case, Sukitomo is 16 years old.
'38 Of Annei. Winter, December.
Annei Emperor (Tamatemi) died.
Itoku first year. Spring, February 4.
Sukitomo was coronation.
Autumn, August 1.
Sukitomo was buried Annei emperor (Tamatemi) to Mihotonoinoeno tomb.
Mihotonoinoeno tomb is located in the south of Unebiyama.
Sukitomo was called the Empress Dowager honor the Empress of the predecessor.
This year Kanotou.
2 years of Itoku. Spring, January 5th.
Sukitomo was transferred the capital to Karu.
This is called Magariono temple.
February 11.
Sukitomo was the wife of the Amatoyotsu princess.
Amatoyotsu princess is the daughter of Okisomimi.
Okisomimi is the son of Tamatemi (Annei emperor).
Amatoyotsu princess gave birth to Mimatsuhikokaeshine.
'22 Of Itoku. Spring, February 12.
Sukitomo was the Crown Prince the Mimatsuhikokaeshine.
At this time, the Prince 18 years old.
'34 Of Itoku. Autumn, September 8.
Sukitomo died.
He was 77 years old.

Shikitsuhiko - Tamatemino - Sumeramikoto (Annei emperor)

Shikitsuhiko - Tamatemino - Sumeramikoto is Tamatemi known as.
Annei is a posthumous name.
Tamatemi is the eldest son of Suizei emperor.
Mother of Tamatemi is Isuzuyori princess.
Isuzuyori princess is the second daughter of Kotoshironushi.
Suizei 25 years emperor, Tamatemi became crown prince.
At that time, the age of Tamatemi is 21 years old.
Suizei 33 years emperor, summer, in May.
Suizei emperor died.
Tamatemi was enthroned on July 3 of that year.
Annei emperor of the first year. Winter, October 11.
Tamatemi was buried Suizei Emperor tomb of Tsukitanookanoue of Yamato.
Tamatemi was called the Empress Dowager Empress of Suizei emperor.
This year, Mizunotoushi.
2 years of Annei emperor.
Tamatemi was transferred the capital to Katashio.
This is referred to as the temple of Ukiana.
Three years of Annei emperor. Spring, January 5th.
Tamatemi was the wife the Nunasokonakatsu princess.
Nunasokonakatsu princess became Empress.
Nunasokonakatsu princess gave birth to two people of the prince before becoming empress.
The name of the first child is Okisomimi.
The name of the second child is Ooyamatohiko - Sukitomo.
Annei emperor of '11. Spring. January 1.
Tamatemi was the Crown Prince the Sukitomo.
Shikitsuhiko of the third child's ancestors of Itsukai clan.
Annei emperor of '38. Winter, December 6.
Tamatemi died. He was 57 years old.


Kamu-nunakawa-mimino-sumeramikoto (Suizei emperor)

Suizei emperor
Kamununakawamimi - Sumeramikoto the third child of Emperor Jinmu.
My mother Himetataraisuzu-Hime.
Himetararaisuzu -Hime the eldest daughter of Kotoshironushi.
Kamununakawamimi was called Nunakawamimi.
Nunakawamimi is you're appearance, it was decent.
Nunakawamimi the temper is brave from a young age.
Nunakawamimi becomes the prime of life, appearance it was dignified excellent.
Nunakawamimi excellent martial arts, aspirations are high, it was solemnly.
When Nunakawamimi is 48-year-old, Emperor Jimmu died.
Nunakawamimi is feeling to cherish the parent was deep.
For this reason, when the Emperor Jinmu is gone, Nunakawamimi did mountain feeling you yearn sadness, the Jinmu.
Nunakawamimi was especially attentive to the funeral.
Brother was in Nunakawamimi.
Brother of Kamuyaimimi, Tagishimimi brother half-brother.
Kamuyaimimi was called Yaimimi.
Tagishimimi had for a long time regime in the older experience.
Jinmu had been left free regime to Tagishimimi.
However Tagishimimi is lacking in compassion, he had rebelled against humanity.
Tagishimimi tried to seize power in the mourning period of Jinmu.
Tagishimimi can hide the evil, he had planned to kill the two younger brothers.
At that time, Tuchinotou.
Winter in November.
Nunakawamimi knew assassination of Tagishimimi together Yaimimi.
Nunakawamimi and Yaimimi was defense the assassination plan of Tagishimimi.
Nunakawamimi have finished making the tomb of Jinmu.
Nunakawamimi was made a bow to Wakahiko bow department.
Nunakawamimi was made the arrowhead for the deer to Amatsumara of blacksmith department of Yamato.
Preparation of the bow and arrow is fully equipped.
Nunakawamimi was shot dead so To plan the Tagishimimi.
Happened Tagishimimi is I was sleeping on the floor alone in the residences in the Kataoka.
In this case, Nunakawamimi told Yaimimi.
"Opportunity Now.
Assassin must be secretly performed.
Plan to kill Tagishimimi are not consult anyone.
Assassination of Tagishimimi is trying to do just you and me.
I first opened the house door.
You please immediately shot an bow. "
The two men entered the grounds of the residences.
Nunakawamimi opened the door of the residences.
However, Yaimimi was not able to shoot the arrow trembling limbs.
At that time, Nunakawamimi takes a bow and arrow that Yaimimi had, shot an arrow into Tagishimimi.
Arrow shot of Nunakawamimi hit the chest is the first run, the next hit in the back.
Nunakawamimi was shot and killed Tagishimimi.
Yaimimi was ashamed of his actions.
And it was to be followed from yourself Nunakawamimi.
Yaimimi told Nunakawamimi.
"I'm your brother.
But also it can not be well everything weak mind.
But you have excellent prowess.
And it killed their bitter enemy.
Please regard to your Emperor of position.
It is of course is that inherit the ancestors of work.
I will be your help.
I responsible for the work worshiping the gods. "
Yaimimi ancestors of Oonoomi.
Year of Suizei. First year. Spring. January 8.
Nunakawamimi was coronation.
We made the capital in Katsuragi.
This is called Takaoka Palace.
Nunakawamimi's Takashin the Empress of Jinmu.
Nunakawamimi was called the Empress Dowager Empress.
This year, Kanoetatu.
2 years of Suizei. Spring. January.
Nunakawamimi was the Isuzuyori princess to Empress.
Isuzuyori Princess is a sister of the mother.
Isuzuyori princess gave birth to a child.
Name is Shikitsu Hiko Tama Temi.
Four years of Suizei.
Yaimimi died.
It was buried in the north of Unebiyama.
'25 Of Suizei. Spring. January 7.
Nunakawamimi was the Crown Prince the Shikitsu Hiko Tama Temi.
33 years of Suizei. Summer. In May.
Nunakawamimi got sick.
He died on May 10.
He was 84 years old.


Iwarebiko coronation. Jimmu begins the reign of the Emperor.

Tsuratori (BC559), Spring January 1.
Iwarebiko was enthroned in the temple of Kashihara.
This year it will be the emperor of the first year.
The first Princess honor it was called Empress.
Prince also was born two.
The name of the prince is Kamuyai and Kamununakawamimi.
It is referred to as follows in the archaic.
""In Kashihara of Unebi, to make a palace of the pillars in the rock at the bottom of the earth, high Chigi in Takamagahara, the emperor was the first time ruled under heaven.""
The name "Kamuyamato - Iwarebiko - Hohodemi - Sumeramikoto".
day Iwarebiko is the first national, Michiomi had led the Ookumera.
Michiomi it had received secretly instruction from Iwarebiko.
Michiomi us except exorcism evil using the Soeuta-Sakashimagoto.
Sakashimagoto is the beginning that was used.

Soeuta: poem telling the thought is likened to other things.
Sakashimagoto: it does not know the opponent, made it to lead to ally only words.

Two years spring. February 2.
Iwarebiko emperor gave the prize according to the magnitude of the achievement (Ronkokosho).
Michiomi is bestowed the land.
Iwarebiko Emperor was inhabited the Michiomi to built hill eup, using especially heavy.
Iwarebiko emperor was inhabited the Ookumera west of Unebiyama, to the riverside.
Now, because Kume eup this is the beginning.
Iwarebiko emperor appointed Shiinetsuhiko governor of Yamato.
Iwarebiko emperor gave Takeda eup to Otokashi.
Family of Otoukashi became Takeda's secretary.
Otoukashi is the ancestor of Mohitori of Uda.
Iwarebiko emperor appointed Otoshiki to Secretary of Shiki eup.
Otoushiki name is called Kurohaya.
Iwarebiko emperor appointed Tsurugine governor of Katsuragi.
Iwarebiko emperor gave the award to Yatagarasu.
Yatagarasu of offspring is the Secretary of Kazunonotonomori.
Four years Of Jimmu, spring, February 23.
Iwarebiko emperor issued a document that wrote the will.
"Spirits of ancestors of our imperial, and down from the heavens, are watching, it helped me to myself.
Now a lot of enemies to conquer, the country is not even everything.
Where I would like to say a big idea is enshrined the heavenly gods. "
Iwarebiko emperor made a place to worship in the Torimi mountain.
Its location, of Kamitsuono Haibara, of Shimotsuono and Haibara.
Iwarebiko emperor was enshrined Takamimusubi at that location.
'31 Of Jimmu, Summer, April 1.
Iwarebiko Emperor traveled to various places.
Iwarebiko Emperor climbed the hills of Hohoma in Wakigami, said view hope the shape of a country.
"I got a whopping great country.
It is a small country, but Akitsu (dragonfly) surrounds overlap mountains as are mating. "
This was the first time named Akitsushima is possible.
Once upon a time, when the Izanagi was named this country,
"Yamato peaceful country. Lots of country is a good weapon. Well have excellent and well-equipped country."
Izanagi told in this manner.
Also Ooanamuchi when the nation-building,
"Beautiful Tamagaki surrounded by mountains such as the country."
Ooanamuchi told in this manner.
Nigihayahi to fly around the sky ride to heaven of Iwafune, and landed in this country.
Nigihayahi said.
"Good country when viewed from the sky, Yamato country."
'42 Of Jimmu, spring, January 3rd.
Iwarebiko emperor was to Crown Prince the Kamununakawamimi.
'76 Of Jimmu, spring, March 11.
Iwarebiko emperor was death of the emperor in the temple of Kashihara.
It was 127 years old.
The following year, autumn, September 12.
Iwarebiko emperor was buried in the northeast of the tomb of Unebiyama.


Iwarebiko founding declaration.

March 7.
Iwarebiko told before everyone.
6 years have elapsed since out on a journey of "east conquest.
Bandits to counter By virtue of the Amaterasu of majesty's perished.
However, the land around has not yet subsided.
The remaining bandits are strong.
However, no longer bandits that make noise in the land of Uchitukuni.
And to spread open the capital.
Let's make the palace.
However, it is not open now in the world still, the mind of the people obediently.
People live in the nest, live in the hole.
Uncivilized habit does not change.
To begin with the person who is good to make a system, reason is performed correctly.
As long as it made to the people of benefit, no doubt as a business carried out by the what it is also excellent person in.
Cut open the forest, to make the Palace, with respect to respectfully precious position, it should reassure the people.
The answer to the virtue of Amaterasu gave me bestowed the country, and to spread the heart that has been brought up a justice of Amaterasu's grandson.
Then, to open the capital with the country to one, but a good thing to be one of the house over all.
Where I see, Kashihara in the southeast of Unebiyama is the middle of the country.
We should make the capital in Kashihara. "
This month, Iwarebiko was started into the city making it ordered officials.
Fall of Koshin of the year (660 BC), August 16.
Iwarebiko was going to the basis of the first wife.
Iwarebiko was looking for a woman of noble again.
Some people have advised.
"Kotoshironushi you have a child who was born to married Tamakushihime daughter of Mishimazokuimimi.
The name of the child princess Tatara Isuzu Hime.
Isuzuhime the appearance is excellent. "
Listen to this, Iwarebiko rejoiced.
September 24, Iwarebiko is calling princess Tatara Isuzu Hime, was the marriage.
Isuzuhime became the first wife.


Iwarebiko was pacified.

The following year, spring, February 20.
Iwarebiko ordered in various proceeds.
"Take the training to select a soldier"
Bandits to be punitive in Iwarebiko at this point was there.
The woman thief that Niikitobe to Okazaki of Hata of Hosonoagata.
The strong man that Kosenohofuri to Waninosakashita.
The Inohofuri strong man in Okazaki of Nagara of Hosomi.
Pirates of the three places had power.
Three places of the burglar did not allegiance to Iwarebiko.
Iwarebiko was exterminated by dispatching troops to the three places.
Tsuchigumo tribe was in Takaowari eup.
Their appearance is tall limbs were longer low.
Iwarebiko army made a net in the kudzu, was captured and cover cover to them.
Iwarebiko was to massacre the Tsuchigumo group
Iwarebiko was renamed the eup of Tsuchigumo group in Katsuragi.
In addition, there is a place of place called Iware.
Originally it was called hard or mullion.
Iwarebiko forces won the enemy, Iwarebiko army full of the land.
The appearance of the people we came to call Iware look.
In another person's theory,
"Once upon a time, Iwarebiko ate the offerings of Itsuhe.
Iwarebiko killed Nishikata by kick-off.
In this case, Yasotakeru of Shiki is was gathered there to soldiers.
Iwarebiko army and Shiki Yasotakeru army fought.
Iwarebiko army was annihilated Yasotakeru army of Shiki.
People who had seen the state gave the name of the Iware and eup. "
Also the location where Iwarebiko troops raised the cry of Mota.
Iwarebiko troops to the location to which created a castle that Shirota.
Also, dead fallen of the rebel army had the elbow in pillow.
It was named the Tsuramakita and its location to see the situation.
The previous year's fall in September.
Iwarebiko secretly went to Amanokaguyama, I've been taking soil.
Iwarebiko made a flat bowl in the soil.
And Iwarebiko was dedicated to various gods and cleanse themselves.
And finally Iwarebiko can be pacified the world.
Iwarebiko is that Hani-yasu where took the soil.


Death of nemesis Nagasunehiko.

Iwarebiko troops was imminent.
Surprised Nagasunehiko sent a messenger to Iwarebiko.
Messenger said.
"Once upon a time, the Son of the God of heaven riding in heaven Iwafune came down.
It is Kushitamanigihayahi (Nigihayahi).
Nigihayahi was married to a sister of Nagasunehiko Mikashikiya.
And a child was born.
The name of the child is Umashimade.
Therefore, Nagasunehiko will serve Nigihayahi.
Will the child have two people of the God of heaven?
Why is Iwarebiko claiming the child of the God of heaven?
Why Iwarebiko is to try to steal someone else's land?
Nagasunehiko have thought you fake. "
Iwarebiko said.
"I have many children of the God of heaven.
If Nigihayahi is genuine, Nigihayahi have what that serves to sign.
Please show the sign. "
Nigihayahi had a "Amanohahaya" "Kachiyuki (tool for carrying put an arrow at the time of the walk)."
Nagasunehiko showed "Kachiyuki" and "Amanohahaya" to Iwarebiko.
Iwarebiko saw "Amanohahaya" "Kachiyuki".
Iwarebiko said.
"Not a fake it."
And Iwarebiko showed myself of having a "Amanohahaya" and "Kachiyuki" to Nagasunehiko.
Nagasunehiko is surprised to see a sign of the God of heaven, fear, positive a stiff posture.
However, Nagasunehiko camp is ready for the fight had been appointed.
Soldier morale was also growing.
It was not possible to stop the fight in the middle.
And it is not discarded the idea of Nagasunehiko itself wrong, but did not impenitent.
Nigihayahi was watching a series of actions.
Nigihayahi knew.
The God of heaven is to worry about, only the family of Amaterasu's grandson.
In addition, Nigihayahi had sorrow the wicked of Nagasunehiko.
And Nigihayahi is "the God of heaven" taught that there is a difference from the "people" to Nagasunehiko.
But Nagasunehiko did not understand.
Nigihayahi was murdered a Nagasunehiko.
And Nigihayahi was allegiance to Iwarebiko led subordinates.
Iwarebiko is Nigihayahi was found to be the descendants of the God of heaven.
Nigihayahi swore allegiance to Iwarebiko.
Iwarebiko is praised Nigihayahi, was favor.


Golden kite.

December 4.
Iwarebiko army had to subdue the Nagasunehiko.
Iwarebiko army has been the battle also Nagasunehiko army and many times.
But Iwarebiko army did not win easily.
When Iwarebiko army is opposed to the Nagasunehiko army, it became dark and suddenly the sky is cloudy.
And hail has been falling.
At that time one bird of the kite flew.
The kite was shining gold in that strange.
Golden kite Been to previous bow Iwarebiko.
Kite was shining.
Its appearance was like lightning.
Nagasunehiko troops had seen the situation was all dazzling.
Therefore Nagasunehiko Army did not put out the power.
Nagasune of Nagasunehiko was originally the name of the eup.
Influential person of the eup has identified himself Nagasunehiko.
Since Iwarebiko army got auspiciousness of the kite, people at that time was called the land and eup of kite.
Now it's called Tomi is because dull.
Once upon a time, Itsuse me died hit the arrow at the Battle of Kusae.
In this battle, Iwarebiko wanted to take the revenge of Itsuse.
And Iwarebiko the poem.

Mitsumitsushi, Kumenokoraga, Kakimotoni, Ahafuniha, Kamirahitomoto, Sonogamoto, Sonemetsunagite, Uchiteshiyamamu.


A lot of yo army of Kume, which grows millet at the base of the fence. Leek is growing one in it. It will overtake it by connecting from the root of the leek to bud.
Enemy is also trying to wipe out like a leek.

Iwarebiko's also poem.

Mitsumitsushi, Kumenokoraga, Kakimotoni, Ueshihajikami, Kuchibihiku, Warehawasurezu, Uchiteshiyamamu.


A lot of army of Kume. Japanese pepper planted at the base of the fence. When placed in the mouth painful hurts. It's like the enemy attacks. I have not forgotten. Let's wipe out the enemy.

Iwarebiko and golden kite. Wikimedia


Battle of Iwarebiko and Eshiki.


Otoshiki explained the interest in Eshiki.
Otoshiki explained the reasons why it is better to ally to Iwarebiko.
But Eshiki believed to have excellent stupid plan.
Eshiki did not hear that you say Otoshiki.
Shiinetsuhiko has advised a strategy to Iwarebiko.
"Now first, let's send a woman troops from Oshisaka.
The enemy will come out the elite.
Our army run a elite troops, aims to Sumisaka.
Take the water of Uda River, and packed in a leather bag.
Throw a leather bag in the burning of the enemy charcoal, pour the water.
Our elite troops will attack the chance that the enemy is surprised.
We will be surely fall the Sumisaka."
Iwarebiko was praised its strategy.
Iwarebiko were first dispatched a woman army.
The enemy will think and attack of a large military force, was intercepted at full power.
Iwarebiko troops until now and attack it has always taken the position.
Iwarebiko forces always win if fight.
However, the soldiers of the armor was fatigue.
Iwarebiko made a poem in order to heal the hearts of the soldiers.

Tatanamete, Inasanoyamano, Konomayumo, Iyukimamorahi, Tatakaeba, Warehayainu, Shimatsutori, Ukahigatomo, Imasukenikone.


Side by side shield, between the mountains of trees Isana, to protect it is attacked, fought.
We stomach has decreased. By hunter to take the bird, by fishermen that the cormorant fishing, came to help now.

Man army beyond the Sumisaka, hit the enemy from the rear.
Iwarebiko forces was defeated by the enemy to pincer attack.
Iwarebiko killed and cut the Takerueshiki.


Eshiki and Otoshiki

November 7.
Iwarebiko troops tried to capture the Shikihiko in force.
Iwarebiko was called to send messengers to Eshiki.
Eshiki did not respond.
Iwarebiko further sends a Yatagarasu as messenger, called the Eshiki.
Yatagarasu went to the military camp of Eshiki, he said.
"Amaterasu child is calling you. Come on."
Eshiki said angrily.
"When you are angry to hear that came Amaterasu of a child, why the bird is feeling rather than worse."
Eshiki is holding a bow, shot an arrow towards the bird.
Yatagarasu fled surprise.
Yatagarasu was crowed then go to Otoshiki house.
"Amaterasu child is calling you. Come on."
Otoshiki said.
"I fear the morning and evening to hear that came the children of Amaterasu, had been the action that I refrain.
I birds, thing it is good that you cry a lot. "
Otoshiki was entertained Yatagarasu serving food to eight dishes.
Otoshiki came to the military camp of Iwarebiko is guided to Yatagarasu.
Otoshiki told Iwarebiko.
"My brother Eshiki was attracted Yasotakeru to hear that came the children of Amaterasu.
And it established a weapon collection of soldiers, and trying to battle.
You should as soon as possible fight preparation. "
Iwarebiko can hear it, said collection of various proceeds.
"Eshiki'm gonna fight. Why do not you come to be called.
How do you try? "
Various Susumu said.
"Eshiki is crafty enemy.
First, we'll tell dispatched Otoshiki. Let's counsel.
Then, let's counsel is dispatched Ekuraji and Otokuraji.
If you do not absolutely follow, let's fight to send soldier. "
Iwarebiko dispatched Otoshiki.


Yasotakeru of Kunimi hill.

Winter, October 1.
Iwarebiko ate the offerings.
Then soldiers it was the appointed departure.
First, Iwarebiko fought in Yasotakeru and Kunimi hill.
Iwarebiko was killed off the Yasotakeru.
Iwarebiko I thought I had always win this battle.
Iwarebiko the poem a song.

Kamukazeno, Isenoumino, Ohoishiniya, Ihahimotoheru, Shitadamino, Shitadamino, Agoyo, Agoyo, Shitadamino, Ihahimotoheri, Uchiteshiyamamu, Uchiteshiyamamu.

The crawling mantis crab so on under the big stone of Ise sea, my army, my army, around on crawled like a mantis crab, and try to always annihilate the enemy.

Poetry of mind is even if a large stone in the hills Kunimi.
Remnants are many, the situation was a seesawing.
Iwarebiko was secretly instruction to Michiomi.
Build a large house in eup of Osaka "You led the Ookumera.
So frequently performs a drinking bout is please to out trick the enemy. "
Michiomi made a house in Osaka.
Michiomi chose strong man from the forces of allies.
And, it was allowed to live a strong man and an enemy.
Michiomi had strict orders to the strong.
"If spree has been raised, I make Mai.
You're if you hear my voice, simultaneously stabbing to death the enemy. "
Everybody drank sitting sake.
Enemy drunken does not know that there is a conspiracy.
When the party has been raised, Michiomi is rising, the poem a song in order to dance.

Osakano, Ohomuroyani, Hitosahani, Iriworitomo, Hitosahani, Kiiriworitomo, Mitsumitsushi, Kumenokoraga, Kubutsutsui, Ishitsutsuimochi, Uchiteshiyamamu.

Both come people entered the big house people of Nin-zaka, Kume army suffered a Mitsumei would kill the enemy with Kubutsutsu and Ishitsutsu (both the name of the sword).
The strong ally listen to this poem, it was drawing a sword all at once to "Kubutsutsu the sword" and "Ishitsutsu of the sword".
Strong man who was an enemy to the massacre.
Army of Kume joy Greatly, we laughed looked up at the sky.
And it's calling a poem.

Imahayo, Imahayo, Aashiyawo, Imadanimoagoyo, Imadanimoagoyo.
Anymore, now the other, and the dead only. Now remained only our military. Now remained only our military.

Now, Kumera After sing, laugh a lot.
It has begun from here.

Another of the strong man read the poem.
Emishiwo, Hitarimomonahito, Hitohaiedomo, Tamukaimosezu.
When the enemy killing 100 people in one person says. But the enemy did not resist.

This is all, but it was a strict order.
Kumera is not that of the own.
This time Iwarebiko said.
"Good warlords have never treat it won the battle.
Big enemy perished now.
However, the same kind of enemy is still there.
His companions are many.
That fact is not known.
A long time there is likely to be attacked by the enemy If you are in the same place.
Let's move now location. "
Iwarebiko moved to another location by discarding its location.