
Death of Ootarashihiko.

'56 Of Keikou. Autumn. August.
Ootarashihiko told Mimorowake.
"Your father (Hikosashima) fell ill, he could not be appointed.
Hikosashima had died early.
So, you can instead father, please ruled the east of the country. "
Mimorowake received a Ootarashihiko emperor of instruction.
Mimorowake went to the east of the country in order to the father's work.
Mimorowake was subjected to good government in the east of the country.
When Emishi's making noise is, Mimorowake to send troops, it was punitive.
Ashifuribe and Oohafuribe and Tootsukuraobe of leader of Emishi came to the place of Mimorowake.
They pleaded guilty, held out his territory.
Mimorowake forgave those who surrender.
Mimorowake killed those who do not surrender.
East of the country in the success of Mimorowake became calm.
Mimorowake descendants Some in the east of the country now.

'57 Of Keikou. Autumn. September.
Ootarashihiko made a Sakate pond.
Ootarashihiko was allowed planted bamboo on top of the bank of the pond.
Winter. October.
Ootarashihiko made a division of territory management and family register management in countries.

'58 Of Keikou. Spring. February 11.
Ootarashihiko went to Omi.
Ootarashihiko lived three years in Shiga.
At this time of residence is Takaanaho Palace.

'60 Of Keikou. Winter. November 7.
Ootarashihiko died in Takaanaho Palace.
Ootarashihiko was 106 years old.


Memorial of Ootarashihiko.

'52 Of Keikou. Summer. May 4.
Harimaooiratume of Empress died.

Autumn. July 7.
Ootarashihiko was appointed Yasakairihime to Empress.

'53 Of Keikou. Autumn. August 1st.
Ootarashihiko told various Sir
"That you remember I think my love child is, it will be able to stop in time.
Ousu king I want to travel the country was pacified."
This month, ox cart of Ootarashihiko proceeded the Tokaido through the Ise.
Winter. October.
Ootarashihiko went to the country of Kazusa.
Ootarashihiko entered the harbor of Awa in the sea of course.
This time, was no Kakukano bird.
Ootarashihiko I wanted to see the Kakukano bird.
Ootarashihiko went into the sea.
Ootarashihiko found a large clam in the sand.
Iwakamutsukari is in the leaves of the Kaba to cross multiply, was a clam in a dish of raw fish and vegetables seasoned in vinegar cooking.
Iwakamutsukari is the ancestor of Kashiwade clan.
Ootarashihiko has praised the work of Mutsukari.
Ootarashihiko gave the title of Kashiwade Otomo part in Mutsukari.

Ootarashihiko the way home from the east of the country, stayed in Ise.
The place to stay is Kanihata Palace.

'54 Of Keikou. Autumn. September 19.
Ootarashihiko went to Yamato Makimuku Miya from Ise.

'55 Of Keikou. Spring. February 5.
Ootarashihiko appointed Hikosashima to Tokaido 15 countries of the Secretary.
Hikosashima is the grandson of Toyoki.
Hikosashima when you arrive to Anakui village of Kasuga, died became sick.
At this time, the people of the east of the country lamented that Hikosashima was not appointed.
East of the people secretly to steal the corpse of Hikosashima, was buried in Kouzuke.


Yamato Takeru of wives and children.

Autumn. August 4.
Ootarashihiko was the Crown Prince the Wakatarashihiko.
The same day, Ootarashihiko appointed Takeshiuchisukune to Muneharinomaetukimi (highest minister).
sword of Kusanagi that Yamato Takeru was using was in the Atsuta Shrine.
Atsuta Shrine is in the country of Owari.
Emishi that Yamato Takeru is held out to the Ise Shrine.
Emishi's noisy loudly day and night.
In addition, Emishi on the occasion of and out of the shrine, was not able to courtesy.
Yamatohime got angry.
"Do not close this Emishi the Shrine."
Yamatohime held out Emishi in court.
Ootarashihiko put the Emishi at the foot of Mount Miwa.
Emishi were cut wood of Mount Miwa.
Emishi's noisy by raising the loud village.
Emishi was threatening the villagers.
Ootarashihiko heard this.
Ootarashihiko ordered the vassal.
"Emishi at the foot of Mount Miwa does not have the hearts of people.
It is not possible to live in Kinai.
Please dwell in the land of hope to Kigai of Emishi. "
This Emishi is the ancestor of the Saeki family of Harima Sanuki Iyo Aki Awa.

Yamato Takeru is alive, was the wife Futajiirihime.
Futajiirihime gave birth to Inayoriwake.
Then it gave birth to Tarashinagatsuhiko.
Then it gave birth to Nunoshiirihime.
Then it gave birth to young bamboo.
Inayoriwake is the ancestor of the clan and Takebe clan Inukami.
Yamato Takeru was the Kibianatotakehime to concubine.
Kibianatotakehime is the daughter of Kibitakehiko.
Kibianatotakehime gave birth to Takekaigo and Tookiwake.
Takekaigo is the ancestor of Sanukiaya clan.
Tookiwake is the ancestor of Iyowake clan.
Yamato Takeru was the sound Tachibana Princess concubine.
Oto Tachibana princess is the daughter of Oshiyamasukune.
Oshiyamasukune is Hozumi clan.
Oto Tachibana princess gave birth to Wakatakehiko.

Wakatarashihiko and Takeshiuchisukune

'51 Of Keikou. Spring. January 7.
Ootarashihiko was carried out large banquet by collecting vassal.
Banquet was held many days.
However, Wakatarashihiko the Takeshiuchisukune did not attend.
Ootarashihiko was calling two people.
Ootarashihiko heard the reason for two people.
The two men answered.
"Feast of the day it will be crazy about that play everyone.
They do not think that of the nation.
If madman month the chance of security, there is a possibility that the incident occurs.
I am worried.
Therefore, it has provided for outside the fence of emergency. "
Ootarashihiko said.
"It's a fine mind."
Ootarashihiko was to patronize the two people.

Yamato Takeru went to the world of God.

Ootarashihiko ordered the vassal.
Ootarashihiko is to make the tomb of Yamato Takeru to Nobono of Ise, was buried.
At that time, Yamato Takeru became a swan.
Swan exits from the grave, went in the direction of the Yamato.
Surprised servants opened the coffin.
No corpse, only clothes were left.
Servants was followed a swan.
Swan remained Kotohikihara of Yamato.
Ootarashihiko made a tomb in Kotohikihara.
But swan was also taking off.
Swan remained in Furuichi village of Kawachi.
Ootarashihiko made a grave there as well.
People of the time, was named the three tomb the swan Mausoleum.
After this, swan flew sky high.
Swan went to Takaamahara.
Therefore, it was buried only clothing in the grave.
Ootarashihiko tried to leave the achievement of Yamato Takeru.
Ootarashihiko you summarize the achievements of Yamato Takeru, made the department to leave to posterity.
The department is Takeru part.
This year, Ootarashihiko has elapsed '43 concerning the imperial throne.


Sadness of Ootarashihiko.

Ootarashihiko heard the will of Yamato Takeru.
Later, Ootarashihiko could not sleep.
Ootarashihiko did not feel the taste of the meal.
Ootarashihiko mourned noon crying at night.
Wailing Ootarashihiko was deep valley of the way.
Ootarashihiko told vassal.
"Ousu of my child.
Once when Kumaso was rebellion, Ousu was still young children.
Rebellion of Kumaso was longer.
Ousu went on a long battle.
Ousu gave always help me.
When the barbarians of the East has been rebellion, Oousu fled.
I had no right person other than Ousu.
I reluctantly, was dispatched Ousu in the land of Emishi.
I never forgot Ousu a day.
I kept waiting for the Ousu come home every day.
What if calamity, what sin.
Suddenly I lost my child.
In the future, I may be whom the Emperor of the job of."

Testament of Yamato Takeru.

Yamato Takeru after the arrival of Nobono, medical condition has deteriorated.
Yamato Takeru was dedication Emishi who had been taken prisoner in the Ise Shrine.
Yamato Takeru was dispatched Kibitakehiko to Ootarashihiko emperor.
Kibitakehiko was advised on behalf of Yamato Takeru.
"I received a royal command, was subdue the far east of barbarian.
I am indebted of God, and borrowed a high-spirited of the emperor, rebels allowed to submission given to sin, was bad rough God subdue.
I housed the armor, is housed the pike in the case, it came back with confidence.
I was going to try to report to someday Ootarashihiko emperor.
However, my life is exhausted.
My life expectancy is only after the rest.
I fell to the lonely wilderness, I do not even talk to anyone.
I will not spare that his seen perish.
I that regret is that will not be able to serve in Ootarashihiko emperor."
Yamato Takeru died in Nobono.
Yamato Takeru was 30 years old.


Yamato Takeru is combat Ibuki mountain god.

Yamato Takeru came back to Owari.
Yamato Takeru was the visibility princess to concubine.
Estimated princess is a woman of the clan Owari.
Yamato Takeru a long time, stayed in Owari.
Yamato Takeru heard that there are violent God Ibuki mountain of Omi.
Yamato Takeru can remove the sword of Kusanagi, put the sword to the clarity princess of the house.
Yamato Takeru went to Ibuki mountain on foot.
When Yamato Takeru arrives at Ibuki mountain, god of the mountain changes to serpent, it blocked the way of Yamato Takeru.
Yamato Takeru did not know that God is in the serpent.
Yamato Takeru said.
"This snake would surely messenger of God.
If you kill Kamuzane (chief god), this messenger is not a problem. "
Yamato Takeru has advanced to overstep the serpent.
At this time, the god of the mountain was sends down hail to make a cloud.
Fog covers the mountain, the valley is dark, the road is blocked.
Yamato Takeru was wandered.
Yamato Takeru did not know is the way to go.
Yamato Takeru can penetrate the fog, it was forced.
Yamato Takeru was exit somehow mountain.
However, Yamato Takeru became like a drunk to lose sanity.
Yamato Takeru was resting at places of spring water at the foot of the mountain.
Yamato Takeru drank the bottom of the water.
Yamato Takeru was barely awakening.
It says its place as the Isamegai.
Yamato Takeru was there for the first time the disease.
Yamato Takeru rested for a while.
Yamato Takeru it will be able to stand, went back to Owari.
Yamato Takeru did not go to the house of clarity princess.
Yamato Takeru went to Ise via the Owari.
Yamato Takeru stayed in Otsu.
Before Yamato Takeru is going to eastern expedition, it was a meal in Otsu beach.
At that time, Yamato Takeru can remove a single sword, placed at the base of the pine tree.
Yamato Takeru has traveled to eastern expedition forget the sword.
Long years have passed, Yamato Takeru is back in Otsu beach, sword was still in its place.
Yamato Takeru the poem.

Wowarini, Tadanimukaeru, Hitotsumatsuahare, Hitotsumatsu, Hitoniariseba, Kinukisemashiwo, Tachihakemashiwo.

Meaning: Conclusion, is straight opposite, there is a single pine, one of pine, if were human, is clothed, and causes with a sword.


Yamato Takeru kill the bad God of the mountain.

Yamato Takeru said.
"Who bad Emishi received all punishment.
However, both countries of Shinano and Etsu is not a little imperial influence. "
Yamato Takeru was marched from Kai to the north.
Yamato Takeru Tour of the Musashi and Kamitsukeno, we arrived to the west of Usuhi slope.
Yamato Takeru had always remembered the sound Tachibana Hime.
Yamato Takeru climbed to the peak of Usuhi, murmured in view the southeast direction.

"Azuma Haya, Azuma Haya, Azuma Haya"

Meaning:, my wife, oh. , My wife, oh. , My wife, oh. "

So we called Azuma countries east of countries than Usuhi Pass.

Yamato Takeru was here divided the army into two.
It was dispatched Kibitakehiko to Etsu.
Yamato Takeru was instructed to confirm the will of the submission of the people of Etsu and the terrain of Etsu to Kibitakehiko.
Yamato Takeru was marched to Shinano.
Shinano mountains are high, the valley is deep.
Blue high mountain has many layers overlap.
People are also difficult to climb using a cane.
Rock steep, sloping road is long.
A number of high peaks, the horse does not go well, march does not proceed.
However, Yamato Takeru walked a big mountain surpassing the fog divided the haze.
Yamato Takeru arrived at the peak.
Yamato Takeru was dining in the mountains because of hunger.
At this time, the mountain god tried Kurushimeyo Yamato Takeru.
God of the mountain appeared in front of the Yamato Takeru by changing the figure in white deer.
Yamato Takeru's wondering.
Yamato Takeru was playing the white deer in a string of perennial.
Strings hit in the eyes of deer, deer died.
That soon, Yamato Takeru was lost.
Yamato Takeru no longer know the outlet.
At that time, came a white dog.
White dog was moving as lead Yamato Takeru.
Yamato Takeru was able to come out to Mino with the dog.
In the meantime, Kibitakehiko came from Etsu.
Kibitakehiko was a report in Yamato Takeru.
Prior to Yamato Takeru kill deer, who were many and ailing to lie down person in excess of Shinano Pass.
Aura of the mountain god had been affected.
From Yamato Takeru is killing deer, painted juice to people and cattle and horses chewing the perennial who beyond the Shinano Pass.
Who exerted an influence on the aura of the mountain god no longer.

Yamato Takeru to subdue the Emishi.

Leader of Shimatsukami and Kunitsukami of Emishi gathered trying to defend the Yamato Takeru in Takeno Port.
Two people saw the ship of Yamato Takeru.
2 people are afraid to dashing of Yamato Takeru, was determined not to win.
The two men will discard all weapons, worshiped Allegiance Yamato Takeru.
Two people said.
"If you look at your face, it is excellent beyond the people.
Will you God?
Please tell me the name. "
Yamato Takeru said.
"I am the son of the living god (Ootarashihiko Emperor)."
Emishi was honored fear.
Emishi et al put the clothes of hem in a band, is divided the waves, it gave the ship Yamato Takeru to shore.
And they were subjected to Yamato Takeru.
Yamato Takeru forgave their sin.
Yamato Takeru was added to the subordinates the leader of Emishi.
Yamato Takeru is to pacified the Emishi, it had to return from Hitakami countries.
Yamato Takeru is via the Hitachi, we arrived in Sakaori Palace of Kai.
Yamato Takeru ate dinner and lit the lamp.
This night, Yamato Takeru is to make a poem, questioned the servant.

Niibari, Tsukubawosugite, Ikuyokanetsuru.

Meaning: Shinji Metropolitan has elapsed Tsukuba, how much of the night, I wonder slept.

Servants were not able to answer.
Fire burning Officers, made a poem to following in the footsteps of Yamato Takeru.

Kaganahete, Yonihakokonoyo, Hinihatowokawo.

Meaning: When calculated, the evening nine night, daytime is 10 days.

Yamato Takeru was praised for the clever fire burning Officers.

Yamato Takeru gave the reward to the fire burning Officers.
Yamato Takeru is coming to Sakaori Palace, it gave a soldier of the role with a basket of bow to Takehi.
Takehi is the ancestor of the clan Otomo.


Death of Ototachibanahime.

Yamato Takeru went to Sagami.
Yamato Takeru was trying to go to the Kazusa.
Yamato Takeru is looking the sea, was bombast.
"This small sea will be able to cross it jumped"
However, Yamato Takeru of the ship as the advance of the sea, wind and rain became stronger.
Finally becomes a storm, the ship was no longer advancing.
Woman of one person this time came forward in front of the Yamato Takeru.
This woman is a concubine of Yamato Takeru.
Woman name is Ototachibana princess.
Ototachibana princess is the daughter of Oshiyamasukune clan Hozumi.
Ototachibana princess said.
"Now, we have rough wind occurs wave.
The ship is likely to sink.
This is surely the work of god of the sea.
Lowly I will be the scapegoat of the prince.
It will enter into the sea. "
Storm was stopped immediately.
The ship arrived safely to shore.
People of the time, was said to have named the sea as "Hashirumizu".
Yamato Takeru went to Mutsu countries from Kazusa.
In this case, Yamato Takeru was set a large mirror on the ship.
Yamato Takeru went to the foot in the sea route.
Then, Yamato Takeru went to the controlled areas of Emishi crosses the Tamaura.

Origin of the sword of Kusanagi.

Yamato Takeru and the sword of Kusanagi

This year, Yamato Takeru went for the first time in Suruga.
Although there was a thief in Suruga, burglar was obedient to Yamato Takeru.
But this was a trap.
Thief was deceived Yamato Takeru.
Thief said.
"There are many big deer in this field.
Breath spit big deer is like the morning mist.
Large deer legs is like the young trees.
Yamato Takeru generals, would you like in the hunt in this field. "
Yamato Takeru believed the words of the thief.
Yamato Takeru was a hunt to enter the field.
Thief was thinking from the beginning to kill Yamato Takeru.
Thief was on fire when Yamato Takeru came to the middle of the field.
Yamato Takeru was noticed that it was deceived.
This time, Amano Murakumo was ejected from the sheath.
Amano Murakumo was reaping the grass around the Yamato Takeru.
Yamato Takeru takes the flint, made a backfire.
Yamato Takeru was now escaped.
From this time, the sword of Amano Murakumo came to be known as the sword of Kusanagi.
That we reap the grass in the Japanese referred to as "Kusa wo Nagu".
Yamato Takeru said.
"It was really the place to be deceived."
Yamato Takeru killed all baked a bandits.
I called the place and Yaizu.
It is now of Yaizu.


Yamato Takeru and Amano Murakumo sword.

Yamato Takeru received a position of Shogun.
Ootarashihiko is again bowed to the Emperor, he said.
"When I was once conquest the west of the country, it relied on the power of the emperor.
I was conquest the country of Kumaso a short sword of three feet.
And immediately enemy general is subject to sin, he died.
Now also, I will rely on the power of God, and borrowed the emperor of power, go out to the expedition.
If you have a person you do not follow even shows the virtues and teachings, and subdue with soldiers. "
Ootarashihiko was the Kibitakehiko and Ootomotakehi the servant of Yamato Takeru.
Ootarashihiko was the Nanatsukahagi to cook.

Winter. October 2.
Yamato Takeru was departure for the front.

October 7.
Yamato Takeru was worship to the Ise Shrine.
Yamato Takeru said the words of farewell to Yamatohime.
"I will go to the east of the country in the emperor of instruction from now.
And I decided to punitive expedition the various rebels.
So I came to greeting princess. "
Yamatohime has been with the sword of Amano Murakumo from the shrine.
Yamatohime bestowed the sword of Amano Murakumo Yamato Takeru.
And Yamatohime said.
"Be careful. Try to never do not let your guard down."

Ootarashihiko is Briefing to Yamato Takeru.

Ootarashihiko appointed Yamato Takeru generals of Emishi subdue.
Ootarashihiko said.
"Eastern Barbarians personality is a savage, not ashamed even insult.
Absent the village headman in the village.
Each is committed violated the boundary.
False god is present in the mountains.
Kanoni (Kashimashiki demon) is present in the field.
Come and go is blocked, a lot of people afflicted.
Emishi's strongest in the Eastern Barbarians.
Emishi there is no distinction between men and women and parents and children.
Emishi the winter sleeping in the hole, summer sleep on the tree.
Emishi is wearing fur, drink in favor of blood.
Emishi each other suspicion brothers.
Emishi when you climb the mountain, like a bird early.
Emishi When you run the prairie, like a beast early.
Emishi On forget soon.
However, Emishi the grudge will always be retaliation.
Emishi hide the arrow in which a bundle of hair.
Emishi is in tinged sword into the batter.
Emishi it violated the frontier by collecting fellow, steal crops in time to harvest the agricultural products.
If you attack the Emishi hiding in the grass and rocks, and escape in the mountains when the chase.
Therefore, it does not follow from the past to the imperial influence.
Now, looking at you figure, Garment Length is high, face is beautiful, a force also.
Bravery is like lightning.
No enemy in place to go toward, be sure to win a place to attack.
Appearance is my child.
However, it is really God people.
This country is disturbed by my accidental.
Heaven's mercy.
And prepare the emperor's work, ancestors of the temple is that you do not end.
World, nor I you thing the Emperor's position.
Whether, you did a far sight and deep design, please find the villain.
You can punish the villain in power, let obedience in virtue.
You Try to himself villain follow without as much as possible the soldiers.
Given the words, to calm the bad God rage, please breaks through Kanoni (Kashimashiki demon) by force.

Oousu expulsion.

Ootarashihiko emperor said to various Lord.
"Now, God rage in the east of the country there are many.
In addition, Emishi was all treason.
People are suffering in the assays of the Emishi.
To quell the revolt, who it would be better to dispatched. "
Various Lord was not able to answer it should be dispatched anyone.
Yamato Takeru said.
"I went ahead to the west of expedition.
This time, Oousu would be eligible. "
Oousu was surprised.
Oousu was hiding in the grass and out of the palace.
Ootarashihiko will find the Oousu, soldiers have been bring Oousu.
Ootarashihiko blamed Oousu.
"If the you do not want, do not forcibly dispatched you.
What a thing.
You have not yet met the enemy, and the fear so much. "
Oousu by this incident has been expelled capital.
Oousu is entrusted with the KUNISHI of Mino country, I had to live in Mino countries.
This time, who was appointed to KUNISHI did not Omomuka to duty station.
The behalf of those who had not directed to the duty station.
However, anger Ootarashihiko is fiercely, Ootarashihiko was to live in the duty station Oousu directly.
Oousu thing was not to return to the capital.
Oousu is the ancestor of Migetsu and model Mori.
Yamato Takeru said, acted heroically.
"I have pacified the Kumaso, not yet elapsed month.
However, now, Emishi was revolt.
After time to become, Japan wonder be pacified.
It is very hard for me, but let's pacified the turbulent in a hurry. "


Yamato Takeru feedback.

Yamato Takeru troops subdue the Kumaso.
We went to the Yamato in the sea route.
Yamato Takeru troops went to Kibi, across the Anaumi.
Bad God was there to Anaumi.
Yamato Takeru killed a bad God.
The ship approached the Naniwa.
Bad God was there to Kashiwawatari.
Yamato Takeru was killed also this bad God.

'28 Of Keikou. Spring. February 1.
Yamato Takeru was a report of Kumaso subdue to Ootarashihiko emperor.
"I have been protected by the spiritual power of the emperor.
I will fight to raising an army, I killed the leader of Kumaso.
I have to calm was rebellion country.
For this reason, the west of the country subsided, people became peaceful.
However, God of Kashiwawatari of Naniwa and the God of Anawatari of Kibi had committed an act to harm the people.
Passers suffered in the two places, it was a villain of the nest.
Therefore, our forces killed all the bad guys.
And it opened the way for land and water.

Ootarashihiko has praised the achievements of the Yamato Takeru.
Ootarashihiko it was especially loved the Yamato Takeru.

40 years of Keikou. Summer. June.
Emishi the east of the country has caused a revolt.
Frontier countries were upset.

Yamato Takeru sortie.

Winter. October 13. Ootarashihiko dispatched Ousu to Kumaso subdue.
In this case, Ousu is 16 years old.
Ousu said.
"I want to take a good person bow. Do not anyone? "
Some people said.
"There are expert in Mino. Name is Otohiko. "
Ousu is dispatched Miyatohiko (Katsuragi graduates), was convened Otohiko.
Otohiko was brought Ishiurayokotachi and Tagonoinaki and Chidjikainaki.
Tagonoinaki and Chidjikainaki is a person of Owari.
Otohiko it became the subordinates of Ousu.

Ousu troops arrived in the country of Kumakasane.
Ousu troops was investigating the life of people.
Ousu troops was investigating the terrain of the area for the battle.
The middle of the investigation, Ousu troops found a clan of rebels.
It is Takeru of Kumakasane.
Real name of Takeru of Kumakasane is Toroshikaya.
Alias is Kawakami Takeru.
Takeru is the generic name of the brave leaders.
Kawakami Takeru had a housewarming by collecting clan.
Ousu was dropped the hair like a little girl, was wearing women's clothes.
Ousu was placed in a small sword in the bosom.
Ousu saw a banquet of a state of Kawakami Takeru.
Ousu went into banquet hall at just the right time.
Ousu was mixed in the women.
Kawakami Takeru found a Ousu.
Kawakami Takeru was praised the appearance of Ousu.
Ousu was a beautiful appearance.
Kawakami Takeru takes the hand of Ousu, was sitting in the same seat.
Kawakami Takeru was fun to drink wine to Ousu.
Kawakami Takeru toyed a Ousu.
Night was late at.
People in the party venue has become sparse.
Kawakami Takeru was drunk.
Ousu was taken out the sword of bosom.
When Ousu you a little stab in the chest of Kawakami Takeru, Kawakami Takeru is wake up drunk.
Kawakami Takeru said by lowering the head to Ousu.
"Please wait for a while.
I will have to say to you. "
Ousu will stop the sword, waited.
Kawakami Takeru said.
"who are you?"
Ousu said.
"I Ootarashihiko (Keikou) is the emperor of the child.
Name is Yamatooguna. "
Kawakami Takeru said.
"I am a strong man in this country.
In this country, it does not follow for fear of my power who does not exist.
I met a lot of warrior.
People such like you are the first time.
I am a lowly person.
It is from my lowly mouth, but you want to send an honorary title to you.
Can you forgive me? "
Ousu said.
"To give permission."
Kawakami Takeru said.
"Since then, I like to call Yamato Takeru the prince."
When Kawakami Takeru is Iowaru, Ousu stabbed deeply the sword.
Ousu killed Kawakami Takeru.
After this, Ousu was called Yamato Takeru.
Then, Yamato Takeru had dispatched Otohiko army.
Otohiko army killed everyone Kawakami Takeru family and fellow.
The land is no longer stay anyone.

冬。 10月13日Ootarashihikoは討伐をKumasoするOusuを派遣しました。

私はあなたに言う必要があります。 "
名前は日本童男(ヤマトオグナ)です。 "
あなたは私を許すことはできますか? "


Ootarashihiko is fed back to the Yamato.

June 3.
Ootarashihiko was entered from Takaku Agata to Tamakina village.
At that time, Ootarashihiko killed Tsuchigumo Tsutsura.

June 16.
Ootarashihiko got to Aso country.
Aso lasted far field is wide.
Ootarashihiko was not able to see the house.
Ootarashihiko said.
"What people are in this country?"
At this time, two God it appeared become a figure of the person.
2 God is Asotsuhiko and Asotsuhime.
2 God said.
"Our two people stay.
There is no that a person is not home. "
Ootarashihiko heard it was named the name of the country and Aso.

Autumn. July 4.
Ootarashihiko arrived in Mike of horsetail Roh Michino Siri countries.
Ootarashihiko went into temporary shrine of Takada.
Fallen tree was in temporary shrine of Takada.
Fallen tree length 970 length.
Officials were traffic by stepping the tree fell down.
People of the time, the poem.

Asashimono, Mikenosawohashi, Mahetsukimi, Iwatarasumo, Mikenosawohashi.

Meaning: in the Asashimo, the Kobashi of your tree, officials, go across, the Kobashi of your tree.
Commentary: still from the early hours of the morning, fallen trees in the bridge, officials will go to work in temporary shrine, has been the bridge is not removed the fallen tree.

Ootarashihiko is asked who was there on the side.
"This is what the tree?"
An old man said.
"This is a tree of oak.
when previously, it had not yet fallen, this tree is lit by the morning sun, it was enough to conceal the screeching mountain.
When the tree is illuminated to sunset, it was enough to hide the Mount Aso. "
Ootarashihiko said.
"This tree is a sacred tree.
The name of this country we called Mike countries. "

July 7.
Ootarashihiko arrived in Yame hyeon.
Ootarashihiko is beyond the Fujiyama, Ootarashihiko was view the Awasaki of south.
Ootarashihiko said.
"Peak of the mountain over and over again overlap beautiful.
God is probably there to the mountain. "
Saruoomi of Mizunuma Agata Secretary said.
"Goddess will stay.
Name is Yametsuhime.
It will always stay in the mountains. "
Ootarashihiko heard the story, it was the name of the country in Yame.

Ootarashihiko arrived in the village Ikuha.
Ootarashihiko was a meal in there.
The time of the meal, serving clerk forgot the cup of sake.
At that time people said the location where forget the cup of sake and Ukiha.
Ikuha is what Ukiha was dull.
Once upon a time people of Tsukushi said the cup of sake and Ukiha.

'19 Of Keikou. Autumn. September 20.
Ootarashihiko was returning from the sun to the Yamato.

'20 Of Keikou. Spring. February 4.
Ootarashihiko is dispatched the Iono princess, was dedicated to Amaterasu.

'25 Of Keikou. Spring. February 12.
Ootarashihiko dispatched Takeshiuchisukune in Hokuriku and Eastern countries.
Takeshiuchisukune was visited terrain and the number of how people's countries.

'27 Of Keikou. Spring. February 12.
Takeshiuchisukune was feedback from the east of the country.
Takeshiuchisukune reported to Ootarashihiko.
"There was a Hidakami country in the east of the country.
People of the country will have her hair done in such form of the vertebral both men and women.
In addition, both men and women has a tattoo on the body.
And, it is brave men and women.
These called Emishi.
Hidakami country is vast have fertile land.
It may Cheats that. "

Kumaso was revolt again.
Kumaso was frequently invaded the frontier region.


Kyushu trip Ootarashihiko.

'18 Of Keikou. Spring. March.
Ootarashihiko went to Yamato.
Along the way, we have traveled the country of Tsukushi.
Ootarashihiko was first to arrive at Hinamori.
At this time, the crowd had gathered on the banks of the Iwasegawa.
Ootarashihiko said, watching the situation.
"What is the people who are that gathered?
They are rebels? "
Ehinamori and Otohinamori went to see how.
Otohinamori had returned.
Otohinamori reported to Ootarashihiko.
"Moro Katano Kimi Izumi princess would like to conceded the food to emperor.
The crowd is the servant of Izumihime. "

Summer. April 3.
Ootarashihiko arrived in Kumano hyeon.
Kumatsuhiko brother was in Kumano hyeon.
Ootarashihiko have called first Ecma.
Ecma came in accordance with the messenger.
Ootarashihiko then called the Otokuma.
Otokuma did not respond to the invitation.
Ootarashihiko dispatched troops to Otokuma.
Soldiers killed Otokuma.

The 11th.
Ootarashihiko was using the sea route.
Ootarashihiko Been to the island of Ashikita.
Ootarashihiko was a meal in there.
In this case, Ootarashihiko was desired cold water by calling Ohidari.
Ohidari is the ancestor of Yamabeabiko.
Ohidari looked for all over the island.
However, there was no springing water and river for a small island.
Ohidari prayed to gods of heaven and earth.
Then the cold water it was springing from between the rocks on the cliff.
Ohidari will draw its water, it was presented to Ootarashihiko emperor.
Ootarashihiko heard the story, I was named the island and Mizushima.
The spring water is still remaining in Mizushima.

May 1.
Ootarashihiko was sailed from Ashikita.
Ootarashihiko arrived off the coast of the country of fire.
So it became a night.
It is difficult to get to dark shore.
At that time, we saw the light of the fire.
Ootarashihiko ordered to boatman.
"Please proceed straight toward the light of the fire."
The ship went towards the light of the fire.
The ship arrived safely to shore.
Torch was burning in the shore.
Ootarashihiko asked.
"What is the name of the individual village?"
Residents answered.
"This is the Toyo village of Yashiro Agata."
Ootarashihiko was asked about the fire.
"Who of the torch?"
But the owner was not there.
Ootarashihiko was well observed the torch.
The torch has been found that it is not human.
Ootarashihiko was named the country with the country of fire.


Poetry of homesickness.

'13 Of Keikou. Summer. May.
Ootarashihiko was pacified the entirely So countries.
Ootarashihiko have passed six years in Takaya Palace.
Beauty was there to So countries.
Name is Mikahashihime.
Ootarashihiko was the Mikahashihime to concubine.
Mikahashihime gave birth to Toyokuniwake.
Toyokuniwake is the ancestor of the Secretary clan of Himuka countries.

'17 Of Keikou. Spring. March 12.
Ootarashihiko played went to Nimonoono of Koyuno.
In this case, Ootarashihiko said by looking at the east of direction.
"This country is facing a person who straight day out."
It changed the name of this country to Himuka.
On this day, Ootarashihiko climbed to a large rock of Nonaka, poem In Memory of the capital.

Hashikiyoshi, Wagihenokatayu, Kumoi Tachikumo, Yamatoha, Kuninomahoraba, Tatanadzuku, Aogaki, Yamakomoreru, Yamatoshi, Uruhashi, Inochino, Matakemuhitoha, Tatamikomo, Hegurinoyamano, Shiragashigaewo, Uzunisase, Conoco.

Meaning: love Qing, from the home of direction, clouds are springing standing a lot, Yamato, where the splendor of the country, in many layers overlap, lush mountains, is surrounded by, Yamato, beautiful.
Lives, people who fulfill is, over and over again is folded, of Heguri Mountain, a branch of the white oak, please insert the hair, this child.

Nostalgia just in case the recruit.
Far from the home of direction, clouds have come up a lot.
Yamato is a great location in the center of the country.
Surrounded by lush mountains Yamato beautiful.
Those who fulfill the life Try to hair ornaments to refer to a branch of the white oak.
Oh, my child.

This is a poem remembering the country.

Kumasotakeru was killed by the daughter.

December 5.
Ootarashihiko consulted various Sir and Kumaso subdue.
Ootarashihiko told various today.
"In my heard talk, Atsukaya and Sakaya is present in So countries.
The two men many minions in the strong man of Kumaso.
I heard Yasotakeru of Kumaso.
The two men momentum is thriving, not stay the win person.
If the army is small, our forces would not be able to destroy the enemy.
But if we moved a lot of troops, our forces will harm the farmer.
Do not use the power of the soldiers, smooth you want to pacified the country. "
Is one of the Minister stepped forward, he said.
"Two daughters will stay in Kumasotakeru.
Elder sister is Ichifukaya, younger sister is Ichikaya.
2 people in good-looking, temper is brave.
We have a lot of gifts to two people, it would be the time added to the vassal.
2 people Once the vassal, and let's explored the state of Kumasotakeru.
If you put a surprise Kumasotakeru, blade without wet with blood, you will be able to defeat the enemy. "
Ootarashihiko said.
"It's a good idea."
Ootarashihiko showed the two women a gift.
Ootarashihiko succeeded in deceiving the two women.
Two women became a vassal of Ootarashihiko.
Ootarashihiko was a false favor to Ichifukaya.
Ichifukaya was thought to be the favor of truth.
Ichifukaya was deceived brilliantly.
Ichifukaya told Ootarashihiko.
"You do not mind that Kumaso does not follow.
To me there is a good plan.
Please put me one or two soldiers. "
Ichifukaya went home.
Ichifukaya was prepared a lot of hard liquor at home.
Ichifukaya was drinks save to his father.
Her father fell asleep drunk.
Ichifukaya had secretly cut the strings of the father of the bow.
At this time, the servant of the soldiers had stepped forward.
Retinue of soldiers killed Yasotakeru.
Ootarashihiko hated the lack of filial piety of Ichifukaya.
Ootarashihiko was killed in Haye Ichifukaya.
Ootarashihiko appointed Ichikaya sister in fire country of Secretary.


Tsuchigumo subdue.

Toriyama Sekien "Past and Present Eze continued hundred demon"
'12 Of Keikou. Winter. October.
Emperor forces arrived in Ookita countries (Oita Prefecture).
Terrain of Ookita countries was widely big beautiful.
Ootarashihiko was named the land and Ookita.
Emperor forces arrived in Hayami village.
Women stayed there.
The name of the woman is Hayatsuhime.
Hayatsuhime was mayor of Hayami village.
Hayatsuhime knew a visit Ootarashihiko.
Hayatsuhime was greeted Ootarashihiko.
Hayatsuhime told Ootarashihiko.
"There is a cave of a large rock in this mountain.
It called the Rat of Caves.
Two Tsuchigumo live in Rat of Caves
The name of the Tsuchigumo is blue and white.
Three Tsuchigumo will stay in Negino of Naorino Agata.
The name of the Tsuchigumo is Uchisaru, Yata, is Kunimaro.
Tsuchigumo of this five people has a lot of powerful fellow.
They said that it does not comply with the Emperor of instruction.
They When you are instructed to follow the hard-line, you have said that it is raising an army to fight. "
Ootarashihiko was thought that it is not a good thing.
Ootarashihiko did not fight with Tsuchigumo.
Ootarashihiko was sojourn in the village Kutami.
Ootarashihiko built a temporary temple in the village Kutami.
Ootarashihiko was a meeting with the various today.
"I think now, and trying to subdue the Tsuchigumo move a lot of soldiers.
If I hide in fear Yamano to our forces, it will be a disaster later. "
Ootarashihiko can cut the tree of camellia, it made a hammer.
The hammer it was a weapon.
Ootarashihiko it were selected hefty soldier, it was awarded the hammer.
Emperor selection Corps proceed penetrate the mountain, it proceeds by dividing the tall grass to the right and left.
Emperor selection Corps attacked the Tsuchigumo caves.
Emperor selection Corps was Tsuchigumo exterminated upstream of Inaba, was annihilated.
Blood was flowing from the corpse of the Emperor selection Corps was beaten to death.
Blood was soaked up to ankle.
The people of when said Tsubakichi the place that made the hammer of camellia.
Also said the place where the flow of blood and Chita.
Emperor army was beyond the Negi mountain in order to subdue the Uchisaru.
At this time, the enemy of the shot was arrows flew from the side of the mountain.
It was the arrow of rain, such as heavy rain.
Ootarashihiko return to Kihara, it was a fortune-telling.
Ootarashihiko a result of fortune-telling, made a camp on the banks of the river.
Ootarashihiko trimmed the soldiers.
Ootarashihiko was defeated first in the Yata in Negi mountain.
Uchisaru you saw the situation was judged to not win the Emperor army.
Uchisaru was asked permission to surrender to Ootarashihiko emperor.
But Ootarashihiko did not permit.
Emperor army was cornered in a cliff Uchisaru army.
Uchisaru troops all died by throwing himself into the valley.
Ootarashihiko was staying in the Kashiwao order to subdue the enemy Ohno.
I made a fortune before the start of the time combat.
There was a stone to Ohno.
Length 6 feet, width of 3 feet, a thickness of 1 feet 5 cun.
Ootarashihiko said.
"If I as it is possible to destroy the Tsuchigumo, when you kicked the stone, you will soar to like oak leaves."
Ootarashihiko kicked a stone.
Stone soared into the sky as oak leaves.
The name of the stone it was Hamishi.
In this case, God Ootarashihiko was prayer is, Shiga, Naoirimononobe, Naoirinakatomi.
This is a 3-God.

Ootarashihiko built a temporary palace in Himuka countries.
This is Takaya Palace.