
"Yamata no Orochi" appearance!

When the Susanoo is waiting, serpent came from beyond.
serpent was greater.
Head and tail had eight each.
As the eye red Chinese lantern plant, had a cloudy red.
The body of the serpent grew pine and oak.
serpent, the spread between eight mountains and eight of the valley, had been overwhelmed around.
To because serpent look horribly, seemed paralyzed is seen.


Orochi measures.

Susanoo heard the story of the old man.
And Susanoo was proposed in the elderly.
"I kill the Yamata no Orochi. I want Kushinadahime."
The old man replied.
"I will give you a Kushinadahime."

Susanoo has changed the Kushinadahime to comb.
And Susanoo was pointing to the hair.

Susanoo was prepared in order to kill the Yamata no Orochi.
Susanoo was prepared sake of good scent to Ashinadzuchi and Tenadzuchi.
Susanoo made a shelf eight.
And Susanoo put the Tubs containing the liquor to each shelf.
Susanoo waited for Yamata no Orochi is ready.


Yamata no Orochi.

Yamata no Orochi.

Old man and the old woman told the reason crying in Susanoo.
The previously old man and the old woman had eight children.
Eight children were all lovely girl.
However, the girls had gone home.
Kushinadahime will not stay this year.
Kushinadahime is can not be changed that will not stay.
We are of it is crying sad.

Susanoo I heard.
Why Kushinadahime will not stay?
Why eight girls is no longer stay?

Old man and the old woman answered.
This is because every year was swallowed by the Yamata no Orochi.
Kushinadahime is swallowed in Yamata no Orochi this year.
There is no way to escape us.

Yamata no Orochi is legendary that appeared in Japanese mythology organisms.
Serpent that has eight head.



Susanoo was kicked out Takaamahara.
Susanoo was towards the country of the original governance countries dead.
Susanoo was stopped on the way to the country of the dead in Izumo country Hikawa.
Hikawa was the river of a gentle flow.
Susanoo found the old man and the old woman and the girl on the banks of the river.
Three people had been absent.
Susanoo heard the circumstances in three people will care.
"You guys Who?
Crying why here? "
Old man replied.
"I am a resident of this country.
I am Ashinazuchi. Wife is Tenazuchi. This girl is our child. Name is Kushinadahime


Susanoo expelled.

The gods were angry with Susanoo.
Originally Susanoo was supposed to govern the country of the dead.
Susanoo is the way to go to the country of the dead, came to greet Takamagahara.
Susanoo was long sojourn.
And Susanoo was annoy Amaterasu by a number of mischief.
Amaterasu has been allowed for was younger brother think.
But, Susanoo is was not allowed at this time.
Gods punished the sins of Susanoo.
Susanoo was dedicator a number of goods.
Punishment of the gods was harsh.
Susanoo was pulled out hair.
Susanoo is stripped nails of hands and feet.
And in the rain, Susanoo was expelled from Takaamahara..


Amaterasu revival.

Amaterasu is listen to the outside of the commotion of the cave, and wondered.
"In order that I have hidden, outside should of darkness. But he this commotion What? Amanouzume Why are clamoring so?
I wonder if clamoring what gods also? "
Amaterasu is how the outside is worrisome.
Amaterasu is to solve the spell of rock door, open the door of the rock a little, was heard outside the state.
In this case, Techikaraonokami is I pulled out from the cave takes the hand of Amaterasu.
God and Inbe God of Nakaomi has stretched the straw festoon at the entrance of the cave.
And gods were pleading.
"Please do not return in another"

Techikarao to break open the heavens of Iwato.



Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto, it has a spear wound with Kaya, was standing in front of the door of the rock.
Around the door of the rock was placed a bonfires.
Appearance of Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto, the hair ornaments the Sakaki of "Koguyama" to the head, decorated with Lycopodium clavatum to clothes.
And, Turn the tub made of wood, were on the stage.
Ame-no-Uzume-no-Mikoto sang vigorously dancing violently.


Plan of Omoikane

Omoikane is attracting long songbirds, was a long squeal.
Omoikane was to stand in front of the rock door of the cave the Techikarao.
Omoikane was ordered to Amanokoyane and Futotama.
Amanokoyane and Futotama went to kagu mountain, I was taken a lot of Sakaki.
Amanokoyane and Futotama decorated the decoration that was passed through a lot of jewels and tube ball and thread on a branch on the Sakaki.
Amanokoyane and Futotama the branches of the middle, multiplied by the large mirror.
Amanokoyane and Futotama adorned gohei branches below.
Gohei were made in blue and white of hemp.
Gods was a prayer.


God of the knowledge, Omoikane.

Amaterasu is hidden in a cave, the light of the sun has disappeared in Takaamahara.
Gods consulted gathered Yas river.
Omoikane of God of knowledge, deep thought, scrupulously, carefully, told a plan to draw the Amaterasu.


Amaterasu rage. Hide in grotto.

Amaterasu watched gently misdeeds of Susanoo.
Amaterasu I thought I had Susanoo to reform.
However, misdeeds of Susanoo became badly.
Susanoo is threw a "mottled horse hair skin" in the weaving of the temple.
At that time Amaterasu surprise, it tumbled down, were injured in the shuttle that had.
Amaterasu was furious.
Amaterasu enters the grotto, tighten the cave, was holed up.
In order to Amaterasu was holed up, light of the sun has disappeared from Takaamahara.
Takaamahara is covered in darkness, the distinction between day and night is gone.


Evil of Susanoo.

Susanoo had remained in Takaamahara.
While in Takaamahara, mischief of Susanoo was intense.
there was Amaterasu of rice fields in takaamahara.
Susanoo is you can spread piled up seed to rice fields of Amaterasu, and break the banks, prevented the growth of rice.
Susanoo before autumn harvest, was vandalism and off a "mottled hair of the horse" in a rice field.
When "Niiname Festival", Susanoo was the shit in rituals of the room.
Amaterasu had become covered feces.
Amaterasu had woven clothes in loom of the temple.
Susanoo is at that time, drilled a hole in the ceiling of the temple threw the skin of "plaques hair of the horse."

*Niiname festival.
And equipped with a newly available grain to fall to the temple, and thanks to ritual.


Suspicion of Susanoo is clear.

Amaterasu is folded into three the "ten grip of the sword" of Susanoo, was cleansed in the well named Amanomana.
Amaterasu includes a sword in mouth, was chewing finely.
And, Amaterasu was spouting as fog.
God was born from a fine mist.
Takorihime, Tagitsu Hime, Itsukishima Hime.
Three of the goddess was born.

Susanoo received a large pearl necklace that had been wrapped around the hair and arm.
Susanoo was cleansed the necklace in Amanomana.
Susanoo includes a ball necklace in mouth, was chewing finely.
And Susanoo was spouting as fog.
God was born from a fine mist.
Masaka - A - Katsu - Kachihayahi - Amanooshiho - no-mikoto, Ama-no- Hohi -no- Mikoto, Amatsu - Hikone -no- Mikoto, some - Hikone -no- Mikoto, Kumano -no- Kusubi -no- Mikoto.
Five men of God was born.

Amaterasu said.
"Originally, this necklace's mine. So God of this five people is my child. It is taking over all, and nurturing to."
"Ten handful of Sword thing of Susanoo. Three of the goddess please pick up the Susanoo."Three of the goddess, was called "Munakata three goddess".
Is a god of the sea to protect the peace of maritime traffic to the"mainland China and the Korean Peninsula."


Pledges of Susanoo

Susanoo appeared.
Amaterasu was questioning in fierce voice to Susanoo.
"Why you came to our country?
Have you come to take away our country? "
"I do not have a dirty mind.
I will head to the country of the dead in accordance with father and mother of instruction.
However, I wanted to meet in Sister before going.
I Sprinkle kick the clouds to block, came from far away.
I am surprised.
I did not think that says Sister harsh words violently."

Amaterasu said.
"If it is true, to what proved the pure heart of Susanoo?"
Susano said.
"Sister, let's pledge together.
And, pledge is trying to be sure to give birth to a child.
I am a dirty mind if ask birth to the girl.

I am a pure mind if ask birth to the boy. "


Amaterasu of combat preparation.

Amaterasu is divided in the middle hair is tied alongside ear, after hanging, summarized in the annulus.
The hem of the Clothes and tied with a rope, and was in hakama.
Like those of the necklace that big balls had been chosen, I was wrapped around the hair and arms.
Amaterasu is shouldering the arrow purse, put the Takatomo to arm, freshly shaken the bow, and clasped the sword hilt, and slams the feet on the ground, rolled up the soil.
And, Amaterasu was inspired himself in a loud voice.

When I shot an arrow in the bow, and a tool to intimidate the opponent out the hit high sound the strings.


Susanoo go to Takaamahara.

When Susanoo tried to climb to heaven, earth and the mountains were ringing.
Because the nature of the Susanoo is rugged, affecting around.
Amaterasu is, knew that rough personality of Susanoo.
And Amaterasu was also knew that the nature of Susanoo is not good.
Amaterasu is to see how the Susanoo comes doing rocked the heaven and earth, was terribly upset.
Amaterasu said.
"My brother Susanoo will come, it will not come in good heart.
Susanoo is trying to deprive the country.
Father and mother, ordered the respective role in children.
Each other is so as not to interfere.
Why Susanoo is discard their country, you come to our country. "
Amaterasu was carried out combat ready.


Long sleep of Izanami-no-mikoto.

Susanoo told father of Izanagi-no-mikoto.
"Dad, I according to the instructions, you go to the country of the dead.
However, I will go to Takaamahara before going to the country of the dead, I want to have a farewell to the sister of Amaterasu. "
Izanagi-no-mikoto said.
"It is good"
Susanoo is to obtain the forgiveness of his father, ascended to Takaamahara.

After this, Izanagi-no-mikoto was to finish all the work of God in "Toyoashiharanakatukuni".
Izanagi-no-mikoto was trying to go to "the other world".
Izanagi-no-mikoto built a temple to subside in Awaji.
And in subside Miya, Izanagi-no-mikoto went into a long sleep.


Beginning of sericulture

Amaterasu heard a report from Amanokumahito rejoiced very.
"These things, we need to people to live."
Millet, Japanese barnyard millet, wheat, beans were planted to make the field.
The seeds of rice were planted to make the rice paddies.
Amaterasu will determine the length, was managing the fields and rice paddies.
When it comes to autumn, ear is also 8 handful, grew larger.
Amaterasu is to see it, great joy, was often the very mood.
Also, Amaterasu contained a cocoon of silkworm in the mouth.
And was able to make the yarn from the mouth.
This came to sericulture can be.
And I began to make the silk thread.


Beginning of the five grains

Report the received Amaterasu was angry very.
Amaterasu is said to Tsukuyomi.
I think "I have bad Tsukuyomi.
I do not want to meet to Tsukuyomi. "
Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi became as not to meet.
Amaterasu lived to noon.
Tsukuyomi lived at night.

Amaterasu is called the Amanokumabito.
Amaterasu was ordered to go to see the Ukemochinokami to Amanokumabito.
Amanokumabito descended to Ashihara Nakatsu Kuni, was confirmed Ukemochinokami.
Ukemochinokami was dead.
But the surprising phenomenon was happening.
Cattle and horses were born from the head of Ukemochinokami.
Foxtail millet was growing on top of the forehead.
Silkworm was born on top of the eyebrow.
Japanese barnyard millet had flies from the eye.
Rice plants grew from stomach.
Wheat and soybeans and red beans had grown from the pubic region.
Amanokumabito brought back all of these.
And, Amanokumabito was reported to Amaterasu.


God of food. Ukemochinokami

Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi is was working in Takaamahara.
Amaterasu is said to Tsukuyomi.
I hear that there are Ukemochino God to "Ashihara Nakatsu countries.
Tsukuyomi Please have been confirmed. "
Tsukuyomi landed in Ashihara Nakatsu countries.
And Tsukuyomi met God Ukemochino.
Ukemochino God was turning the neck towards the land.
Rice came out of the mouth.
Ukemochino God was turning the neck towards the sea.
Large and small fish came out of the mouth.
Ukemochino God was turning the neck towards the mountain.
Meat came out of the mouth.
Ukemochino God arranged the various things on the desk.
And Ukemochino God was welcome the Tsukuyomi.
But Tsukuyomi was angry and disappointed.
"Is it to feed me the things that were out of the filthy. Neck?"
If you say so, Tsukuyomi unplug the sword, was killed off the God Ukemochino.
Tsukuyomi was reported to Amaterasu to return to Takaamahara..


First volume Era of God. Dramatis personae

God appeared in the very first.

God appeared to the second.

God appeared in the third.

God appeared in the fourth.

God appeared in the fifth.

God appeared in the sixth.

God appeared in the seventh.

God appeared in the eighth.

God appeared in the 9th.

God appeared to ten second.
Izanami-no-mikoto brother, husband.

God appeared to the eleven th.
Izanagi-no-mikoto sister, wife.


Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto of the child.
God of the wind

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto of the child.

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto of the child.
Sea of gods

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto of the child.
Mountain gods

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto of the child.
Gods of the Strait

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto of the child.
Gods of tree

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto of the child.
Genie of grass, genie of field.

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto of the child.
God of soil

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto of the child.
God of fire

Demon of a woman who is in Hades country is a country of the dead. Or woman who was unclean.



Purification ceremony

Izanagi-no-mikoto has been safely returned from the country of the dead.
Izanagi-no-mikoto said.
"Somehow come back to the. Land of the Dead was terribly dirty place.
It must be washed off the dirt of the body. "
Izanagi-no-mikoto had outfall of the river to Tsukushinokuni Hyuga (Kyushu) (Miyazaki Prefecture).
The name of the place, "AwaHara of Tachibana".
Izanagi-no-mikoto was a purification ceremony at the "AwaHara of Tachibana".
Izanagi-no-mikoto said it aloud.
"Upstream of the rapids is very fast flowing.
Downstream of the rapids is very weak flow. "
Izanagi-no-mikoto washed the body in the middle of the rapids.
Izanagi-no-mikoto was born God when you're washing the body.
The name "Yasomagatsuhinokami."
Then, God was born in an attempt to fix the dirt.
The name "Kamunaohinokami".
God was born in a row.
The name "Oonaohinokami".
Izanagi-no-mikoto washed the body and diving the bottom of the river.
Izanagi-no-mikoto was born God when you're washing the body.
The name "Sokotsu- wadatsumi-no-mikoto".
Then God was born.
The name "Sokotsutsuo-no-mikoto".
Izanagi-no-mikoto washed the body and dived into the river.
Izanagi-no-mikoto was born God when you're washing the body.
The name "Nakatsu Wadatsumi-no-mikoto"
Then God was born.
The name "Nakatsutsuo-no-mikoto"
Izanagi-no-mikoto washed your body as you float in the river. Izanagi-no-mikoto was born God when you're washing the body. The name "Uwatsu Wadatsumi-no-mikoto". Then God was born. The name "Uwatsutsuo-no-mikoto". Was a total of 9 God born. "Sokotsutsuo-no-mikoto", "Nakatsu Tsuo-no-mikoto", "Uwatsutsuo-no-mikoto" is enshrined in the shrine Sumiyoshi. "Sokotsu-Wadatsumi-no-mikoto", "Nakatsu Wadatsumi-no-mikoto", "Uwatsu-Wadatsumi-no-mikoto" is, Azumi clan is worshiped.


Eternal farewell.

Izanagi-no-mikoto was the Pissing toward the big tree.
This has become a major river.
Izanami-no-mikoto and Yomotsuhisame has been across the river.
When Izanami-no-mikoto and Yomotsuhisame're in the middle of the river, Izanagi-no-mikoto got to the hill that lies between the Land of the Dead and the living of the country.
Is the name of the hill "Yomotsuhirasaka".
Izanagi-no-mikoto's blocking the road of Yomotsuhirasaka a large rock.
The name of the big rock "Chibikinoiwa".
Across the Chibikinoiwa, Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto was confronted.
Izanagi-no-mikoto said.
"You died, sadness, came to the Land of the Dead and yearning. I was a wimp. I will to cut off all of the edge here."
Izanami-no-mikoto said.
The "love Husbands. So if you say so, I'll kill each thousand person per day the people of the country in which you govern."
Izanagi-no-mikoto said.
And "loving wife, So if you say so, I try to lay 1,500 people a day."
When Izanami-no-mikoto tried to step forward one step, Izanagi-no-mikoto said.
"Do not go than this."
Izanagi-no-mikoto, when say so, threw a stick that had.
The name of this cane is "Funatonokami". Alias ​​"Saenokami".
Izanagi-no-mikoto is to solve the band, threw.
The name of this band is "Nagachiwanokami".
Izanagi-no-mikoto took off the clothes you are wearing, threw.
The name of this outfit is "Wazurainokami".
Izanagi-no-mikoto took off the underwear, threw.
The name of this underwear is "Akikuinokami".
Izanagi-no-mikoto took off the shoes you wore, threw.
The name of this shoe is "Chishikinokami".

According to one theory, Yomotsuhirasaka is, is everywhere.
Appear when it was dying.
Or to say it's state when that became dying.
Blocking big rock is in represents the entrance of God's Land of the Dead.
The name of this God "Chigaeshinokami".


Counterattack of Izanagi-no-mikoto.

Izanagi-no-mikoto to escape from the woman of the demon "Yomotsuhisame". 
Izanagi-no-mikoto is, was almost caught up in Yomotsuhisame. 
At that time, Izanagi-no-mikoto threw the hair ornaments of vines that had been attached to the hair. 
Hair ornaments of vines became grapes. 
8 people Yomotsuhisame ate picked up by looking at the grapes. 
Izanagi-no-mikoto was able to earn a little time. 
When the eight Yomotsuhisame is finished eating, also I was chasing. 
Izanagi-no-mikoto was then threw the comb. 
Comb became a bamboo shoots. 
8 people Yomotsuhisame ate disconnect the bamboo shoots. 
Izanagi-no-mikoto was able Segi is a little time. 
8 people Yomotsuhisame When finished eating the bamboo shoots, also chased. 
From behind the eight Yomotsuhisame, Izanami-no-mikoto that trimmed the Dressing has been chasing.


The chase of the dead Izanami-no-mikoto

In a move that escape of Izanagi-no-mikoto, Izanami-no-mikoto woke up. 
Izanami-no-mikoto, said while resentment. 
"Do How did broke the promise? 
And promised not to peep. 
Do you have a peep Why? 
Why was humiliate me. "

Izanami-no-mikoto was angry. 
Izanami-no-mikoto was allowed to chase to eight people woman of demons. 
Name of the woman of demons "Yomotsuhisame". 

Izanagi-no-mikoto is drew his sword, while restrain the "Yomotsuhisame", escaped. 
Sometimes, fled while shake off the sword.


The figure of the dead.

Izanagi-no-mikoto is, Izanami-no-mikoto was worrisome.
Izanagi-no-mikoto did not Protect the was told of Izanami-no-mikoto "Please do not look at the sleeping face".
Izanagi-no-mikoto is, sneak out a comb, folding the large teeth of the end, was ignited.
Comb in the place of the torch, it was light of the Izanami-no-mikoto.
Sleeping Izanami-no-mikoto, the pus flows from the body, maggots had infested.
Izanagi-no-mikoto is hard to amazed, exclaimed.
"I wonder had come to what filthy country!"
Izanagi-no-mikoto was hastily escaped.


Country of the dead.

Izanagi-no-mikoto did not forget of Izanami-no-mikoto. 
And also burnt to death, and dear love. 
Izanagi-no-mikoto can either follow the dead Izanami-no-mikoto, went to the country of the dead. 
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto in the country of the dead talked. 
Izanami-no-mikoto "dear husband by, was slow to come. I ate the food of the dead of the country. It is not possible anymore anyhow." 
Izanagi-no-mikoto tried to talk still. 
Izanami-no-mikoto "dear husband'm, I go to bed anymore. Good night. Oh, do not look the sleeping face."
Izanami-no-mikoto is, went to bed.


Death of Izanami

When the fire of God "Kagu-tsuchi" was born, mother Izanami-no-mikoto died wrapped the body in flames. 

Izanagi-no-mikoto is love Izanami-no-mikoto is death, grief, was enraged. 
And, Izanagi-no-mikoto, said the resentment to Kagu-tsuchi. 
"Only for Kagu-tsuchi, I had to sacrifice his beloved wife!" 
Izanagi-no-mikoto is crawling around the corpse of Izanami-no-mikoto, cry, shed tears sadness. 

Tears of the grief has become God. 
Is Nakisawa-no-me-no-mikoto.


Kagu-tsuchi killing.

Izanagi-no-mikoto was enraged. 
Izanagi-no-mikoto was killed off the sword "in Kagu-tsuchi that was hung on the waist. 
Sword of the name ten grip of the sword "Amanoohabari". 

Izanagi-no-mikoto is too much of the anger, the Kagu-tsuchi was divided into three parts. 
Three parts of Kagu-tsuchi became God, respectively. 

Fallen blood from the sword is on the banks of "Amanoyasukawa", a lot of rock was born. 

God was born from the blood that fall from the collar of the sword 
mikahayahi-no-kami was born. Next hihayahi-no-kami was born. 

God was born from the blood that fall from the sword of earlier 
Iwasaku -no-kami, Nesaku -no-kami, is Iwatsutsunoo -no-kami was born. 

God was born from the blood that fall from the sword pommel. 
Kuraokami was born. Next Kurayamatsumi was born. Finally Kuramitsuha was born. 


Susanoo birth.

Next Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth to "Susanoonomikoto".
Susanoonomikoto is, bravely, violently, was brutal.
However, Susanoonomikoto had always barking.
The fear in the voice of Susanoonomikoto, many people died young.
Also the voice, was wither the green mountains.
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto told Susanoonomikoto.
"You're outrageous.
We believe that you will governing the world.
It was a mistake.
We will not allow that you are here.
You go to the country of the dead. "

Susanoonomikoto was expelled.

Susanoo From Wikimedia Commons



Next Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth to "Hiruko".
Hiruko was not able to stand even after the lapse of three years.
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto was consulted.
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto, you can put the Hiruko to "Amano Iwa Kusu Fune", was poured into the river.
Amano Iwa Kusu Fune is boat that was made with sturdy camphor tree.


Tsukuyomi birth.

Next Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto gave birth to the moon god.
When you were born, Beautiful of light next to Amaterasu.
The name Tsukuyomi-no-mikoto.
The attempt to the work of "Takaamahara" with God of the sun Amaterasu.
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto was escorted to heaven "Tsukuyomi-no-mikoto" using the "heavenly pillar".


Amaterasu birth.

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto talked.
"We, gave birth to" Ooyashima of the country "and mountains, rivers, grass-tree. Soon, it must lay persons who govern them "
Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth to the god of the sun.
The name "Amaterasu - Oomikami".

"Amaterasu - Oomikami" is, in the birth, it is a gorgeous, had been wrapped in light.
"Ooyashima of the country" was over shine.
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto talked.
"Our children are a lot. But, so strange child's first time.
It is not good to keep this child between here long.
Ask them to work of Takamagahara.

This time still, the heavens and the earth it was not far off.
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto, use the "heavenly pillar" "Amaterasu - Oomikami" a was escorted to the heavens.



The birth of the gods.

After that gave birth to a land of Ooyashima (Japan), I said.
"Our gave birth land, is covered with fog. But it's a good country."
Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto is looking at the country in which they had made​​, was indulged in deep emotion.
After rested a little, Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto gave birth to nature.

Izanagi-no-mikoto was exhales in order to remove the fog.
Breath Izanagi-no-mikoto blew became God.
God of the wind was born.
The name is "Shinatobe-no-mikoto".
This God had the alias name. It was also called "Shinatsuhiko-no-mikoto".

Izanagi-no-mikoto Izanagi-no-mikoto is hungry, there was a time when there is no energy.
God was born at that time.
Name is "Ukanomitama-no-mikoto".

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto is, gave birth to the sea gods.
Name is "Wadatsumi-no-mikoto".

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto is, gave birth to the gods of the Strait.
Name is "Hayaakitsuhi-no-mikoto".

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto is, gave birth to a mountain god people.
Name is "Yamatsumi".

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto is, gave birth to gods of wood.
Name is "kukunochi".

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto is, gave birth to the gods of grass.
Name is "Kaya-no-hime".
"Kaya-no-hime" was also referred to as the Elemental of the field.

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto is, gave birth to the gods of the soil.
Name is "Haniyasu-no-kami".

And then, all things were born.

Izanagi-no-mikoto and Izanami-no-mikoto was consulted. 
"We, gave birth to Ooyashima (Japan), gave birth to mountains, rivers, grass, trees. 
I want to give birth to those who govern Japan. "


The birth of Japan's Land

Awaji Island was born first.
Awaji was unsatisfactory can.
Izanami-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto was ashamed.

Next, Ooyamato-toyoakitsu island was born. It is an island called Yamato later.

Next Futana Island was born. It is an island called Shikoku later.

Then Tsukushi Island was born. It is an island called Kyushu later.

Next twins of Sado Island and Oki was born.

Next Koshi Island was born.  It is said to Hokuriku later.

Next Oshima was born.

Next Kibi-no-koshima was born.  It is said to Kashima peninsula later.

This country of Ooyashima was able. Shape of Japan finished.

Tsushima Island, of Ikishima, other, could tide has solidified. 

Or I was able water is solidified.


Ritual to create a national land. Second time.

In the center of the country "onokoro" island, Izanami-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto began around. 
2 God met. 
This time, Izanagi-no-mikoto of God of man as he calls ahead. 
"Oh, what's cute woman. Glad." 
And, Izanagi-no-mikoto heard to Izanami-no-mikoto of God of woman. 
"Is there a part Features specific to your body?" 

Izanami-no-mikoto said. 
"In my body, there is a hole leading to the inside of the body" 

Izanagi-no-mikoto said. 
"In my body, there is a projection. And trying to coalesce, and projection of me, a hole in you." 

Izanami-no-mikoto and Izanagi-no-mikoto coalesced. 
Became husband and wife.


Ritual to create a national land

"Izanagino-mikoto", "Izanamino-mikoto" has landed in the "Onokoro" island. 
"Izanagino-mikoto", "Izanamino-mikoto" is, decided to become a couple, to produce the country. 
The couple at the center to make the country a "Onokoro" island. 
I made ​​a pillar on the island. And, 2 God was marriage bed. 
"Izanagino-mikoto" was around from the left, the pillars. 
"Izanamino-mikoto" was around from the right, the pillar. 
2 God met. 

2 God said it met. 
"Izanamino-mikoto" said. "I'm glad, you're a fine young man" 

"Izanagino-mikoto" said. "I am a man. Man should say earlier. Why what you said earlier. This is not good. Let us once again."


Onokoro-jima  Creation of the country.

Creation of the country.
The "Izanagino-mikoto", "Izanamino-mikoto" had been consulted on the bridge across the heavens.

"Under the bridge of heaven, the bottom most, there will be a land."
"Izanagino-mikoto" was saying.
A long spear that was decorated with jade, and the mixture was stirred under a bridge.
The name of the spear is "Amano-nuhoko".
"Izanagino-mikoto" is stir, big big, blue blue sea is found.
The name of the sea is "Aounabara".
Since the sea was agitated, seawater was attached to the spear.
Sea water drips, and solidified, the island was able to.
The name of the island is "Onokoro".

Izanami and izanagi From Wikimedia Common


The birth of the gods."Kamiyo 7's"

Heaven and earth began to form.
It seemed the earth float, even to as drifting.
Like, fish are swimming, was similar to the figure which is floating on the water.
Still, it was the state that the heavens and the earth is not separated enough.
Under such circumstances, "things there" was born in the heavens and the earth.
At first glance, the form was like "Bud of the reed." 
Soon, "something like the bud of reeds" became God.
It's the birth of "Kunino-tokotachino-mikoto".
"Kunino-tokotachino-mikoto" is born, God was born one after another.
Was born next, "Kunino-satsuchino-mikoto", "Toyokumununo-mikoto".
3 God was born into the world.

After 3 God, through the years, God 2 "Uijinino-mikoto" and "Suijinino-mikoto" was born. 
Through the years of after a while also, of God 2, 4 God "Ootonojino-mikoto", "Ootomabeno-mikoto", "Omodaruno-mikoto" and "Kashikoneno-mikoto" was born. 
After 4 God, and over the years more, 2 God "Izanagino-mikoto" and "Izanamino-mikoto" was born. 
After 3 God, a total of 8 God was born. 
This 8 God, there were features of a man and a woman. Was androgynous.
From "Kunitokotachino-mikoto" era "Izanagino-mikoto" to "Izanamino-mikoto" is "Kamiyo 7's".


The beginning of the world.

Once upon a time, long ago. 
Time the Earth was born, the heavens and the earth, had not been clearly distinguished. 
If you compare, it was not hardened to like yolk and white of raw egg. 
There, there was "something like the heaven" and "something like the earth". 
Still, it's the Earth that is not born anything. 
"Things like heaven" is rough, "also like earth" had repeatedly ringing. 
The state has passed many years, "something like the earth" and "things like heaven" began to calm. 
Those with heavy color became earth. 
It is clear, having no color, became heaven. 
Those colored heavy, it took time to harden up. 
So, heaven can be earlier, the earth was able to later. 

And, God was born.




In Japan, there are "Chronicles" and "Kojiki". 
"Chronicles" is history books. 
"Kojiki" is works of literature. 

How Japan or was born. 
Also, what kind of historical perspective. 
I think through the "Chronicles", would like to know. 

As much as possible, and translated into English. 
Proper noun is still Japanese. 
Representation of the Japanese unique, has been simplified as much as possible. 

This story is a "super-translation Chronicles".